Geoffrey Grigson

poeta britannico

Geoffrey Edward Harvey Grigson (Pelynt, 2 marzo 1905Broad Town, 25 novembre 1985) è stato un poeta britannico.



Sotto l'influsso di Wystan Hugh Auden scrisse Sotto la scogliera (1943), ma successivamente adottò una tecnica più matura e raffinata, come emerge da Legenda Suecana (1953).

Negli ultimi anni si dedicò a saggi come Christopher Smart (1961), sul poeta britannico.

Era sposato con la scrittrice Jane Grigson.

  • Several Observations (1939)
  • Under the Cliff, and Other Poems (1943)
  • Henry Moore (1944)
  • Wild Flowers in Britain (1944)
  • The Isles of Scilly and Other Poems (1946)
  • The Mint: a Miscellany of Literature, Art and Criticism (1946)
  • Samuel Palmer: the Visionary Years (1947)
  • Wild Flowers in Britain (1947)
  • John Craxton. Paintings and Drawings (1948)
  • An English Farmhouse and Its Neighbourhood (1948)
  • Places of the Mind (1949)
  • The Crest on the Silver: an Autobiography (1950)
  • The Victorians: an Anthology (1950)
  • Flowers of the Meadow (1950)
  • Thornton's Temple of Flora (1951)
  • Essays From the Air: 29 Broadcast Talks (1951)
  • A Master of Our Time: a Study of Wyndham Lewis (1951)
  • Gardenage, or the Plants of Ninhursaga (1952)
  • Legenda Suecana. Twenty-odd Poems (1953)
  • Freedom of the Parish (1954)
  • The Englishman's Flora (1955)
  • The Shell Guide to Flowers of the Countryside (1955)
  • Painted Caves (1957)
  • The Shell Guide to Trees and Shrubs (1958)
  • English Villages in Colour (1958)
  • Looking and Finding (1958)
  • The Shell Guide to Wild Life (1959)
  • A Herbal of All Sorts (1959)
  • The Cherry Tree (1959)
  • English Excursions (1960)
  • Samuel Palmer's Valley of Vision (1960)
  • The Shell Country Book (1962)
  • Poets in Their Pride (1962)
  • Gerard Manley Hopkins (1962)
  • Collected Poems 1924–1962 (1963)
  • O Rare Mankind! (1963)
  • The Shell Nature Book (1964)
  • Shapes and Stories con Jane Grigson (1965)
  • The Shell Country Alphabet (1966)
  • William Allingham's Diary (1967)
  • A Skull in Salop, and Other Poems (1967)
  • An Ingestion of Ice Cream and Other Poems (1969)
  • Shapes and People – A Book about Pictures (1969)
  • Poems and Poets (1969)
  • Notes from an Odd Country (1970)
  • Discoveries of Bones and Stones (1971)
  • Sad Grave of an Imperial Mongoose (1973)
  • The First Folio (1973)
  • The Contrary View: Glimpses of Fudge and Gold (1974)
  • A Dictionary of English Plant Names (and some products of plants) (1974)
  • Angles and Circles and Other Poems (1974)
  • Britain Observed: the Landscape Through Artists' Eyes (1975)
  • The Goddess of Love: The Birth, Triumph, Death and Return of Aphrodite (1978)
  • History of Him (1980)
  • Blessings, Kicks and Curses: a critical collection (1982)
  • Collected Poems 1963–1980 (1982)
  • The Private Art: a Poetry Notebook (1982)
  • The Cornish Dancer and Other Poems (1982)
  • Geoffrey Grigson's Countryside (1982)
  • Recollections, Mainly of Writers and Artists (1984)
  • The English Year from Diaries and Letters (1984)
  • Country Writings (1984)
  • Montaigne's Tower and Other Poems (1984)
  • Persephone's Flowers and Other Poems (1986)

Premi e riconoscimenti

  1. ^ (EN) Previous winners, su URL consultato il 4 maggio 2020 (archiviato dall'url originale il 22 dicembre 2020).

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