Mo'inoddin Cishti: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 47:
[[Qutbuddin Bakhtiar Kaki]] (m. 1235) e Hamiduddin Nagori (m. 1276) furono i lodati "califfi" (ossia "successori") di Mo'inoddin Cishti, che continuarono a trasmettere gli insegnamenti del loro Maestro ai loro discepoli, comportando la diffusa proliferazione dell'ordine della Cishtiyya in India.
Among Quṭbuddīn Baktiar Kaki's prominent disciples was Fariduddin Ganjshakar (d. 1265), whose [[dargah]] is at [[Pakpattan]], modern [[Pakistan]]. Fariduddin's most famous disciple was Nizamuddin Auliya (d. 1325) popularly referred to as Mahbūb-e Ilāhī "God's beloved", whose dargah is located in South Delhi. Equally famous was his other disciple Ali Ahmed Alauddin Sabir whose dargah is in Kalyar Sharif. The Sabiri silsila is spread far and wide in India and Pakistan and to this day devotees and their descendants add the title of Sabri to their names.
Tra i discepoli di maggior rilievo di Quṭbuddīn Baktiar Kaki ci fu Fariduddin Ganjshakar (m. 1265), il cui [[dargah]] si trova a [[Pakpattan]] (moderno [[Pakistan]]). Il più noto discepolo di Fariduddin fu Nizamuddin Auliya (m. 1325) cui popolarmente ci si riferisce come ''Maḥbūb-e Ilāhī'' "L'Amato da Dio", il cui dargah è collocato nella parte meridionale di Delhi. Parimenti famoso fu il suo altro discepolo Ali Ahmed Alauddin Sabir, il cui dargah è a Kalyar Sharif. La ''[[silsila]]'' Sabiri si diffuse in lungo e in largo in India e Pakistan e a tutt'oggi devoti e discendenti dei santi uomini aggiungono il titolo onorifico di "Sabri" al loro nome.
From Delhi, disciples branched out, establishing dargahs in several regions of South Asia, from [[Sindh]] in the west to [[Bengal]] in the east and the [[Deccan Plateau]] in the south. But from all the network of Chishti dargahs, the Ajmer dargah took on the special distinction of being the "mother" dargah of them all.<ref name="Mehru Jaffer 2006 170"/>
Da Delhi, i discepoli si ramificarono, istituendo dargah in numerose regioni dell'Asia meridionale, dal [[Sindh]] a ovest, al [[Bengala] a est, e all'[[Altopiano del Deccan]] a sud. Tuttavia, nella rete dei dargah cishti, quello di Ajmer riveste un ruolo di speciale distinzione, per essere il dargah "madre" di tutte.<ref name="Mehru Jaffer 2006 170"/>
[[File:Dargah of Sufi saint Moinuddin Chishti Ajmer India (5).JPG|thumb|160px|Dargah ofdi Mo'inoddin Cishti ad Ajmer]]
TheIl dargah ofdi ChishtiCishti, knownnoto ascome [[Ajmer Sharif Dargah]] oro [[Ajmer Sharif]], isè an internationalun [[waqf]] internazionale, anossia Islamicun [[mortmain]]bene manageddi manomorta islamico, byregolamentato thedal "Dargah Khwaja Saheb Act, del 1955", ofemesso thedal [[government ofgoverno dell'India]]. TheIl DargahComitato Committee,del appointedDargah, bydi thenomina Governmentgovernativa, managesdispone donationsdonazioni, takessi careprende ofcura thedel maintenance of the outermantenimento dell'area ofdel shrinesantuario, ande runsgestisce charitableistituzioni institutionscaritatevoli likecome dispensaries[[ospedali]] ande guestresidenze housesper fori thedevoti devoteesospiti, butma doesnon notsi takeprende carecura ofdel thesantuario main shrineprincipale (Astana e Alia) whichche isè undersotto thela custodycustodia ofdel KhadimsKhadim (lett. "Servitore").<ref>{{cite book|last=Gupta|first=K.R. |author2=Amita Gupta|title=Concise encyclopaedia of India, (Volume 1) |url=|year=2006|publisher=Atlantic Publishers|isbn=81-269-0637-5|page=193}}</ref>
==Dewan of thedel Dargah==
[[File:Dewan Syed Zainul Abedin Chisti Ajmeri.JPG|thumb|160px|Dewan Syed Zainul Abedin atnelle hissue Officefunzioni in thedi Dewan Haweli, Ajmeer(Ajmer Sharif).]]
[[Syed Zainul Abedin|Dewan di Syed Zainul Abedin]] isè theil directdiretto descendantdiscendente indella theventiduesima generazione 22nd generation ofdi ''[[Khwaja]]'' MoinuddinMo'inoddin ChishtiCishti.<ref name="Converts do not make a nation 1">{{cite book|last1=Chitakara|first1=M. G.|title=Converts do not make a nation|date=1998|publisher=A.P.H. Publishing Corporation|location=New Delhi|isbn=81-7024-982-1|pages=205|edition=1st|url=|accessdate=26 June 2015|}}</ref> MeanwhileInoltre egli, accordingin tobase thea [[Supremeuna court|APEXdisposizione Courtdella ofCorte India]]Suprema heindiana, isegli theè Hereditaryil SajjadanashinCapo SpiritualSpirituale Headereditario ofSajjadanashin thedel shrinesantuario ofdel Ajmerdargah Dargahdi Ajmer.<!-- On the other hand, in the aspect of [[geneological]] lineage (family tree); presently he is the most direct descendant of Khawaja Moinuddin Chishti.<ref name="ndtv 1">{{cite news|title=Ajmer Sharif head announces compensatio|url=|accessdate=26 June 2015|publisher=NDTV|date=August 10, 2013}}</ref><ref name="AIR 1">{{cite web|last1=AIR 1987,|title=Page: 2213|publisher=Supreme Court}}</ref><ref name="AIR 2">{{cite web|last1=AIR 1961,|title=Page: 1402|publisher=Supreme Court}}</ref><ref name="AIR 3">{{cite web|last1=AIR 1938,|title=Page: 71|publisher=Privy Council}}</ref><ref name="AIR 4">{{cite web|last1=AIR 1947,|title=Page: 01|publisher=Privy Council}}</ref><ref name="AIR 5">{{cite web|last1=RLW|title=Page: 69 and 317|publisher=Rajasthan High Court}}</ref>
==Others buried in the Maqbara enclosure==