Kalām: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 37:
Dizionari di termini religiosi e teologici:
* A. Campisi, ''Lessico della teologia islamica'', Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 1994
* [[H.A.R. Gibb]], ''Shorter Encyclopedia of Islam'', Leida, 1961 (solo le voci religiose e teologiche della editio major)
* A. Campisi, ''Lessico della teologia islamica'', Rubbettino, Soveria Mannelli 1994
Per approfondire. Trattazioni classiche:
* [[Ignaz Goldziher|I. Goldziher]], ''Le dogme et la lois de l'Islam'', tr. francese, Paris 1958
* L. Gardet, M.M. Anawati, ''Introduction à la théologie musulmane. Essai de théologie comparée'', Vrin, Parigi, 1981
* J. W. Sweetman, ''Islam and Christian Theology'', Londra, 1947
* [[A.S. Tritton]], ''Muslim Theology'', Londra, 1947
* M.S. Seale, ''Muslim Theology: a Study of Origins with Reference to the Church Fathers'', Londra 1964
* [[A.J. Arberry]], ''Revelation and Reason in Islam'', Londra, 1971
* L. Gardet, M.M. Anawati, ''Introduction à la théologie musulmane. Essai de théologie comparée'', Vrin, Parigi, 1981
* [[Gustav E. Grunebaum|G.E. Grunebaum]] (a cura),''Theology and Law in Islam'', Wiesbaden 1971
* P. Morewedge, ''Islamic Philosophical Theology'', Albany, 1979
* H.A.R. Gibb, 'La structure de la pensée religieuse de l'Islam'', Parigi, 1950
* [[Ignaz Goldziher|I. Goldziher]], ''Le dogme et la lois de l'Islam'', tr. francese, Paris 1958
* [[A.J. Wensinck]], ''The Muslim Creed. Its Genesis and Historical Development'', Londra, 1965
* [[Gustav E. Grunebaum|G.E. Grunebaum]] (a cura),''Theology and Law in Islam'', Wiesbaden 1971
* D.B. Mac Donald, ''Development of Muslim Theology: Jurisprudence and Constitutional Theory'', New York, 1965
* P. Morewedge, ''Islamic Philosophical Theology'', Albany, 1979
* M.S. Seale, ''Muslim Theology: a Study of Origins with Reference to the Church Fathers'', Londra 1964
* M.M. Sharif (ed.), ''A History of Muslim Philosophy and Theology'', Wiesbaden, 1966
* J. W. Sweetman, ''Islam and Christian Theology'', Londra, 1947
* [[A.S. Tritton]], ''Muslim Theology'', Londra, 1947
* [[A.J. Wensinck]], ''The Muslim Creed. Its Genesis and Historical Development'', Londra, 1965
Trattazioni più recenti:
* R. Caspar, ''Traité de théologie musulmane'', vol. I, Roma [[Pontificio Istituto di Studi Arabi e d'Islamistica|PISAI]], 1987; vol. II: Le Credo, PISAI, Toma 1999
* [[M. Arkoun]], ''Essais sur la pensée islamique'', Parigi, 1979
* Roger Arnaldez, ''Aspects de la pensée musulmane'', Parigi, 1987
* R. Caspar, ''Traité de théologie musulmane'', vol. I, Roma [[Pontificio Istituto di Studi Arabi e d'Islamistica|PISAI]], 1987; vol. II: Le Credo, PISAI, Toma 1999
* [[Michael Cook (storico)|M. Cook]], ''Early Muslim Dogma'', Cambridge, 1981
* W.I. Craig, ''The Kalām Cosmological Argument'', London and Basingstoke, The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1979
* [[Josef van Ess|J. Van Ess]], ''Theologie und Gesellschaft in 3. und 4. Jahrhundert Hidschrah'', 4 voll., Berlino-New York 1991-93
* [[Wilferd Madelung|W. Madelung]], ''Religious Schools and Sects in Medieval Islam'', Londra, 1985
* [[William Montgomery Watt|W. Montgomery Watt]], ''The Formative Period of Islamic Thought, Edimburgo, 1973
* W. Montgomery Watt, ''Islamic Philosophy and Theology'', Edimburgo, 1987
* W. Montgomery Watt, ''Islamic Creeds'', Edimburgo, 1994
* [[Wilferd Madelung|W. Madelung]], ''Religious Schools and Sects in Medieval Islam'', Londra, 1985
* Roger Arnaldez, ''Aspects de la pensée musulmane'', Parigi, 1987
* [[Josef van Ess|J. Van Ess]], ''Theologie und Gesellschaft in 3. und 4. Jahrhundert Hidschrah'', 4 voll., Berlino-New York 1991-93
* Tilman Nagel, ''Triumph und Scheitern des islamischen Rationalismus im 11. Jahrhundert'', Monaco di Baviera, 1988
* T. Nagel, ''Geschichte der islamischen Theologie. Von Mohammed bis zur Gegenwart, Monaco di Baviera, 1994
* A. al-Shahrastānī, ''Kitāb al-iqdām fī ʿilm al-kalām'', Beirut, Dār al-kutub al-ʿilmiyya, 2004
* [[Alberto Ventura|A. Ventura]], ''L'Islam sunnita nel periodo classico (VII-XVI secolo)'', in: (a cura di G. Filoramo) ''Storia delle religioni - Islam'', Roma-Bari, Laterza 1995
* H. Wolfson, ''The Philosophy of the Kalām'', Harvard University Press, 1976
* [[Alberto Ventura|A. Ventura]], ''L'Islam sunnita nel periodo classico (VII-XVI secolo)'', in: (a cura di G. Filoramo) ''Storia delle religioni - Islam'', Roma-Bari, Laterza 1995
* A. al-Shahrastānī, ''Kitāb al-iqdām fī ʿilm al-kalām'', Beirut, Dār al-kutub al-ʿilmiyya, 2004
* W.I. Craig, ''The Kalām Cosmological Argument'', London and Basingstoke, The Macmillan Press Ltd., 1979
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