Episodi di Tarzan (serie televisiva 1991) (prima stagione)

lista di episodi della prima stagione
Titolo originale Titolo italiano Prima TV Francia Prima TV Italia
1 Tarzan and the Caves of Darkness 6 ottobre 1991
2 Tarzan's Journey to Danger
3 Tarzan and the Picture of Death
4 Tarzan and the Pirate Treasure
5 Tarzan in the Sacred Cave
6 Tarzan and the Killer Lion
7 Tarzan the Hunted
8 Tarzan's Eleventh Hour
9 Tarzan and the Savage Storm
10 Tarzan and the Mystic Caves
11 Tarzan and the Silent Child
12 Tarzan and the Golden Egg
13 Tarzan and the Poisoned Water
14 Tarzan's Christmas
15 Tarzan and the Unwelcome Guest
16 Tarzan and the River of Doom
17 Tarzan and the Extra-Terrestrials
18 Tarzan and the Orphan
19 Tarzan and the Deadly Gift
20 Tarzan and the Test of Friendship
21 Tarzan Tames the Bronx
22 Tarzan and the Woman of Steel
23 Tarzan and the Enemy Within
24 Tarzan and the Killer's Revenge
25 Tarzan in the Eye of the Hurricane 17 maggio 1992
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