Nobiltà svedese: differenze tra le versioni

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{{da tradurre|inglese|marzo 2006}}
La '''nobiltà svedese''' (''[[Adeln]]'') è stata storicamente una [[classe sociale|classe]] privilegiata in [[Svezia]].
Le famiglie nobili e i loro discendenti sono ancora parte della società svedese ma non godono più di specifici privilegi. La nobiltà svedese è organizzata in tre classi, secondo uno schema introdotto nel [[1561]]:
* [[conte]] (''greve'')
<!--Noble families and their descendants are still a part of Swedish society today, but do no longer retain any specific or granted privileges to speak of. The Swedish nobility is organized in to three classes according to a scheme introduced in [[1561]], where the classes are:
* [[countbarone]] (''([[greve]])friherre'')
* [[nobiltà]] senza titolo (''obetitlad adel'')
* [[baron]] ''([[friherre]])''
I [[Duchi delle province svedesi|Duchi di Svezia]] (''[[hertig]]'') sono sempre stati membri della famiglia reale.
* untitled [[nobility]] ''([[obetitlad adel]]).''
[[Dukes of Swedish Provinces|Swedish dukes]] ''([[hertig]])'' have always been royals and counted as such.
[[Image:Riddarhuset.jpg|thumb|250px|The [[House of Knights]].]]
Following the elevation into nobility by the [[Swedish monarch]], the key concept was that of introduction to ones peers at the [[House of Knights]] ''(Riddarhuset),'' which formerly was a chamber in the [[Riksdag of the Estates]], the Swedish Parliament. AfterDopo il [[1866]] the House ofla KnightsCasa serveddei asCavalieri anservì officialcome representationrappresentanza onufficiale thedella nobilitynobiltà regulated by the [[Government of Sweden|Swedish government]], but the regulation has decreased in step with the privileges. Virtually all noble families are introduced (with the exception of some members of foreign nobility that, while having been naturalized to the royal court, never has been introduced), and their members are listed in a calendar published every three years.
== MedievalNobiltà nobilitynel medioevo ==
La nobiltà in Svezia (e in [[Finlandia]]) risale al [[1280]] quando fu stabilito che chiunque avesse i mezzi economici per contribuire alla [[cavalleria]] con un cavaliere sarebbe stato esentato dalle tasse ordinarie, come il [[clero]] che già godeva di tale privilegio. Il termine arcaico svedese per indicare la nobiltà ''frälse'' si riferisce appunto a chi è esente da tasse (quindi anche al clero).
The nobility in Sweden (and [[Finland]]) dates back to [[1280]] when it was agreed that [[magnate]]s who could afford to contribute to the [[cavalry]] with a horse-soldier were to be exempted from tax - at least from ordinary taxes - as the [[clergy]] already had been. The archaic Swedish term for nobility, ''frälse,'' includes also the clergy while referring to their exemption from tax.
The background was that the old system of a ''[[leiðangr]]'' fleet and a king on constant travels in the realm (between the estates of [[Uppsala öd]]) became outmoded and in need of replacement. The [[The Crown|crown]]'s court and castles were now to be financed through taxes on land.
Fu anche stabilito che il re dovesse governare il regno in cooperazione con un [[Consiglio reale di Svezia|Consiglio Reale]] composto dai vescovi e dai nobili più importanti (quelli che fornivano più truppe all'esercito). Qundo dovevano essere prese decisioni importanti venivano convocati tutti i ''frälse''.
Soon it was also agreed that the king should govern the realm in cooperation with a [[Privy Council of Sweden|Privy Council]] (or Royal Council) where the bishops and the most distinguished among the magnates (i.e. the most prominent contributors to the army) participated. When troublesome decisions were necessary all of the ''frälse'' was summoned to [[diet (assembly)|diet]]s.
TheLa Swedishnobiltà nobilitysvedese hadnon no hereditarypossedeva [[fiefFeudo|feudi]]s ereditari. In case they were appointed to a castle of the crown's then their heirs couldn't claim their civil or military authority. The lands of the magnates who constituted the medieval nobility were their own and not "on lease" from a feudal king. If they by own means (including the suffering of the local peasantry) build a castle, and financed its troops, then the castle was theirs but the troops, of course, expected to serve as a part of the realm's army.
For extended periods the commander of [[Viborg]] at the border to [[Novgorod]]/[[Russia]] did in practice function as a [[margrave]], keeping all the crown's incomes from the fief to use for the defense of the realm's eastern border. But despite the heavy German influence during the medieval age the elaborate [[Graf|German system]] with titles such as Lantgraf, Reichsgraf, Burggraf and Pfalzgraf was never applied.
Line 52 ⟶ 51:
*[ Law on Privileges for the Nobility (1723)] - at Wikisource (''in Swedish'')
*[ Constitution for the House of Knights (1866)] - at Wikisource (''in Swedish'')-->
[[Categoria:Famiglie nobili svedesi]]
[[en:Swedish nobility]]