Progetto:WikiDonne/Liste voci mancanti/Donne nate nel VI secolo

Donne non presenti in itwiki nate nel VI secolo
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number Wikidata sitelinks nome immagine descrizione data di nascita data di morte
1 Q2736992 23 Sumayyah bint Khayyat
0550 0615
2 Q711427 18 Zhao di Pingyang principessa cinese 0598 0623-03-14
3 Q1145034 16 Lubaba bint al-Harith 0593 0655
4 Q2740828 15 Safiyyah bint ‘Abd al-Muttalib
0570 0640
5 Q4873443 13 Baudonivia monaca 05th century 06th century
6 Q5950714 10 Gordiya
05th century
7 Q12184761 10 Umm Hakim bint Abdul Muttalib 050s
8 Q1066855 9 Empress Dugu Qieluo 0544 0602-09-10
9 Q1066885 9 Empress Xiao 0566
10 Q3268509 9 Empress Ashina 0551 0582
11 Q10889741 9 Daughter of Emperor Xiaoming of Northern Wei 0528-02-12 No/unknown value
12 Q4783358 8 Arabia 0550
13 Q6470671 8 Lady of Ch'iao Kuo
0516 0602
14 Q6470694 8 Lady of Tikal
0504-09-01 No/unknown value
15 Q698584 7 Lady of the fishies
0577 0605
16 Q711647 7 Consort Zhang Lihua
0559 0589
17 Q712175 7 Empress Liu Jingyan 0534 0616
18 Q1025219 7 Khawla al-Hanafiyya 0584
19 Q1079575 7 Empress Dowager Lou Zhaojun 0501 0562
20 Q3110342 7 Gormatrude
0598 0630
21 Q3548104 7 Ultrogothe
0510 050s
22 Q4207224 7 Empress Dugu 05th century 0558
23 Q5765874 7 Hind bint Awf 05th century
24 Q6694896 7 Lu Lingxuan politica cinese 05th century 0577
25 Q456811 6 Nicarete
05th century 0440
26 Q603765 6 Feng Xiaolian
05th century 0581
27 Q703117 6 Empress Shen Wuhua 05th century 06th century
28 Q712190 6 Zhang Yao'er 0506 0570
29 Q1017992 6 Empress Erzhu Ying'e 05th century 0556
30 Q1022104 6 Empress Yifu 0510 0540
31 Q3109231 6 Glossinde de Metz
32 Q3155217 6 Allia Potestas 05th millenium
33 Q3269762 6 Empress Yuan Humo 05th century 0616
34 Q3405065 6 Saint Materiana
05th century
35 Q5374651 6 Empress Yuwen 05th century 0554
36 Q5580774 6 Golindouch martire cristiana 05th century 0591
37 Q16198541 6 Fanchea
05th century 0585
38 Q492106 5 Nutayla bint Janab 0537
39 Q699737 5 Empress Li Zu'e 05th century
40 Q702902 5 Shen Miaorong 05th century 0605
41 Q703142 5 Empress Wang 05th century 050s
42 Q843600 5 Yang Lihua 0561 0609
43 Q855758 5 Empress Zhu Manyue 0547 0586
44 Q855811 5 Empress Chen Yueyi 0565 0650
45 Q985910 5 Empress Yuchi Chifan 0566 0595
46 Q985915 5 Empress Yuan Leshang 0565 06th century
47 Q1017986 5 Empress Dowager Li Ezi 0536 0588
48 Q1568073 5 Menia
05th century
49 Q3330453 5 Basina, daughter of Chilperic I 0560 0620
50 Q4308218 5 Dou 0569
51 Q4454645 5 Teneu 05th century 06th century
52 Q5374650 5 Empress Yujiulü 0525 0540
53 Q9138811 5 Acha 05th century
06th century
06th century
07th century
54 Q10877808 5 Princess Yicheng 05th century 0630
55 Q11944484 5 Ragnahilda 05th century 06th century
56 Q12298102 5 Chlodosind 0575 No/unknown value
57 Q23904870 5 Zaynab bint Madhun 05th century 06th century
58 Q30936176 5 Sambice 05th century
59 Q936150 4 Endellion
05th century 05th century
60 Q1919604 4 Ermelinda religiosa e santa cristiana brabantina 0510 0590
61 Q2870718 4 Eodez of Tremazan 05th century 0545
62 Q5163343 4 Consort Dowager Cao 05th century 0562
63 Q5374522 4 Empress Gao 05th century
64 Q5374520 4 Empress Gao 05th century
65 Q5374588 4 Empress Ruogan 05th century
66 Q5374593 4 Empress Sima Lingji 05th century 06th century
67 Q5374611 4 Empress Wang 05th century 0563
68 Q5970020 4 Princess Fengyi 05th century 050s
69 Q11597250 4 Anahobe no Hashihito no Himemiko No/unknown value
70 Q12621768 4 Princess Pyeonggang 05th century
71 Q70252122 4 Hildoara 05th century
72 Q75863592 4 Perozdukht 05th century