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== Matrimonio e discendenza ==
He marriedSposò Antónia de Albuquerque, daughterfiglia ofdi Jorge Garcês ande della wifemoglie Isabel de Albuquerque Galvão, onlyunica daughterfiglia ofche [[Duarte Galvão]] byebbe firstdalla wifeprima moglie Catarina de Sousa e Albuquerque,. andInsieme hadebbero eightotto childrenfigli:
* João Fernandes Pacheco, whoche marriedsposò Dona Maria da Silva, withoutsenza issuediscendenza andma hadche aebbe bastarduna daughterfiglia married with issueillegittima
He married Antónia de Albuquerque, daughter of Jorge Garcês and wife Isabel de Albuquerque Galvão, only daughter of [[Duarte Galvão]] by first wife Catarina de Sousa e Albuquerque, and had eight children:
* Jerónimo Pacheco, whoche diedmorì unmarriedscapolo ande withoutsenza issuediscendenza ina [[TangierTangeri]]
* João Fernandes Pacheco, who married Dona Maria da Silva, without issue and had a bastard daughter married with issue
* Maria de Albuquerque, marriedche tosposò João da Silva, [[Alcalde|Alcaide]]-Mór ofdi [[Soure Municipality, Portugal(Portogallo)|Soure]], ande hadche aebbe daughteruna marriedfiglia andsposata withcon issueprole
* Jerónimo Pacheco, who died unmarried and without issue in [[Tangier]]
* Maria de Albuquerque, married to João da Silva, [[Alcalde|Alcaide]]-Mór of [[Soure Municipality, Portugal|Soure]], and had a daughter married and with issue
* Isabel de Albuquerque
* Garcia Pacheco
* Gaspar Pacheco
* Duarte Pacheco
* Lisuarte Pacheco, figlio illegittimo secondo i registri. Lisuarte fu allevato e istruito dal padre come scudiero, ed addestrato nell'uso delle armi prima di venire fatto cavaliere all'età di 20 anni. Fu un uomo forte con una voce rauca che divenne noto grazie all'uso di una grossa [[Spade con elsa a cesto|spada con elsa a cesto]]. Divenne famoso per le proprie gesta in India, soprattutto nella battaglia di Kochi mentre il padre era al comando. Durante una battaglia di terra a Kochi fu incaricato di guidare un'unità portoghese sotto al padre, lanciandosi contro 10.000 soldati di Zamorin. Non solo sopravvisse senza un graffio, ma fu trovato con accanto molti nemici morti e molte membra, compreso un nemico quasi tagliato in due. Lisuarte combatté numerose guerre contro obiettivi commerciali portoghesi dopo Kochi, finendo a comandare una nave contro la flotta egiziana nella [[battaglia di Diu]] in cui fu gravemente ferito. La sua campagna finale, nel 1510, si rivelò un massacro delle truppe portoghesi dopo che il comandante ebbe sottovalutato i nativi locali tentando di saccheggiare la città. Lisuarte morì in battaglia dopo essere stato colpito da una freccia tra tempia e collo, all'età di 30 anni. Non si sa se fosse sposato o meno. Il padre gli diede il nome di re Lisuarte delle storie di [[Amadigi di Gaula]].
* Lisuarte Pacheco, a bastard son according to records. Lisuarte was raised and trained by his father as a squire, and mastered various weapons before being knighted at the age of 20. He was a strong man with a husky build who was known for use of a large [[Broadsword]]. He was famous for his feats in India, namely the battle of Cochin while under his father's command. During one land battle in Cochin he had charged ahead of a Portuguese unit under his father's command, thrusting himself into the ranks of the Zamorin's 10,000 troops, he not only survived without a scratch, but was found with several dead enemy troops and severed limbs around him, including one enemy who was even cleaved in half. Lisuarte fought continues wars around Portuguese trade targets after Cochin, later commanding a ship against the Egyptian fleet in the [[Battle of Diu]] and was gravely wounded. His final campaign in 1510 ended up being a massacre of the Portuguese troops after the commander underestimated the local natives and attempted to loot the city, Lisuarte fell in battle after being shot with an arrow between his temple and neck, dying at age 30. Information about any possible marriage or children is unknown. His father named him after the character King Lisuart of the [[Amadis de Gaula]] stories.
== Bibliografia ==