Duarte Pacheco Pereira: differenze tra le versioni

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== Dopo l'India ==
Il suo diario (1506), conservato nell'Aachivio Nazionale Portoghese (Torre do Tombo), è probabilmente il primo documento europeo ad affermare che gli [[Pan (zoologia)|scimpanzé]] costruissero i propri rudimentali strumenti.
His diary (1506), preserved in the Portuguese National Archive (Torre do Tombo), is probably the first European document to acknowledge that [[chimpanzee]]s built their own rudimentary tools.
BetweenTra il 1505 anded il 1508 Duarte Pacheco Pereira composedscrisse aun booklibro, ''Esmeraldo de situ orbis'',<ref name="Bakewell">{{cite book|author=Wilks, Ivor. Wangara, Akan, and Portuguese in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Centuries|editor1-last=Bakewell|editor1-first=Peter|title=Mines of Silver and Gold in the Americas|date=1997|publisher=Variorum, Ashgate Publishing Limited|location=[[Aldershot]]|pages=13}}</ref> inspiredispirato on [[Pomponius Mela]]'sal ''De situ Orbis'' di [[Pomponio Mela]],<ref>{{cite book| last = Diffie|first = Bailey| title = Foundations of the Portuguese Empire, 1415–1580|publisher=University of Minnesota Press|year=1977|isbn=0-8166-0782-6|url=https://books.google.com/books?id=vtZtMBLJ7GgC|ref=Diffie 1977|accessdate=2011-08-15 agosto 2011}}</ref> whichdescritto hascome beenuna describeddelle asprincipali oneopere of the first major scientific worksscientifiche "reportingche onriportassero whatquanto wasosservato observede andsperimentato experimented in the newlynell'appena 'discoveredscoperto' environment."nuovo ambiente".<ref>[[Helaine Selin|Selin, Helaine]], ed., ''Mathematics across cultures: the history of non-western mathematics'' Springer (31 Octottobre 2000), {{ISBN| 978-0-7923-6481-8}}, p.86</ref> NeverRimasto completedincompleto, itfu waspubblicato notsolo published untilnel 1892, possiblyforse toper avoidevitare givingdi othersdare informationinformazioni aboutsul Portugal'sprezioso valuablecommercio Guineaportoghese tradein Guinea.<ref>[[John Donnelly Fage]], ''A Commentary on Duarte Pacheco Pereira's Account of the Lower Guinea Coastlands in His "Esmeraldo de Situ Orbis," and on Some Other Early Accounts'', "History in Africa", Vol. 7 (1980), pp. 47-80</ref>
(TheIl meaningsignificato of thedi 'esmeraldo' innel thetitolo titleè hasstato beenmolto much speculateddiscusso. Tra Amongle thepossibilità proposals,c'è itun isriferimento aal referenceverde tosmeraldo thedel [[Emerald (color)#Emerald|emerald green]]mare, ofil thefatto sea;che thatsi ittratti isdi anun anagramanagramma combiningtra thei namesnomi 'Emmanuel' (forper Kingil re [[ManuelManuele I ofdel PortugalPortogallo]]) ande 'Eduardus' (ofper Duarte Pacheco), thatche ''Esmeralda'' mightpotesse haveessere beenil the namenome (oro nicknamesoprannome) ofdella thenave shipche Duarte Pacheco sailedcondusse toin India, thatche itsi istratti adi corruptionun oferrore thedel Spanishtermine wordspagnolo ''esmerado'' (meaningche significa "guideguida"), thatche in [[Malayalamlingua malayalam]], anuno [[emeraldsmeraldo]] gemstoneè is known aschiamato ''pache'' oro ''pachec'', ande thusche ''Esmeraldo'' isè aun pungioco ondi hisparole owndel nameproprio nome (thus,quindi "Pacheco's De Situ Orbis di Pacheco").<ref>M. Newitt, (2010) ''The Portuguese in West Africa, 1415-1670: A documentary history''. Cambridge, UK: Cambridge University Press. p.44</ref>
Duarte Pacheco Pereira wasfu probablyprobabilmente theil firstprimo manuomo toa scientificallystudiare studyin themaniera relationshipscientifica betweenla therelazione tra le [[tideMarea|maree]]s ande thele phasesfasi of thedella [[moonluna]], whichche playedgiocò aun criticalruolo importancefondamentale innel thecorso coursedella ofbattaglia the Battle ofdi CochinKochi,<ref>Roger Crowley, ''[https://www.amazon.com/Conquerors-Portugal-Forged-Global-Empire/dp/0812994000] Title; Conquerors]'', Author: Roger Crowley, Publisher: Random House;, 1st editionedizione, Page:pag. 157-160, year:anno 2015</ref>. andDuaret carefullyPacheco tookprese notesnota ondegli theorari timingdelle ofmaree. theSi tides.dice che Pacheco issia saidstato toil haveprimo beenad theosservare firstla toconnessione noticecon theirla connectionluna toed thea moonstabilire andle establishregole rulesper forla predictingpredizione thedelle progressmaree of tides byin referencebase toall'osservazione lunardella observationsluna. HeUtilizzò alsoanche siftedi throughpropri hisdati dataper tocorreggere correcte andmigliorare improvele astronomicalosservazioni observationsastronomiche (notablycorreggendo correctingla themedia averagegiornaliera dailydella deviationdeviazione oftra theluna moon from thee [[sunsole]]) ande constructingcreando nauticalle measurementsmisurazioni tonautiche beusate useddai bysuccessivi future Portuguesenavigatori navigatorsportoghesi.<ref>Mathew, K.N. (1988) ''History of the Portuguese Navigation in India''. New Delhi: Mittal.</ref>
InNel 1508, Duarte Pacheco wasfu commissionedincaricato bydal there Portugueseportoghese kingdi todare givela chasecaccia to Mondragon Frenchai [[privateercorsari]] whichfrancesi operateddi betweenMondragon che operava thetra le [[AzoresAzzorre]] ande thela Portuguesecosta coastportoghese, wheredove theyattaccavano attackedle thenavi ships coming fromprovenienti dall'[[Portuguese India portoghese]]. Duarte Pacheco locatedlocalizzò ande corneredbloccò Mondragon al offlargo di [[CapeCabo FinisterreFisterra]] innel 1509, and defeated andsconfiggendolo capturede himcatturandolo.
In seguito, mentre governava [[Elmina Castle|São Jorge da Mina]], fu citato in giudizio dai suoi nemici con l'accusa di furto e corruzione. Fu richiamato nella capitale e imprigionato per breve tempo finché non fu liberato dalla Corona dopo che ne fu dimostrata l'innocenza. Ma il danno era stato fatto, avendo perso il governatorato, la salute e l'influenza. Nonostante sia stato assolto dal suo protettore, il re [[Giovanni II del Portogallo]] era morto ed era stato sostituito da un re che non conosceva il valore di Duarte Pacheco. Duarte Pacheco aveva servito il re precedente come scudiero. La sua distanza da [[Lisbona]] ed il suo successo gli portarono molti nemici all'estero e pochi amici nella capitale che potessero difenderlo. Morì solo e in povertà.
Later in life, while away governing [[São Jorge da Mina]], he was slandered by his enemies at court with accusations of theft and corruption. He was recalled to the capital and briefly imprisoned until he was exonerated by the Crown being proved innocent. But the damage was done as he had lost his governorship, his wealth, and influence. Although he was acquitted his protector, King João II of Portugal had died and been replaced by a king who didn't acknowledge the value of Duarte Pacheco. Duarte Pacheco had served the previous king as a squire, and had served King Manuel merely as a high ranking servant. His distance from [[Lisbon]] and his success meant he had many enemies abroad, and few friends in the capital to defend him. He died alone and penniless.
AccordingSecondo touno onedei ofsuoi itsmaggiori most important biographersbiografi, thelo Portuguesestorico historianportoghese [[Joaquim Barradas de Carvalho]], whoche livedvisse in exileesilio in [[Brazil]]Brasile innegli theanni 1960s1960, Duarte Pacheco wasfu aun geniusgenio comparableparagonabile toa [[Leonardo da Vinci]]. WithIn theanticipo anticipationdi ofoltre moredue thansecoli twoil centuries,cosmografo thefu cosmographerresponsabile wasdel responsiblecalcolo fordel calculatingvalore the value of the degree ofin thegradi dell'[[meridianarco arcmeridiano]] withcon aun margine margindi oferrore errordi ofsolo onlyil 4%, whenquando thel'errore currentdel errortempo atvariava thetra timeil varied7 between 7ed andil 15%.<ref>Universidade de São Paulo, Departamento de História, Sociedade de Estudos Históricos (BrazilBrasile), ''Revista de História'' (1965), ed. 61-64, p. 350</ref>
According to one of its most important biographers, the Portuguese historian [[Joaquim Barradas de Carvalho]], who lived in exile in [[Brazil]] in the 1960s, Duarte Pacheco was a genius comparable to [[Leonardo da Vinci]]. With the anticipation of more than two centuries, the cosmographer was responsible for calculating the value of the degree of the [[meridian arc]] with a margin of error of only 4%, when the current error at the time varied between 7 and 15%.<ref>Universidade de São Paulo, Departamento de História, Sociedade de Estudos Históricos (Brazil), ''Revista de História'' (1965), ed. 61-64, p. 350</ref>
== Possibile scoperta del Brasile ==