William Muir: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 6:
Ebbe sempre uno spiccato interesse per le questioni relative all'istruzione e fu essenzialmente grazie alle sue cure che il College centrale di [[Allahabad]], conosciuto come Muir College, fu edificato e sovvenzionato. Il Muir College divenne più tardi una parte dell'[[Università di Allahabad]]. Nel 1885 fu eletto Rettore dell'Università di [[Edimburgo]], succedendo a Sir [[Sir Alexander Grant, 10° Baronetto|Alexander Grant]] e occupò tale posto fino al 1903, quando andò in pensione.
Sir William Muir wasfu anun Orientalistorientalista specialisingspecializzato inmella thestoria historyaraba ofall'epoca the time ofdi [[MuhammadMaometto]] ande thedel earlyprimo [[caliphateCaliffato]]. HisI chiefsuoi booksprincipali arecontributi sono: ''[[A Life of Mahomet and History of Islam to the Era of the Hegira]]''; ''[[Annals of the Early Caliphate]]''; ''[[The Caliphate: Its rise, decline and fall|The Caliphate]]'', anun abridgmentcompendio andcon continuationuna ofprosecuzione thedegli ''Annals'', whichche bringsabbraccia theil recordperiodo downcompreso tofra thela fallcaduta ofdel theCaliffato caliphatee onl'inizio thedella onsetstoria ofislamica thesotto i Mongols[[Mongoli]]; ''[[The Koran: its Composition and Teaching]]'';<ref>[http://www.answering-islam.org/Books/Muir/Coran/index.htm ''The Corân : Its Composition and Teaching; And the Testimony It Bears To the Holy Scriptures''], by William Muir</ref> ande ''[[The Mohammedan Controversy]]'',:<ref>[http://www.answering-islam.org/Books/Muir/Controversy/index.htm ''The Mohammedan Controversy''] by William Muir</ref> auna reprintristampa ofdei fivecinque essayssaggi publishedpubblicati attra intervals betweenil 1885 ande il 1887. InNel 1888 hetenne deliveredla theconferenza ([[Rede lecture]]) ata [[University of Cambridge|Cambridge]] onsu ''The Early Caliphate and Rise of Islam''.
Viene accreditato da alcuni come l'inventore della frase "[[Versetti satanici]]".
He has been credited by some authors with inventing the phrase "the [[Satanic Verses]]".
HeFu wasfratello thedell'indologo brother of the indologist [[John Muir (indologist)|John Muir]]. HeSi marriedsposò innel 1840 con Elizabeth Huntly Wemyss (dm. 1897), andda hadcui fiveebbe sonscinque andfigli sixe daughters;sei fourfiglie, ofquattro hisdei sonsquali servedservirono in India, ande oneuno ofdi themessi, Colonelil [[Colonello]] A. M. Muir (dm. 1899), wasfu funzionario politico (Political Officer) forper Southil [[Baluchistan,]] andmeridionale wased actingera Britishancora Residentin attività come Residente britannico in [[Nepal]] when hequando diedmorì.
*''[[A Life of Mahomet and History of Islam to the Era of the Hegira]]''., 1858-1862., 4 Volsvoll.
*''[[A Life of Mahomet and History of Islam to the Era of the Hegira]]''. 2nd2rd ed. 1878, in 1 Volvol., xi+errata slip, xxviii, 624 pp. 3 fold-outmappe maps.pieghevoli, London:Londra, Smith, Elder, & Co.
*''[[A Life of Mahomet and History of Islam to the Era of the Hegira]]''. 3rd ed. 1894.
*''The Mameluke or Slave Dynasty of Egypt, 1260-1517 AD, end of the Caliphate''
*''[[The Caliphate: Its rise, decline and fall]]''
*''The ''[[ Apology of al-Kindy]]''
*''[[Annals of the Early Caliphate]]''
*''The Sources of Islam, A Persian Treatise'', by thedel Rev. W. St. Clair-Tisdall, translatedtrad. ande abridgedriduzione di by W. M. 1901., Edinburgh, T & T Clark, 1901.
*''Records of the Intelligence Department of the Government of the North-West Provinces of India during the Mutiny of 1857 including correspondence with the supreme government, Delhi, Cawnpore, and other places''. 1902., 2 volsvoll., Edinburgh, T & T Clark, 1902.
*''Two Old Faiths: Essays on the Religions of the Hindus and the Mohammedans''., J. Murray Mitchell and Sir William Muir. 1901., New York: Chautauqua Press, 1901.
*''Mahomet and Islam''
*''The Rise and Decline of Islam''
Riga 31:
*''The Beacon of Truth; or, Testimony of the Coran to the Truth of the Christian Religion''
*''The Teaching of the Coran''
== Note ==