Museo numismatico di Odessa: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 38:
==Mostre e progetti==
Il museo ospita mostre di monete e banconote antiche e moderne e su altre oggetti della storia dell'Ucraina.
The museum hosts many exhibitions of ancient and modern coins and banknotes, as well as other relics from Ukraine's ancient history. Information about them appears on the museum's website.-->
TraIn ilparticolare Vle emostre ilsono IVsulle secolo a.C. la maggior partemonete delle città greche della regione a nord del Mar Nero che tra il V e il IV secolo a.C. hanno in gran parte iniziato a coniare monete d'argento e bronzo: [[Olbia Pontica]], [[Tyras]], [[Chersoneso Taurico]], [[Panticapeo]], [[Phanagoria]], [[Nymphaion (Crimea)|Nymphaion]], [[Sindica]] e altre. Olbia e Panticapaeum hanno anche coniato monete auree. La coniazione è proseguita fino all'ultima metà del III secolo.
Olbian monetary art between the last third of the 5th century BC and the final quarter of the 4th century BC is characterized by a phenomenon typical of the Hellenistic era: secularization, promotion of aesthetic principles and the spread of an archaistic style enhancing the sacred nature of the image depicted.<ref>Vladimir P.Alexeev. "About Olbia's Monetary Art in the Classical and Early Hellenistic Time". [ ''International archeological journal "Stratum plus"'']. No.6, 1999 , pp 74-83. Issue of University "High Anthropological School". Kishinev. Republic of Moldova. ISBN 9975-9559-5-9.</ref>
<ref>V.P.Alexeev, P.G.Loboda "New Evidence for Olbia Numismatics". [ ''International archeological journal "Stratum plus"'']. No.6, 2009 , pp 271-286. Issue of University "High Anthropological School". Kishinev. Republic of Moldova. ISSN 1608-9057.</ref>
Besides its basic exhibition activity, the museum annually develops and produces a number of TV and related projects devoted to the history of Ukraine and Odessa.<ref>[ The International and Royal Council for European Orders of Chivalry and Honours]. Portraits of The Imperial House of Romanov.</ref>
In the early 1970s the museum first appeared in Odessa. It was given the name "Old Odessa" and set up in the watchtower of the old destroyed fortress located in Shevchenko Park. The founder and director of this museum became the well-known Odessa regional specialist and collector Rudolf Mikhailovich Tsiporkis. He was the foremost person with an encyclopedic knowledge regarding questions concerning Odessa's history. His collection of ancient postcards totaled more than 1,500 pieces. Rudolf Tsiporkis lived a long and interesting life and died in 1999 at the age of 90. Appreciating the memory of a remarkable Odessan, and continuing the business he began, the Odessa Numismatics Museum in 1999 organized an exhibition of postcards and other historical documents which was given the name the Gallery "Old Odessa". Several TV programmes on the culture of Odessa and its history have been based on this collection.
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