Aerosmith: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 7:
|nazione = USA
|genere = Hard rock
|genere2 = Heavy metalCountry
|genere3 = Pop metal
|genere4 = Blues metal
|genere5 = GlamBlues metalrock
|genere6 = AORFunk rock
|genere7 = Arena RockAOR
|genere8 = Arena Rock
|nota genere = <ref name="">{{allmusic|artist}}</ref>
|nota genere2 = <ref name="" /><ref name="">[ "The History of Rock Music" - Aerosmith]</ref><ref name="Running with the Devil">Robert Walser. ''[ Running with the Devil: power, gender, and madness in heavy metal music]''. Wesleyan, 1993, ISBN 0-8195-6260-2. p. 10</ref>