La Esmeralda (balletto): differenze tra le versioni

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== Riprese importanti ==
*[[Jules Perrot]] forper thel' [[Imperial Ballet]]. [[Imperial Bolshoi Kamenny Theatre]], [[St.San PetersburgPietroburgo]], [[2 Januarygennaio]] [[1849]]. Revived especially forAllestimento thespeciale Ballerinaper [[Fanny Elssler]]. Cesare Pugni revisedrivisitò hisla originalpartitura scoreoriginale forper thequesta productionproduzione.
*[[Marius Petipa]] forper theil Imperialballetto BalletImperiale in 4quattro actsatti ande 5cinque scenesscene. [[ImperialTeatro MariinskyImperiale TheatreMariinsky]], St.San PetersburgPietroburgo, [[17 Decemberdicembre]] [[1886]]. RevivedAllestimento especiallyspeciale forper thela Ballerinaballerina [[Virginia Zucchi]]. MusicalRevisione revisionmusicale ande additionalaggiunte di ''[[pas]]'' byfatte da [[Riccardo Drigo]]: — thela ''Danse bohème'' fordel Actprimo Iatto; ail ''[[adagio (ballet)|Grand adage]]'' foratto actsecondo, 2-sceneprima 1scena; thela ''Danse pour quatre danseuses'' ande auna ''[[coda (ballet)|Grand coda]]'' forper il the ''Pas de six'' ofatto actsecondo, 2-scenescena 2seconda.) Petipa addedaggiunse additionaldelle numbersdanze innel [[1866]] (aun ''Pas de deux'' forper thela Ballerinaballerina [[Claudina Cucchi]] thatche becamediventò knownnoto as thecome ''Pas Cucchi'' to thesu musicmusica ofdi Pugni), [[1871]], (aun ''Pas de dix'' forper thela Ballerinaballerina [[Eugenia Sokolova]] tosu themusica musicdi of [[Yuli Gerber]]), ande nel [[1872]] (aun ''Pas de cinq'' forper thela Ballerinaballerina [[Adèle Grantzow]] to musicsu bymusica andi unknowncompositore composerignoto).
== Important revivals ==
*[[Jules Perrot]] for the [[Imperial Ballet]]. [[Imperial Bolshoi Kamenny Theatre]], [[St. Petersburg]], 2 January 1849. Revived especially for the Ballerina [[Fanny Elssler]]. Cesare Pugni revised his original score for the production.
*[[Marius Petipa]] for the Imperial Ballet in 4 acts and 5 scenes. [[Imperial Mariinsky Theatre]], St. Petersburg, 17 December 1886. Revived especially for the Ballerina [[Virginia Zucchi]]. Musical revision and additional ''[[pas]]'' by [[Riccardo Drigo]] &mdash; the ''Danse bohème'' for Act I; a ''[[adagio (ballet)|Grand adage]]'' for act 2-scene 1; the ''Danse pour quatre danseuses'' and a ''[[coda (ballet)|Grand coda]]'' for the ''Pas de six'' of act 2-scene 2.) Petipa added additional numbers in 1866 (a ''Pas de deux'' for the Ballerina [[Claudina Cucchi]] that became known as the ''Pas Cucchi'' to the music of Pugni), 1871 (a ''Pas de dix'' for the Ballerina [[Eugenia Sokolova]] to the music of [[Yuli Gerber]]), and 1872 (a ''Pas de cinq'' for the Ballerina [[Adèle Grantzow]] to music by an unknown composer).
*Marius Petipa for the Imperial Ballet in 4 acts and 5 scenes. Imperial Mariinsky Theatre, St. Petersburg, 21 November 1899. Revived especially for the ''Prima Ballerina Assoluta'' [[Mathilde Kschessinskaya]]. Petipa added a new ''[[Pas d'action]]'' for Kschessinskaya to the music of Riccardo Drigo and Cesare Pugni that became known as the ''La Esmeralda Pas de Deux''.