Sindrome post-terapia intensiva: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 77:
* {{cite web | title=COVID-19 Patients at High Risk of Post–Intensive Care Syndrome | website=Mass General Advances in Motion | date=27 May 2020 | url= | ref={{sfnref | Mass General Advances in Motion | 2020}} | access-date=25 October 2020}}
* {{cite web | last=Arnold | first=Carrie | title=After the ICU: A 'Fraternity of People Who Are Struggling' | website=Medscape | date=18 June 2020 | url= | access-date=25 October 2020}}
* {{cite web | title=Post-ICU Syndrome: Identifying Challenges and Improving Mortality | website=Psychiatry Advisor | date=23 August 2019 | url= | ref={{sfnref | Psychiatry Advisor | 2019}} | access-date=25 October 2020}}