John Watson Aldridge

scrittore statunitense

James Watson Aldridge (Sioux City, 22 settembre 1922Madison, 7 febbraio 2007) è stato uno scrittore statunitense.

Provocò scompiglio nella critica letteraria americana attaccando nelle sue opere la tradizione accademica. Aldridge fu uno dei più significativi scrittori della seconda metà del XX secolo.

  • After the lost generation; a critical study of the writers of two wars. (1951)
  • Critiques and essays on modern fiction, 1920–1951, representing the achievement of modern American and British critics; with a foreword by Mark Schorer. (1952)
  • In search of heresy; American literature in an age of conformity. (1956)
  • Party at Cranton. (1960)
  • Time to murder and create: the contemporary novel in crisis. (1966)
  • In the country of the young. (1970)
  • Devil in the fire; retrospective essays on American literature and culture, 1951-1971. (1972)
  • American novel and the way we live now. (1983)
  • Classics & contemporaries. (1992)
  • Talents and technicians : literary chic and the new assembly-line fiction. (1992)

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Controllo di autoritàVIAF (EN110204048 · ISNI (EN0000 0001 1082 5485 · Europeana agent/base/118290 · LCCN (ENn50035560 · GND (DE122503503 · BNF (FRcb12197273x (data) · J9U (ENHE987007271524905171