Dear friend, here you'll find my translation of «Sta' cheto, sta' cheto, Satanasso, levati di costí, e sta' cheto!»: «Be quiet, be quiet, Satanasso (i.e. the name of the devil "Satana" with a pejorative termination), get off from here, and be quiet!», Bye and good work. --Cloj 11:29, 9 mar 2010 (CET)Rispondi

Thanks alot my friend! Your translation is so useful for the article, and I am so happy that you could translate it. You see, I had already asked my "real life" Italian neighbours, and they couldn't. Thanks! /Axel Kockum (msg) 16:18, 9 mar 2010 (CET)Rispondi

It was a real pleasure for me. However in the future it will be more useful if you can give me an answer on my Page of Discussion directly. Bye. --Cloj 19:21, 9 mar 2010 (CET)Rispondi