
Template Stili
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7em;
Template:Carl Barks
  • groupstyle = width:15em; background:#DEF;
  • groupstyle = width:12em;
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#FFCCCC;
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#D0E7FF;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFCCCC; width:12em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D0E7FF; width:12em;
  • liststyle = background:#ddddff; text-align:center;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:5em; background:#FFA7A7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:5em; background:#B7D0FF;
Template:Fabrizio De André
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Edifici sabaudi del Piemonte
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:15.0em;
  • groupstyle = background:#DEF;
Template:Distribuzioni Linux
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:5.5em;
Template:Processori AMD
  • groupstyle = background-color: #E6E6E6; width:8.5em
Template:Jules Verne
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
Template:Mitologia norrena
  • groupstyle = background:#d6dbbe;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = text-align:center;width:70px;background:#FFCCCC;
  • groupstyle = text-align:center;width:70px;background:#D0E7FF;
  • groupstyle = background:#f5deb3
Template:Alfa Romeo
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; ; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Unità di misura
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:22%;
Template:Dream Theater
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:America settentrionale e centrale
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Computer Commodore
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:120px; background:#e6e6fa
  • oddstyle = background:#ffffff;
  • liststyle = text-align:left; background:#ffffff;
  • oddstyle = background:#f3f3f3;
Template:The Smashing Pumpkins
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Calcio ai Giochi olimpici
  • groupstyle = background:#EFEFEF;width:13%;font-size:85%;
  • liststyle = font-size:85%;
Template:Reti TV di lingua italiana
  • groupstyle = width:5em;
  • groupstyle = width:7em;
Template:Università in Italia
  • groupstyle = width:80px
  • groupstyle = width:80px;
Template:Governi del Regno d'Italia
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width: 16em
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Alta velocità ferroviaria
  • groupstyle = width:10em;
  • groupstyle = width:20em;
  • groupstyle = width:5em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Giovanni Verga
  • liststyle = text-align:justify;
  • oddstyle = background:white;
  • evenstyle = background:#fff8dc;
  • groupstyle = background:#f5deb3; text-align:right; width:10em;
Template:Storia della Persia
  • groupstyle = text-align:centre; width:8em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:America meridionale
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7em;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left; font-size:95%;
  • groupstyle = width:15%; font-size:95%;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Trasporti a Napoli
  • groupstyle = width:9em;
  • groupstyle = width:9em;background:lightblue
  • groupstyle = line-height:1em;text-align:center;width:4em;
  • groupstyle = width:5em;
  • groupstyle = line-height:1em;text-align:center;font-size:80%;width:4em;
  • groupstyle = width:10.2em;
  • groupstyle = width:21.7em;
  • groupstyle = width:34.8em;
  • groupstyle = width:16em;
  • groupstyle = line-height:1em;text-align:center;font-size:67%;width:2em;
  • groupstyle = width:43.1em;
  • groupstyle = width:25.75em;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
  • groupstyle = background:#DCDCDC; width:10%; font-size:95%;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left; font-size:95%;
Template:Politica Francia
  • groupstyle = width:18%;
Template:Pink Floyd
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Classe County
  • groupstyle = width:14em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Elezioni in Italia
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = width:12%;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Giacomo Leopardi
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Scuderia Ferrari
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Depeche Mode
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = width:5em;
  • groupstyle = width:100px
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Province del Paese basco
  • groupstyle = background:#CADABA; width:200px
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Led Zeppelin
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = width:6em;
  • groupstyle = width:3em;
  • groupstyle = width:8em;
  • liststyle = width:auto; line-height:1.4;text-align:left
Template:Calcio in Svizzera
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Chiese sui iuris
  • groupstyle = background: #FFE8BF; text-align:right; width:14em;
Template:Iron Maiden
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Coppa Libertadores
  • groupstyle = width:140px;
Template:Women's National Basketball Association
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:UEFA Europa League
  • groupstyle = width:140px;
Template:NBA Development League
  • groupstyle = background:#D0E7FF; width:12em;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFCCCC; width:12em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Claudio Baglioni
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#DEF;
Template:Campionati europei nuoto
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em;
Template:Sigur Rós
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Red Hot Chili Peppers
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Linkin Park
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • liststyle = background:#ddddff; text-align:center;
  • groupstyle = width:12em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:UEFA Champions League
  • groupstyle = width:140px;
  • groupstyle = background-color:#EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = width:3em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Strade statali italiane
  • groupstyle = width:9.0em;
  • groupstyle = background: #F9F2E5; width: 8em;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFE8BF; text-align:center; border:2px solid#F0D060; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Guns N' Roses
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Monty Python
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Cypress Hill
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:8.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Cani gruppo 2
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:8em;
Template:Telegiornali italiani
  • groupstyle = width:8em;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
Template:De Tomaso
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:15em; background:#ddb;
Template:Strade europee
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em;
Template:Crash Bandicoot
  • groupstyle = background:#CEFFFF; text-align:right; width:5.5em;
  • liststyle = background:#E9FCFF; text-align:left
Template:David Lynch
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = width:auto
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em;font-size:90%;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:15em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Rondò Veneziano
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Mezzi blindati della prima guerra mondiale
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:15em; background:#ddb;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Fiat SpA
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10em;
  • liststyle = background:#efefef
  • groupstyle = background:#cacace
  • groupstyle = text-align: left; width:12em; background: #add8e6
Template:Daniele Silvestri
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Lingue celtiche
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;
Template:Curia Romana
  • groupstyle = background: #FFE8BF;
Template:Campionati mondiali di nuoto
  • groupstyle = background:#E6FCFC;color:#000000;width:7.5em;
Template:Mariah Carey
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Tupac Shakur
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Sistema politico dell'Unione europea
  • groupstyle = width:25%;
Template:Don Rosa
  • groupstyle = width:15em; background:#DEF;
Template:Rage Against the Machine
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Reti TV francesi
  • liststyle = font-size:95%;
  • groupstyle = font-size:95%;
Template:Religione romana
  • groupstyle = background:#FFDEAD
Template:Re d'Inghilterra
  • groupstyle = width:auto; background:#CC0000; color: white;
Template:Judas Priest
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Mötley Crüe
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Jurassic Park
  • groupstyle = width:10em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#FFEF00; text-align:right; width:60px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Black Sabbath
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Bon Jovi
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:The Clash
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.6em;
Template:Sex Pistols
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallacanestro in Italia
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:15.5em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Navi della Royal Navy
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:14em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Squadre non appartenenti alla FIFA
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = width: 100px;
Template:Resident Evil
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:8.8em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = width:8.8em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Limp Bizkit
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Calcio nel Regno Unito
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:10%;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = width:10em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Emanuelle nera
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em;
Template:50 Cent
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Reti TV spagnole
  • liststyle = width:auto;
  • groupstyle = width:7em;
Template:The Offspring
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Bad Religion
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Studio Ghibli
  • groupstyle = background:#ccccff;
  • liststyle = background:#FFFFFF;
  • groupstyle = background:#eeeeee; text-align:right;width:10%;
  • liststyle = background:#ffffff;text-align:left;
Template:Dino Crisis
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
Template:Coppa del mondo per club FIFA
  • groupstyle = width:140px;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Vasco Rossi
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Max Pezzali
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Videogiochi WWE
  • groupstyle = text-align: center;
Template:Panhard & Levassor
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Sindaci Bologna
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:17%;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • liststyle = text-align:left; font-size:95%;
  • groupstyle = background:#DCDCDC; width:15%; font-size:95%;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = background:#DCDCDC; width:15%; font-size:90%;
  • groupstyle = background:#DCDCDC; width:15%; font-size:95%;
  • groupstyle = background:#DCDCDC; width:95%; font-size:90%;
  • groupstyle = background:#DCDCDC; width:30%; font-size:90%;
  • groupstyle = background:#DCDCDC; width:40%; font-size:90%;
  • liststyle = text-align:left; font-size:95%;
  • groupstyle = background:#DCDCDC; width:25%; font-size:90%;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = background:#DCDCDC; width:20%; font-size:90%;
  • groupstyle = background:#DCDCDC; width:99%; font-size:90%;
  • groupstyle = background:#DCDCDC; width:50%; font-size:90%;
  • groupstyle = background:#DCDCDC; width:45%; font-size:90%;
  • groupstyle = background:#DCDCDC; width:35%; font-size:90%;
Template:Dialetti d'Italia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = width: 150px;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Affreschi Assisi
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:left; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:The Who
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Calcio a 5 in Portogallo
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:115px;
Template:Nine Inch Nails
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:14em;
Template:Green Day
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:centre; width:7.5em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Libri di Tom Clancy
  • groupstyle = width:7em;
  • groupstyle = background:#cacace;
  • liststyle = background:#efefef; text-align:center;
Template:Campionato europeo di calcio Under-21
  • groupstyle = width:8em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Grande Fratello
  • groupstyle = width:12em;
Template:Spice Girls
  • groupstyle = width:5em
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Alice in Chains
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:De Dion-Bouton
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Sailor Moon
  • groupstyle = background:#FFD0D0; width: 100px;
  • groupstyle = background:#E0FFFF; width: 100px;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:SRG SSR
  • groupstyle = width:7em;
Template:Maroon 5
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Stati ai Giochi olimpici
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em;
  • groupstyle = width:6em;
Template:Holly e Benji
  • groupstyle = width: 80px;
Template:Arctic Monkeys
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Rob Zombie musica
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#DEF;width:100px
  • groupstyle = background:#ccccff;
  • liststyle = background:#FFFFFF;
Template:Personaggi Disney
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7em;
Template:The White Stripes
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Nelly Furtado
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Clock Tower
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:centre; width:7.5em;
Template:DAB Italia
  • groupstyle = width:8em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Calcio in Uruguay
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:OFC Champions League
  • groupstyle = width:140px;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Moto Guzzi
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:AFC Champions League
  • groupstyle = width:140px;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Hyundai Motor
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:SsangYong Motor
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#DEF;
Template:Cosa Nostra
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  • groupstyle = text-align:right;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:5.5em;
Template:Franco Battiato
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Dominatori dell'Universo
  • groupstyle = background-color:#D0C0FF
Template:Standard telefonia mobile
  • groupstyle = width:3em
Template:Elezioni in Polonia
  • groupstyle = width:10%;height:40px;
  • groupstyle = width:10%;
Template:Gigi D'Alessio
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:The Ring
  • groupstyle = width:8em;
Template:Rete ferroviaria della Sardegna
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#FFE0E0;width:9.0em
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#DEF;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = width:9em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Dark Tranquillity
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Scuderia Tyrrell
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Scuderia Brabham
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
  • groupstyle = background:lightgray;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallacanestro in Svizzera
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Campionati del mondo di ciclismo su strada
  • groupstyle = width:5em;
Template:Gamma Ray
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = width:80px;
Template:Lupin III
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em;
Template:Apparato respiratorio
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:10%;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Reti TV tedesche
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  • groupstyle = width:7em;
Template:Scuderia Williams F1
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  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Apparato urinario
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  • groupstyle = background:#BBEEBB;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Nazionali di rugby a 15
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  • groupstyle = color:#18964C;background:#F3FBFD;
  • evenstyle = background:#F3FBFD;
Template:Uomo Ragno
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Template:Capoluoghi di provincia italiani
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  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
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Template:Navbox subgroup/man
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Template:Calcio in Russia
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  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Scuderia McLaren
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Scuderia Jordan
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Scuderia Shadow
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  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
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  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • liststyle = text-align:left; font-size:95%;
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Template:Lupo Solitario
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Template:Hockey su ghiaccio in Svizzera
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  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Fabri Fibra
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Cubo di Rubik
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  • groupstyle = text-align:right;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Calcio in Romania
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Aperture scacchistiche
  • groupstyle = background:#fce8c6; width:9em;
Template:Card Captor Sakura
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  • groupstyle = background:#;
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  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
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  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:8.5em;
Template:Dead or Alive
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = width:50px; background:#D8D8D8; color:#2F2F2F;
Template:Ninja Gaiden
  • groupstyle = width: 100px;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Calcio in Finlandia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Unione di Utrecht delle Chiese vetero-cattoliche
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  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em; background:#FF6600; color:#ffffff
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Template:CONCACAF Champions League
  • groupstyle = width:140px;
Template:Formati di compressione
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = width:7em;
Template:Nazionali di calcio a 5 AFC
  • liststyle = background:#ddddff; text-align:center;
Template:Tiziano Ferro
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Cronache del ghiaccio e del fuoco
  • groupstyle = width:5em
Template:CAF Champions League
  • groupstyle = width:140px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:5.5em;
Template:Nazionali di calcio a 5 CONCACAF
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Template:Nazionali di calcio a 5 CONMEBOL
  • liststyle = background:#ddddff; text-align:center;
Template:Storia romana
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  • liststyle = width:auto;
Template:Nazionali di calcio a 5 OFC
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  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left;color:#000000;background:#F3F1F1;
Template:Command & Conquer
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:8.0em;
Template:Inni nazionali europei
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7em;
Template:Isole Orcadi
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Chiese ortodosse
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Charlie Chan
  • oddstyle = background:#fdfdfd;
  • groupstyle = background:lightblue;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Vecchi credenti
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  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:King Crimson
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Call of Duty
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:8.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Colonialismo italiano
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em
  • groupstyle = background:#e5e5ff; text-align:right; width:7.5em; vertical-align:top
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  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Articolo 31
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Trasporti Île-de-France
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:4em
Template:Power Rangers
  • groupstyle = background:#cacace; text-align:right;
Template:Nazionali di calcio a 5 CAF
  • liststyle = background:#ddddff; text-align:center;
  • groupstyle = width:auto;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
Template:Linea 1 Parigi
  • groupstyle = background:#ffbe00;
Template:Banco del Mutuo Soccorso
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Mega Man
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Università nel Regno Unito
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • evenstyle = background:#fff;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; background:#eee;
Template:David Bowie
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Luciano Ligabue
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Trasporti a Londra
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:The Grudge
  • groupstyle = background:#DEDDE2; width:6em;
Template:99 Posse
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Elezioni in Germania
  • groupstyle = width:20%;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = width:10%;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Calcio Juventus navbox
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  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Oscar del calcio AIC
  • groupstyle = width:12em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Isole della Sicilia
  • groupstyle = text-align:center;
Template:Ace Attorney
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:7.7em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Stati soggetti alla Francia rivoluzionaria e napoleonica
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  • liststyle = padding:0.25em 0; line-height:1.4em; width:auto;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Processi di separazione
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  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Elenchi dei servizi televisivi ricevibili in Italia
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width: 100px
Template:Alicia Keys
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Christina Aguilera
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Calcio Inter navbox
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  • groupstyle = background:blue; color:white; text-align:right; width:11.5em;
Template:Mutanti Marvel
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  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Calcio Napoli navbox
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Template:La famiglia Addams
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  • groupstyle = text-align:left; background-color:#DDDDDD;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Espansioni di Magic
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  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7
Template:Tornei di Poker
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  • liststyle = width:auto;
  • groupstyle = background:#efefef;text-align:right;width:7em;
  • groupstyle = background:#DEF; width:9em;
Template:Coppa Spengler
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  • liststyle = background:white;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Famiglie di bandiere
  • groupstyle = width:7em;
Template:Linea 13 Parigi
  • groupstyle = background:#82c8e6;
Template:Trasporto pubblico Canton Ticino
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Linea 3 Parigi
  • groupstyle = background:#6e6e00;
Template:Linea 4 Parigi
  • groupstyle = background:#a0006e;
Template:Linea 7 Parigi
  • groupstyle = background:#ff82b4;
Template:Premi Emmy
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:7.5em;
Template:Linea 8 Parigi
  • groupstyle = background:#d282be;
Template:Premiata Forneria Marconi
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Stagione NBA 1996-1997
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1997-1998
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
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Template:Calcio Roma navbox
  • liststyle = background:#FFFFFF;
  • groupstyle = background:#930d30;color:#fbb901; text-align:right; width:11.5em;
Template:Stagione NBA 1998-1999
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1999-2000
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 2000-2001
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 2001-2002
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 2002-2003
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 2003-2004
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 2004-2005
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 2005-2006
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 2006-2007
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 2007-2008
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1970-1971
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1971-1972
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1972-1973
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1973-1974
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1974-1975
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Coppe europee hockey
  • oddstyle = background:#ffffff;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:13.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1975-1976
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1976-1977
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1977-1978
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Duran Duran
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:FC Barcelona
  • liststyle = background:white;
  • groupstyle = background:#C32148; text-align:right; width:11.5em; color: gold
Template:Stagione NBA 1978-1979
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1979-1980
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1980-1981
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1981-1982
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1982-1983
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Linea 9 Parigi
  • groupstyle = background:#D2D200;
Template:Linea 10 Parigi
  • groupstyle = background:#dc9600;
Template:Linea 11 Parigi
  • groupstyle = background:#6e491e;
Template:Linea 12 Parigi
  • groupstyle = background:#00643c;
Template:Linea 14 Parigi
  • groupstyle = background:#640082;
  • groupstyle = background:#d2b48c; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Stagione NBA 1983-1984
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1984-1985
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1985-1986
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1986-1987
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1987-1988
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Star Trek TOS
  • groupstyle = background:#cacace; width:6em;
  • liststyle = background:#efefef;
Template:Stagione NBA 1988-1989
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1989-1990
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1990-1991
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1991-1992
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1992-1993
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1993-1994
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1994-1995
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 1995-1996
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Spyro the Dragon
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:7.7em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left
Template:King Kong
  • groupstyle = width:9.0em
Template:Portaerei US Navy
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Asia Championship
  • groupstyle = width:6em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:The Killers
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;
Template:Laura Pausini
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#FFDEAA;width:11em;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
Template:Luca Carboni
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = text-align:left
  • liststyle = text-align:left
Template:Metro Londra Northern line
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; background:#ebebeb; white-space:nowrap; min-width:14em;
Template:Flogging Molly
  • groupstyle = background:lightgreen;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Philip K. Dick
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; background:white; white-space:nowrap;
Template:Olivier Messiaen
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:center;
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:7.5em;
Template:Stagione NBA 2008-2009
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
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  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f3f3f3;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:323px; background:#e6e6fa
  • liststyle = text-align:left; background:#ffffff;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:220px; background:#e6e6fa
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Template:Anni di piombo
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Template:Dialetti macedoni
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  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
Template:Mercato Borsa
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Template:Tumori gastrici
  • groupstyle = background: #f5deb3
Template:Nazionali IIHF
  • groupstyle = width:70px
Template:The Prodigy
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Sistema nervoso periferico
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Tumori odontogeni
  • groupstyle = background-color: #add8e6;
  • groupstyle = background-color: #add8e6;
Template:Markers tumorali
  • liststyle = width: auto;
  • groupstyle = width: 15em;
Template:Tumori dell'intestino tenue e del colon
  • groupstyle = background: #f5deb3
Template:Jean-Michel Jarre
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #D1EFE1;
Template:Raffaello Sanzio
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFECBF; text-align: right
Template:Michelangelo Buonarroti
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFECBF; text-align: right
Template:Mass Effect
  • groupstyle = text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = text-align: center;

Comandante Shepard · Kaidan Alenko · Ashley Williams · Garrus Vakarian · Tali'Zorah · Liara T'Soni · Altri personaggi

Template:Stephen King
  • groupstyle = width:11.5em; background:#708090; color:white
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Romanzi di James Bond
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em
Template:Farmaci antiaritmici
  • groupstyle = background:#eee8aa;
Template:Aritmie e anomalie del sistema di conduzione cardiaco
  • groupstyle = background-color: #eee8aa
Template:Calcio in Spagna
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Great Wall Motors
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Assassin's Creed
  • groupstyle = width: 150px;
Template:Emerson, Lake & Palmer
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Richard David James
  • groupstyle = width:10em;
Template:Freddie Mercury
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Italia
  • groupstyle = background:#efefef;width:11%;
Template:Janet Jackson
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Sport Lazio navbox
  • liststyle = background:#FFFFFF
  • groupstyle = background:#EFEFEF
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Calcio Milan navbox
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  • groupstyle = background:red; color:black; text-align:right; width:11.5em;
Template:Les Six
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  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Stili di nuoto
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Tata Motors
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Liste di crateri
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal; background:#eef
  • groupstyle = width:8
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;
Template:Fates Warning
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Calcio in Austria
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  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#fef4d0;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; background:#feb300; color:#ffffff; width: 1em;
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Template:Bob Marley
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Template:Gemelli DiVersi
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; background: #A7E969; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left
Template:Storico campionato italiano di pallacanestro maschile
  • evenstyle = background:#ffffff;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:15.5em; background:#90D0FF;
  • liststyle = text-align:center; font-size:95%;
Template:Time Warner
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:8em;
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left
Template:Siti angkoriani
  • groupstyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = width:7em;
Template:Il re leone
  • liststyle = text-align:
Template:Calcio Salernitana navbox
  • groupstyle = background:#831d1c; color:#FFFFFF; textcolor:#FFFFFF; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = background:white;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Green Gables
  • liststyle = text-align;
Template:Specialità di atletica leggera
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7em;
Template:Storico AF Italia
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  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
Template:Designazioni aeronautiche della marina imperiale giapponese
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  • groupstyle = text-align:right;
  • groupstyle = width:6em;
Template:Marco Pacuvio
  • groupstyle = background:#FFDEAA;width:11em;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
Template:Metropolitana Barcellona
  • groupstyle = text-align:left;width:10em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Lady Gaga
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em; background:#DEF;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background: #FFE8BF;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Sacra Corona Unita
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Template:Rappresentative sportive nazionali italiane
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Template:Benetton Formula
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  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Liste di montes
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Template:Stagione NBA 2009-2010
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  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
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Template:Biancheria intima femminile
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Template:Spada della Verità
  • groupstyle = background-color:#ddd;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Fisiologia cardiovascolare
  • groupstyle = background:MistyRose;
Template:Liste di regiones
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal; background:#eef; width:50px
Template:Istruzione in Italia
  • groupstyle = width:110px;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Isole della Laguna di Venezia
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:15em; background: #D1EFEF;
Template:MV Agusta
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Classe Crown Colony
  • groupstyle = width:16em;
Template:The Wall
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Calcio in Polonia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Lamb of God
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:BMW Sauber
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Calcio in Albania
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Universities Research Association
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:center;
Template:College Basketball Awards
  • groupstyle = width:9.5em;
  • groupstyle = width:8%;
  • groupstyle = width:6em; background:#ffdbdb
Template:Astrologia occidentale
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em; background:#1e2460;
  • evenstyle = background-color:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = background:lightgrey; text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Jennifer Lopez
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Selena Gomez
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Elezioni primarie in Italia
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  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Sistemi classificazione videogiochi
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  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Classi di vetture da competizione
  • groupstyle = width:4em;
Template:The Manhattan Transfer
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Centri trasmittenti italiani
  • groupstyle = width:2em;
Template:Pallanuoto in Italia
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Template:Land Rover
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Template:Laurell K. Hamilton
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  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:5.0em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em; background:#B3C9ED;
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Template:Armi nucleari
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Template:Scuderia Lotus
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  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Edizioni Campionati europei di ciclismo su strada
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Template:Sade Adu
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  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Elezioni in Lettonia
  • groupstyle = width:10%;height:30px;
  • groupstyle = width:10%;height:40px;
  • groupstyle = width:10%;
Template:Elezioni in Estonia
  • groupstyle = width:10%;height:30px;
  • groupstyle = width:10%;height:40px;
  • groupstyle = width:10%;
Template:Elezioni in Lituania
  • groupstyle = width:10%;height:42px;
  • groupstyle = width:10%;height:40px;
  • groupstyle = width:10%;
Template:Pilot Pen Tennis
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; background: #EEEEEE;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = width:8em; background:#9cf;color:black
Template:Lil' Flip
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; background: #EEEEEE;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Prima guerra mondiale
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  • liststyle = width:auto;
  • groupstyle = width:5em;font-weight:normal;width:12%;background:#e6e6ff
  • groupstyle = width:5em;font-weight:normal; width:12%;background:#e6e6ff
  • groupstyle = width:5em;font-weight:normal; width:9%;background:#e6e6ff
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal; width:12%;background:#e6e6ff
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal;width:8%;background:#e6e6ff
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal;width:12%;background:#e6e6ff
Template:Alessandra Amoroso
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Jason Bourne
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:12.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left
Template:Kelly Rowland
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = width:6em; text-align:left; background-color:#F5F5F5
  • liststyle = text-align:left
Template:Partiti politici in Spagna
  • groupstyle = width:6.5em
Template:Calcio in Irlanda
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Rappresentative sportive nazionali tedesche
  • liststyle = background:#FFFFFF
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#EFEFEF;text-align:left;width:10%;
  • liststyle = background:#FAFAFA
  • groupstyle = width:10em;
  • groupstyle = width:15em;
Template:Partiti politici in Romania
  • groupstyle = width:10em;
Template:Immanuel Kant
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Teorie gravitazionali
  • groupstyle = width:20em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#fd6;
  • groupstyle = background-color: AntiqueWhite
Template:Ambiente periglaciale
  • groupstyle = width:7.0em;background: #addfad;
  • liststyle = padding:0.25em 0; line-height:1.4em; width:auto;
Template:Liste di fossae
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal; background:#eef; width:50px
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = width:7.0em;
  • liststyle = padding:0.25em 0; line-height:1.4em; width:auto;
Template:Cacciatorpediniere classi C e D
  • groupstyle = width:14em;
Template:Glaciazioni continentali
  • groupstyle = width:7.0em;
  • liststyle = padding:0.25em 0; line-height:1.4em; width:auto;
Template:Cacciatorpediniere classi G e H
  • groupstyle = width:11em;
Template:Cacciatorpediniere classi E e F
  • groupstyle = width:20em;
  • groupstyle = width:14em;
Template:Giusy Ferreri
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:7em;
Template:Armate Deutsches Heer (Kaiserreich)
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#6B8E23; text-align:left;
Template:Storico AF Italia di secondo livello
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
Template:Storico AF Italia di terzo livello
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
Template:Cacciatorpediniere classi L e M
  • groupstyle = width:8em;
Template:Stagione NBA 2010-2011
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
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Template:Titoli, onorificenze e cariche dell'Impero Bizantino
  • groupstyle = background:#FFDEAD
Template:Cucina indiana
  • groupstyle = text-align:left;width:5%
  • groupstyle = background-color: LemonChiffon
Template:Lanterna Verde
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  • groupstyle = background-color:#DEF;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:75px;
Template:Campionato europeo di football americano
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallanuoto in Belgio
  • liststyle = text-align:left; background:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid red
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px; background:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid red
Template:Incrociatori classe Leander
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  • groupstyle = width: 17em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Palio di Fermo
  • groupstyle = width:10em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Rappresentazioni delle molecole
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;
Template:Dimmu Borgir
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Hockey Club Lugano storico
  • groupstyle = background:gold; width:7.5em;
Template:Pallanuoto in Portogallo
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px; background:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid #900020
  • liststyle = text-align:left; background:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid #900020
Template:Pallanuoto in Romania
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px; background:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid blue
  • liststyle = text-align:left; background:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid blue
Template:Calcio Torino navbox
  • liststyle = background:white;
  • groupstyle = background:#8D0000; color:white; border:1px solid #8D0000; text-align:right; width:11.5em;
Template:Classificazione cristallografica
  • liststyle = background: #dedede; font-weight:bold
  • groupstyle = width:130px;background: #dedede
  • groupstyle = width:130px
Template:Seconda guerra mondiale
  • groupstyle = width:11em;background:#EFEFEF;
  • groupstyle = width:11em;background:#EFEFEF
  • liststyle = width:auto
  • liststyle = width:auto;
Template:CSI (franchise)
  • groupstyle = background:#cacace;
  • liststyle = background:#efefef;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Cappella Sistina
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:left; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em; background:#DEF;
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  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em; background:#DEF;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#DEF; width:10%;
  • groupstyle = background:#DEF;
Template:Milano romana
  • groupstyle = background:#FFDEAD;
Template:Rappresentative sportive nazionali ceche
  • groupstyle = background:#FF0000;color:#ffffff;
Template:Calcio Fiorentina navbox
  • groupstyle = background:#5B0CB3;color:white; width:11.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:175px;
Template:AMD Graphics
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width: 10em;
Template:Pallamano in Italia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;background:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid #1054B7
  • liststyle = text-align:left;background:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid #1054B7
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10em; height:1.8em
Template:Veicoli sovietici IIGM
  • groupstyle = width:129px
  • groupstyle = width:80px
Template:Andrea Bocelli
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Mr. Big
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Svizzera
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Francia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Spagna
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Portogallo
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Polonia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Germania
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Turchia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Croazia
  • groupstyle = background:#efefef;
  • liststyle = background:#fff;
Template:Pallavolo in Grecia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Serbia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Slovenia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Inghilterra
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Ucraina
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Belgio
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Giappone
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • liststyle = background:#ffffff;
  • groupstyle = background:#efefef;width:20%;color:#555555;
Template:Calcio a 5 in Italia
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:115px;
Template:Pallavolo in Finlandia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Bulgaria
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Repubblica Ceca
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Romania
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:lightblue; text-align: left;
  • liststyle = text-align: left;
Template:Pallavolo in Brasile
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Danimarca
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Azerbaigian
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo nei Paesi Bassi
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Austria
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Cina
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Corea del Sud
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Argentina
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo a Cipro
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Norvegia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo negli Stati Uniti d'America
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:125px;
Template:Pallavolo a Porto Rico
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Estonia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Metodi di compressione
  • groupstyle = width:11em;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
Template:Pallavolo in Indonesia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Iran
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Dead Space
  • groupstyle = width:10%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = background:#DCD0FF; text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Titoli accademici in Italia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Vittorio De Sica
  • groupstyle = width:5em;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFFF77;
Template:Primavera araba
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:3em; background: #32DE84;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:5em; background: #32DE84;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Star Wars: The Clone Wars
  • groupstyle = width:6em;
Template:Film di Carlo Mazzacurati
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Perù
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Cacciatorpediniere classi O e P
  • groupstyle = width:60px
Template:Cacciatorpediniere classi J, K e N
  • groupstyle = width:60px
Template:Connettori e interfacce audio/video
  • groupstyle = width:7em; height:3.5em;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
  • groupstyle = width:7em;
Template:Calcio in Repubblica Ceca
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Cacciatorpediniere classe Hunt
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em
Template:Cacciatorpediniere classi W e Z
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em
Template:Comuni dell'Egeo Meridionale
  • groupstyle = width:12%;
Template:Evoluzione della stampa
  • groupstyle = width:5em;font-weight:normal;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Esercito romano
  • groupstyle = background:#FFDEAA;width:11em;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
Template:Liste di lineae
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal; background:#eef; width:50px
Template:Terminologia tecnica del rugby a 15
  • oddstyle = background:#FFFFFF;
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:15%;
  • evenstyle = background:#F3FBFD;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Australia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Calcio in Danimarca
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#c3ffbe;
Template:Calcio in Ungheria
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Il Signore degli Anelli
  • groupstyle = background:#8fbc8f; text-align:left;
  • liststyle = background:#F5FBDA; text-align:left;
Template:Guerre antica Roma
  • groupstyle = background:#FFDEAA;width:11em;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
  • groupstyle = background:white; color:black; border: solid 1px goldenrod
Template:Nazionali di pallanuoto vincitrici alle Olimpiadi
  • groupstyle = background:#efefef;color:#000000;width:7.5em;
  • groupstyle = background:#ffd700
Template:Popoli indigeni del Brasile
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:8.5em;
Template:Isole Regina Elisabetta
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em;
Template:Suddivisioni di Hainan
  • groupstyle = line-height:1.2em;
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • evenstyle = background:transparent;
  • liststyle = padding:0.15em 0;
Template:Cani gruppo 9
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:13em;
Template:Cani gruppo 7
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7em;
Template:Cani gruppo 6
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:6em;
Template:Pallavolo in Bosnia ed Erzegovina
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Gioco d'azzardo
  • groupstyle = width:10em;
Template:Metro Londra Piccadilly line
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; background:#ebebeb; white-space:nowrap; min-width:14em;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; background:#ebebeb; white-space:nowrap; width:14em;
Template:Museo di Santa Giulia
  • groupstyle = background:#dcdcdc
Template:Justice League
  • groupstyle = background:#DEF;
Template:Impero coloniale tedesco
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em
Template:Eserciti dell'Antichità
  • groupstyle = background:#C3B091;width:11em;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
Template:Andrea Camilleri
  • evenstyle = background:white;
  • oddstyle = background:#FFFACD;
  • groupstyle = background:#f5deb3; text-align:right; width:5em;
  • groupstyle = width:6em;background:lightgrey
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Miley Cyrus
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Howard Phillips Lovecraft
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
  • groupstyle = width:10%;background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Checco Zalone
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left;
Template:Luigi Vanvitelli
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFECBF; text-align: left
  • groupstyle = background:#FFECBF; text-align: leftd;
  • groupstyle = background:#ffe4b5
Template:Suddivisioni dell'Italia
  • groupstyle = width:150px;
  • liststyle = background-color:#ddddff;
  • groupstyle = width:150px;text-align:left;
Template:Serj Tankian
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Draft WNBA 1997
  • groupstyle = color:#000000; background-color:#FFE6BD; text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = color: #000000; background-color:#FFE6BD; text-align: left;
  • liststyle = text-align: left;
Template:Partiti politici in Grecia
  • groupstyle = width:9em
Template:Stagione WNBA 2007
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione WNBA 2006
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione WNBA 2005
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione WNBA 2008
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione WNBA 2009
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione WNBA 2010
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione WNBA 2011
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione WNBA 2004
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione WNBA 2003
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione WNBA 2002
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione WNBA 2001
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione WNBA 2000
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione WNBA 1999
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione WNBA 1998
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione WNBA 1997
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Decumani di Napoli
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:10em; background:#FFECBF;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; cli
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:10em; background-color:darkgray; color:white;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Zucchero Fornaciari
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Calcio in Belgio
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Calcio a Cipro
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Calcio in Lituania
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Il libro della giungla
  • liststyle = text-align:left
Template:Calcio in Islanda
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Filosofi cinici
  • groupstyle = background-color:#003366;
Template:Calcio in Germania
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Simple Plan
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Calcio in Bielorussia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Calcio in Francia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Aviazione nella seconda guerra mondiale
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Personaggi James Bond
  • groupstyle = width:9em;
Template:Stelle variabili
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em
  • groupstyle = width:15.2em
  • groupstyle = width:5.5em
Template:High and Mighty Color
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:centre; width:7.5em;
Template:Diritti LGBT
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Lo Hobbit
  • groupstyle = background:#8fbc8f
Template:Lorien Legacies
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:7.5em;
Template:Film di Carlo Vanzina
  • groupstyle = width:6em;
Template:A Perfect Circle
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Marina militare romana
  • groupstyle = background:#FFDEAA;width:11em;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
Template:My Chemical Romance
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Beach Boys
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Esercito Italiano
  • groupstyle = background:#d2b48c; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Calcio in Portogallo
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Hockey su ghiaccio in Austria
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Ed Sheeran
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Adam Lambert
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left;
Template:Legione romana alto imperiale
  • groupstyle = background:#FFDEAA;width:11em;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #C1BEBF;
Template:Calcio in Bosnia ed Erzegovina
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Alexandra Stan
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Calcio in Giappone
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:120px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Calcio in Norvegia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Software di produttività personale
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width: 7em;
Template:Nazionali di pallanuoto vincitrici del Campionato mondiale
  • groupstyle = background:#efefef;color:#000000;width:7.5em;
Template:Nazionali di pallanuoto vincitrici della Coppa del Mondo
  • groupstyle = background:#efefef;color:#000000;width:7.5em;
Template:Nazionali di pallanuoto vincitrici della World League
  • groupstyle = background:#efefef;color:#000000;width:7.5em;
Template:Nazionali di pallanuoto vincitrici del Campionato europeo
  • groupstyle = background:#efefef;color:#000000;width:7.5em;
Template:Deus Ex
  • groupstyle = text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Liste di dorsa
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal; background:#eef; width:50px
Template:Calcio in Svezia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Dazzle Vision
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:centre; width:7.5em;
Template:Calcio in Slovenia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Calcio nei Paesi Bassi
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Siti web pornografici
  • groupstyle = background:pink
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Justin Bieber
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Lingua e letteratura latina (storia romana)
  • groupstyle = background:#FFDEAA;width:11em;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
Template:Francesco Paura
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:City Hunter
  • groupstyle = width: 100px;
Template:Dirk Gently
  • liststyle = text-align:left
Template:Rifugi Sat
  • groupstyle = background: #ffffff
  • liststyle = padding:0.25em 0; line-height:1.4em; width:75%;
Template:Reperti di Stabia
  • liststyle = text-align:left;background:#EFEFEF;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:70px;background:#D8BFD8;
Template:Stagione WNBA 2012
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione NBA 2011-2012
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
  • liststyle = text-align:left
Template:Mamoru Oshii
  • groupstyle = background:#ccccff;
  • liststyle = background:#FFFFFF;
Template:Storico campionato italiano di pallacanestro femminile
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
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  • liststyle = text-align:center; font-size:95%;
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:15.5em; background:#90D0FF; color:#FFFFFF;
  • evenstyle = background:#ffffff;
Template:Edizioni del campionato italiano di serie A di rugby a 15
  • liststyle = background:#fff;
  • groupstyle = background:#E2E2E2;
Template:Nicki Minaj
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Hunter × Hunter
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left
Template:Aston Martin
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Erste Liga storico
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; width:120px;
  • liststyle = text-align:center;
Template:Ultimate Marvel
  • groupstyle = background:#DEF;
Template:Kylie Minogue
  • groupstyle = background:#FFA0A0; width:8em;
  • liststyle = text-align:justify;
  • oddstyle = background: white;
  • evenstyle = background: #FFF0E0;
Template:Aeronautica Nazionale Repubblicana
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Trasporto supersonico
  • groupstyle = width:9em;text-align: left;background-color: #eee;
Template:Marco Mengoni
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Automotrici FS ALn 668
  • groupstyle = font-size:90%; width:7em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • groupstyle = background-color:#FAEBD7;
  • liststyle = background-color:#white;
Template:Stagione NBA 2012-2013
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Eccidio di Porzûs
  • groupstyle = width:auto; text-align:left; background:#EFEFEF
Template:New Found Glory
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Hockey su ghiaccio in Nord America
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:75px;
Template:Kaiser Chiefs
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left;width:50px;background:#FFCCCC;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left;width:50px;background:#D0E7FF;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Standard Motor Company
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:MLP FiM
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:10em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#C0FF90; text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#E0FF90;
Template:Unità della Marina del Regno delle Due Sicilie
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:10em; background:#FFECBF;
Template:Massive Attack
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:100%
Template:Ferrovie in Italia
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em;
Template:CG Automobiles
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = width:7em;
  • groupstyle = width: 100px;
  • liststyle = background:#ffffff
  • groupstyle = background:#dddddd
Template:Barbra Streisand
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  • liststyle = text-align:left;
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Template:Stadi sede di finale della UEFA Europa League
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Template:Teen Wolf
  • groupstyle = background:#cacace;
  • liststyle = background:#efefef; text-align:center;
Template:Morris Motor Company
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:One Direction
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Wonder Woman
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  • groupstyle = background:#DEF;
Template:Disordini del metabolismo dell'eme
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  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Premi cestistici nazionali
  • groupstyle = width:11em;
Template:Circoscrizioni elettorali italiane
  • groupstyle = width:5em;
Template:Stone Sour
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Morris Garages
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Legione dei Super Eroi
  • groupstyle = background:#DEF;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Justice Society of America
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#DEF; width:10%;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;background:#9AB973;
Template:Gianni Morandi
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  • groupstyle = background-color:#9FFFAF; text-align:right;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background-color:#9FFFAF; text-align:center;
Template:Bristol Cars
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Far Cry
  • groupstyle = width: 90px
Template:Mylène Farmer
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#C2B280; width:5em;
Template:Triumph Motor Company
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Calcio a 5 in Svizzera
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Beach soccer in Svizzera
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallamano in Svizzera
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Tennistavolo in Svizzera
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Stagione WNBA 2013
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Storia LGBT
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Manor Racing
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Caterham F1 Team
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Professioni sanitarie italiane
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  • oddstyle = background:#dbdbbb
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  • groupstyle = background:#80FF80
Template:Calcio in Costa Rica
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Britney Spears
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Liste di catenae
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal; background:#eef; width:50px
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Scuderia Force India
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  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Forze speciali WWII
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em
  • groupstyle = width:8.2em
Template:Foo Fighters
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:LNB storico
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:15.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:center; font-size:95%;
Template:Pet Shop Boys
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Gué Pequeno
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Johnny & Associates
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Toyota Racing
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Stagione NBA 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Giovani Titani
  • groupstyle = background:#DEF;
Template:Conan il barbaro
  • groupstyle = background:#D8BFD8;width:8em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#D8BFD8; width:8em;
Template:Gruppo Coin
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:6em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Hockey su ghiaccio in Armenia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Hockey su ghiaccio in Argentina
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Hockey su ghiaccio in Australia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Hockey su ghiaccio in Bielorussia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Gradi militari per nazione
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
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Template:Truppe ausiliarie romane alto imperiali
  • groupstyle = background:#FFDEAA;width:11em;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
Template:Daft Punk
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Marvel Cinematic Universe
  • groupstyle = background:#E6F3F8;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:8em;
Template:Vauxhall Motors
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Registri d'organo
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:250px;
Template:Sistema somatosensoriale
  • groupstyle = width:5em;font-weight:normal; width:15%;
Template:Composti dell'azoto
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Ioni dell'azoto
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Panthera tigris
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Samuele Bersani
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Prost Grand Prix
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  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Stone Temple Pilots
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Hockey su ghiaccio in Italia
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  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:The Vampire Diaries
  • groupstyle = color:#000000;background:#bdbd65;
Template:The Originals
  • groupstyle = color:#000000;background:#ecd7d0;
Template:Ariana Grande
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:BMW Motorrad
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Amministrazioni dei territori occupati dalla Germania
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em
Template:Alter Bridge
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Ricerca esopianeti
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Template:Pallamano in Spagna
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Template:Red Bull Racing
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  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Pallamano in Danimarca
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;background:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid #1054B7
  • liststyle = text-align:left;background:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid #1054B7
Template:Derby Museum
  • liststyle = background:#fff;
  • groupstyle = background:#efefef;
Template:Cartelli messicani
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  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Basiliche patriarcali
  • groupstyle = background: #FFE8BF;
Template:Isotta Fraschini
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Zavod Imeni Lichačëva
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Pallamano in Svezia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;background:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid #1054B7
  • liststyle = text-align:left;background:#FFFFFF;border:1px solid #1054B7
Template:Monster Hunter
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  • liststyle = text-align:left
Template:Cesare Cremonini
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Mondo Marcio
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Commedia umana
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
Template:CF Montreal
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  • groupstyle = background:#00529B;color:white;text-align:right;border:1px black solid; width:11.5em;
Template:Calcio Padova navbox
  • groupstyle = background:#ffc4c4
Template:Syd Barrett
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Stagione ABL 1996-1997
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione ABL 1997-1998
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stagione ABL 1998-1999
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
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  • groupstyle = width:5em;
Template:Prodotti Nokia
  • groupstyle = width:4em;
Template:Lily Allen
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Arch Enemy
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = width:8em;
  • groupstyle = width:5em;
Template:Jordan Rudess
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Competizioni di hockey su pista per club
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  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Storico flag football Italia
  • liststyle = text-align:left
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Template:Maximum the Hormone
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = width:auto; background:#EFEFEF
Template:Calcio Bologna navbox
  • groupstyle = background:#000080;color:white;text-align:right;border:0.5px solid red; width:11.5em;
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  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Coppa CERS
  • groupstyle = width:140px;
Template:CERH European League
  • groupstyle = width:140px;
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Stagione WNBA 2014
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
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Template:Storia di Siracusa
  • groupstyle = background:#C0E0FF; width:11em;
  • liststyle = background:#E0F0FF; width:auto;
Template:Calcio a 5 in Italia 2013-2014
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:115px;
Template:Calcio a 5 in Italia 2012-2013
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:115px;
Template:Calcio a 5 in Italia 2011-2012
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:115px;
Template:American Motors
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Sali di litio
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Mayday Parade
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Edizioni del campionato italiano di pallapugno
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Supergruppo dell'anfibolo
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
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  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Natalia Kills
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  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallacanestro ai Giochi panamericani
  • groupstyle = width:6em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Colonialismo in Africa
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  • liststyle = background:#fff
Template:Wu Ming
  • groupstyle = width: 7em;
  • groupstyle = width: 12em;
  • groupstyle = width:8em;
Template:Campionati mondiali di pallacanestro
  • groupstyle = width:6.5em;
Template:Aviazione nella prima guerra mondiale
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  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Jon Hopkins
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#ffe4e1;
Template:Peter Pan
  • groupstyle = background:#CEECC0;text-align:right; width:7.5em;
Template:Gerusalemme liberata
  • groupstyle = width:6em;
Template:Calcio a 5 in Italia 2014-2015
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:115px;
Template:Stagione NBA 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Diritto della previdenza sociale in Italia
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  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Monumenti e luoghi d'interesse di Londra
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  • liststyle = width:auto;
  • groupstyle = width:11em;text-align: left;background-color: #eee;
Template:Girls' Generation
  • groupstyle = width:8em;
  • groupstyle = width:9em;
Template:5 Seconds of Summer
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Mondo di tenebra
  • groupstyle = width: 120px;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Tom Hanks
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Cristina Comencini
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Adriano Celentano
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Niccolò Fabi
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Kany Garcia
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Cronologia universale
  • groupstyle = background:#afeeee
Template:AS Monaco FC
  • liststyle = background:white;
  • groupstyle = background:red; color:white; text-align:right; width:11.5em;
Template:Pallavolo a Porto Rico 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Giappone 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Festival di Berlino
  • groupstyle = width:14.5em; background:#EEEEEE; color:black
Template:Pallavolo in Giappone 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Calcio in Somalia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:New Order
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Fiat Chrysler Automobiles
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:7em;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:5em;
Template:Robert Baden-Powell
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Template:Iso Rivolta
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Discipline umanistiche
  • groupstyle = background:lightgrey; text-align:left;
Template:Celebrazione eucaristica
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Liste di planitiae
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal; background:#eef; width:50px
Template:Guerra civile romana 44-31 a.C.
  • groupstyle = background:#FFDEAA; width:11em;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
Template:Cristianesimo siriaco
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Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2012-2013
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2011-2012
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Hollywood Undead
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2010-2011
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Asking Alexandria
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2009-2010
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Carmen Consoli
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:The Weeknd
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2008-2009
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2003-2004
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 1999-2000
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Turchia 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Legione romana tardo imperiale
  • groupstyle = background:#FFDEAA;width:11em;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2000-2001
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2001-2002
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Stutz Motor Company
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Pallavolo in Turchia 2012-2013
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2002-2003
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo a Porto Rico 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2004-2005
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2005-2006
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2006-2007
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2007-2008
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Dragon Quest
  • groupstyle = width:8em;
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Template:Leonard Cohen
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Pino Daniele
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Cacciatorpediniere classe County
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:100px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Richard Marx
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  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Francesco Renga
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Mercedes F1
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  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
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  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Muddy Waters
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Linea 77
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Jo Squillo
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Steve Aoki
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  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
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  • evenstyle = background:#F090FF;
  • oddstyle = background:#D0A080;
Template:Rete ferroviaria della Toscana
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:8.5em;
  • groupstyle = width:12em;
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#FFCCCC;
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#D0E7FF;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFCCCC; width:12em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D0E7FF; width:12em;
  • liststyle = background:#ddddff; text-align:center;
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em
Template:Pallavolo in Europa per club 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Pallavolo in Francia 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Asia e Oceania per club 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Pallavolo in Africa per club 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Pallavolo in America del Sud per club 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Pallavolo in America del Nord per club 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Nazionali di roller derby
  • groupstyle = background:#b0c4de;
Template:Softball Internazionale
  • groupstyle = width:5em;
Template:Pallavolo in Russia 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Calcio Reggina navbox
  • liststyle = background:white;
  • groupstyle = background:#8D0000; color:white; text-align:right; width:11.5em;
Template:Edifici sabaudi fuori dal Piemonte
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:15.0em;
Template:Fortezze Italia nord-occidentale
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:15.0em;
Template:Agenti diplomatici
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:10%;
Template:Rugby a 15 in Repubblica Ceca e in Slovacchia
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#FFFFFF; text-align:left;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;background:#f8f8f8;
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:15%;
  • evenstyle = background:#FFFFFF; text-align:left;
Template:Calcio Casertana navbox
  • liststyle = background:white;
  • groupstyle = background:#002748; color:red; text-align:centre; width:11.5em;
Template:Stardust Promotion
  • groupstyle = background:gainsboro;text-align:center;
Template:Momoiro Clover Z
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Rappresentanti della monarchia britannica
  • groupstyle = width:10%;
Template:Pallavolo in Europa per club 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Stagione WNBA 2015
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:100px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Turchia 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Poesia italiana del Duecento
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Antimafia in Italia
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:5.5em;
Template:Pallavolo in Francia 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Pallavolo in Europa per club 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Vincitori Mondiali di football americano Under-19
  • groupstyle = background:gold;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Germania 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Stagione NBA 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Stadi sede del Superbowl Italiano
  • liststyle = background:#ffffff
  • groupstyle = background:#f7f7f7;border:1px solid #e8cd81
Template:Tesla Motors
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Pallavolo in Romania 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Alessandro Manzoni
  • oddstyle = background:white;
  • groupstyle = background:#F0DC82; text-align:right; width:10em;
  • evenstyle = background:white;
  • evenstyle = background:#FFFACD;
  • groupstyle = background:#F0DC82; text-align:right; width:5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:justify;
  • oddstyle = background:#FFFACD;
Template:Pallavolo in Cina 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = background:#E7EBEB;width:10%
Template:Pallavolo ai Giochi panamericani
  • groupstyle = width:6em;
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2012-2013
  • groupstyle = background:#E7EBEB;width:10%
Template:Calcio a 5 in Italia 2015-2016
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:115px;
Template:Monete degli Stati Uniti d'America
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:All Time Low
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Wikimania Esino Lario incontra
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = width:6.5em;
Template:NFL 2015
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#FFCCCC;
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#D0E7FF;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFCCCC; width:12em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D0E7FF; width:12em;
Template:Giurisdizione in Italia
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:15.0em;
Template:Il Volo
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Danimarca 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallanuoto in Argentina
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;background:#e1eaf3;border:1px solid #cddae7
  • liststyle = text-align:left;background:#e1eaf3;border:1px solid #cddae7
Template:Funzione amministrativa in Italia
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:15.0em;
Template:Steven Wilson
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Spagna 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Insurrezione islamica nelle Filippine
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Calcio in Friuli-Venezia Giulia
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:145px;
Template:Pallavolo a Porto Rico 2012-2013
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Calcio Catania navbox
  • liststyle = background:white;
  • groupstyle = background-color:#00BFFF;color:#FFFFFF; border:1px solid red;
Template:Chiese sull'isola di Capri
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
Template:David Gilmour
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Bring Me the Horizon
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Tragedie latine
  • groupstyle = background:#ADDEE6;
Template:Flying Colors
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Polonia 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Polonia 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Nazionali di rugby a 7
  • oddstyle = background:#FFFFFF;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = color:#18964C;background:#F3FBFD;
  • evenstyle = background:#F3FBFD;
Template:Nazionali di rugby a 7 femminile
  • oddstyle = background:#FFFFFF;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = color:#18964C;background:#F3FBFD;
  • evenstyle = background:#F3FBFD;
Template:Gruppi del crimine organizzati in Canada
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
Template:Vincitori Mondiali di flag football
  • groupstyle = background:gold;
Template:Vincitori Europei di flag football
  • groupstyle = background:gold;
  • evenstyle = background:#FFFACD;
  • groupstyle = background:#F0DC82; text-align:right; width:10em;
  • oddstyle = background:white;
  • liststyle = text-align:justify;
Template:Film Star Wars
  • groupstyle = width:10em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo a Porto Rico 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background:#FFE8BF; width:7.5em;
Template:Pallavolo in Francia 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Calcio a 5 in Spagna
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:115px;
Template:Foy Vance
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Famiglia Patriarca
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Automobilismo in Italia
  • groupstyle = background:#efefef;width:11%;
Template:Comune italiano
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:5.5em;
Template:Qualificazioni ai Giochi della XXXI Olimpiade
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Snoop Dogg
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Database management system
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
Template:Storia dell'arte di Milano
  • groupstyle = background:#FFF0B0;
Template:Case automobilistiche tedesche dal 1945
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Pallavolo in Francia 2012-2013
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Liste di rupēs
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal; background:#eef; width:50px
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Elezioni primarie negli Stati Uniti d'America
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:NFL 2016
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#FFCCCC;
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#D0E7FF;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFCCCC; width:12em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D0E7FF; width:12em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Isole Osumi
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:8em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Rivoluzione filippina
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Asia e Oceania per club 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Pallavolo in America del Sud per club 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Pallavolo in America del Sud per club 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:18%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Slovenia 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Thailandia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Francia 2011-2012
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Thailandia 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:The Rasmus
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Azerbaigian 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Azerbaigian 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Asia e Oceania per club 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:18%
  • groupstyle = background:#fff1ba; color: blue;text-align:left; width:16.0em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Amy Lee
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:centre; width:7.5em;
Template:Stagione WNBA 2016
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
  • groupstyle = background:#cacace;
  • liststyle = background:#efefef; text-align:center;
Template:Mitologia greca
  • groupstyle = background:#fbf5b5;
Template:Pallavolo in Azerbaigian 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Storico AF Svizzera
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
Template:Pallavolo giovanile internazionale
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Qatar
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Danimarca 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Grecia 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Sinéad O'Connor
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:100px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Stagione NBA 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Pallavolo in Turchia 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Sistema difensivo della laguna di Venezia
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:20.5em;
Template:Adattamenti di opere di Stephen King
  • groupstyle = width:11.5em; background:#708090; color:white
Template:Pallavolo in Germania 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Qatar 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Dinastie islamiche
  • groupstyle = text-align:centre; width:8em;
Template:Pallavolo in Romania 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = width:9em;text-align: left;background-color: #eee;
  • groupstyle = width:10em;text-align: left;background-color: #eee;
Template:Saturn Corporation
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:At Vance
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:McLaren Automotive
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Storico AF Portogallo
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
Template:Football Portuscale Dragons storico
  • groupstyle = background:#fb4f14; color:black; border:1px solid #fb4f14;
Template:Pallavolo in Europa per club 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Star Wars Rebels
  • groupstyle = width:6em;
Template:Skye Edwards
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Spagna 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Calcio a 5 in Italia 2016-2017
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:115px;
Template:Ghost Rider
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#DEF; width:10%;
  • groupstyle = padding:0.35em 1.0em; line-height:1.1em; background: #E0B0FF;text-align:right; width:9.5em;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • oddstyle = background:#FFF0F5;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:8.5em;
  • groupstyle = padding:0.35em 1.0em; line-height:1.1em; background: #FBAED2;text-align:right; width:8.5em;
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Pallavolo in Corea del Sud 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Corea del Sud 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • liststyle = text-align:left; font-size:95%;
  • groupstyle = background:#DCDCDC; width:15%; font-size:95%;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Pallavolo in Corea del Sud 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Frank Ocean
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Iron Savior
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
Template:Pallavolo in Cina 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Nobiltà per nazione
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
Template:Spock's Beard
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Cina 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Cina 2012-2013
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Isole di Mauritius
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal;
Template:Cacciatorpediniere classi S e T
  • groupstyle = width:50px
Template:Regni e dinastie dell'Africa orientale nel Medioevo
  • groupstyle = padding-left:0.5em;padding-right:0.5em;font-weight:normal;
  • groupstyle = text-align:centre; width:8em;
  • groupstyle = background:#a9a9a9; color: blue;text-align:left; width:12.0em;
  • groupstyle = width:auto;
Template:Pallavolo in Asia e Oceania per club 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:David Sylvian
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Cradle of Filth
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Corea del Sud 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Norvegia 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo a Porto Rico 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Death Angel
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo a Porto Rico 2011-2012
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo a Porto Rico 2010-2011
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Finlandia 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Alexandre Dumas (padre)
  • groupstyle = background: #D08080; text-align:right; width:10em;
  • oddstyle = background:white;
  • oddstyle = background: white;
  • groupstyle = background: #D08080; text-align:right; width:21em;
  • liststyle = text-align:justify;
  • evenstyle = background:#F0F0FF;
Template:Sophia Abrahão
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; background: #EEEEEE;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Liste di ampie strutture anulari
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal; background:#eef; width:50px
Template:Libri Guerre stellari
  • groupstyle = width:11.5em;
Template:Imaging biomedico
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal;
Template:Pallavolo in Corea del Sud 2012-2013
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Storico AF Polonia
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
Template:NCAA Division I (pallavolo) 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:NCAA Division I (pallavolo) 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Storico AF Italia militari USA
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
  • evenstyle = background:white
  • groupstyle = background:#f4a460
Template:Pallavolo in Norvegia 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
Template:Stephen Hawking
  • groupstyle = background-color:#6495ed; color:black;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo nelle Filippine
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Comuni della comunità albanese d'Italia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:13.0em;
Template:Liste di sulci
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal; background:#eef; width:50px
Template:Chicago Outfit
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
Template:Morbid Angel
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Nikolaj Noskov
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Liste di chasmata
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal; background:#eef; width:50px
Template:NFL 2017
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#FFCCCC;
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#D0E7FF;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFCCCC; width:12em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D0E7FF; width:12em;
Template:Software iOS
  • groupstyle = width:5em;
Template:Hardware iOS
  • groupstyle = width:5em;
Template:Pallavolo in Iran 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in America del Sud per club 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Biagio Antonacci
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Renault F1
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Pallavolo in Argentina 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Argentina 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Haas F1
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Pallavolo in Argentina 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Argentina 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo a Porto Rico 2009-2010
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Between the Buried and Me
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Francia 2010-2011
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Francia 2009-2010
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Messico
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Grecia 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Rappresentative calcistiche nazionali tedesche
  • liststyle = background:#FFFFFF
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#EFEFEF;text-align:left;width:10%;
  • liststyle = background:#FAFAFA
Template:Pallavolo in Grecia 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Norvegia 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Frankie hi-nrg mc
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Liste di coronae
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal; background:#eef; width:50px
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Unione di Scranton
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#ffffff;
  • evenstyle = background:#ffffff;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em; background:#DC143C; color:#ffffff
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; background:#DC143C; color:#ffffff
Template:Pallavolo in Thailandia 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Qatar 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Arte islamica
  • groupstyle = width:5em;font-weight:normal; width:15%;
Template:Stagione WNBA 2017
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Pallavolo in Qatar 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Brasile 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Police Quest
  • groupstyle = width: 150px;
Template:Pallavolo in Brasile 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Brasile 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Leggi Italia
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em;
Template:Stewart Grand Prix
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Pallavolo in Svizzera 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Danimarca 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Espansioni di Force of Will
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:11em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Laura Ingalls Wilder
  • liststyle = text-align:left
Template:Pallavolo in Francia 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Nazionali di pallacanestro vincitrici alle Olimpiadi
  • groupstyle = width:2em;
Template:Nazionali di pallamano vincitrici alle Olimpiadi
  • groupstyle = width:1em;
Template:Calcio a 5 in Italia 2017-2018
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:115px;
Template:Temptation Island
  • groupstyle = width:12em;
Template:Mezzi di impugnazione nell'ordinamento italiano
  • groupstyle = width:9.0em;
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Nazionali di hockey su ghiaccio vincitrici alle Olimpiadi
  • groupstyle = width:3em;
Template:Pallavolo in Europa per club 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Ferrovie turistiche italiane
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em;
Template:Young Justice
  • groupstyle = background:#DEF;
Template:Pallavolo in Germania 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Mary J. Blige
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Rappresentative sportive nazionali jugoslave
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#003893;color:#ffffff;
Template:Pallavolo in Turchia 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Turchia 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background:rgb(229,243,255)
Template:Pallavolo in Corea del Sud 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Finlandia 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Software Adobe Creative
  • liststyle = text-align:center;
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; background: #dcdcdc;
Template:Porcupine Tree
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Stagione NBA 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:NFL 2018
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#FFCCCC;
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#D0E7FF;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFCCCC; width:12em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D0E7FF; width:12em;
Template:Pallavolo in Argentina 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in America del Sud per club 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Francesco Gabbani
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Robot umanoidi
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
Template:Pallavolo in Russia 2009-2010
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Villa Reale di Milano
  • groupstyle = background:#FFF0B0; text-align:center; width:8em
  • evenstyle = background:white;
  • oddstyle = background:#FFFACD;
  • liststyle = text-align;justify;
  • groupstyle = background:#F0DC82; text-align:right; width:5em;
Template:Pallavolo in Russia 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Romania 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Qatar 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Cinquanta sfumature
  • liststyle = text-align:
Template:Pallavolo in Belgio 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Azerbaigian 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Belgio 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Belgio 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Russia 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Polonia 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Russia 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Cronache srilankesi
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
Template:Asia (gruppo musicale)
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:NCAA Division I (pallavolo) 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Calcio Frosinone navbox
  • groupstyle = background:gold;;color:#2C60C9;border:1px solid blue; text-align:right; width:11.5em;
  • liststyle = background:#FFFFFF;
Template:Pallavolo in Belgio 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background:#cacace;
Template:NCAA Division I (pallavolo) 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:DC Extended Universe
  • groupstyle = background:#E6F3F8;
Template:Pallavolo in Spagna 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Asia e Oceania per club 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Pallavolo in Giappone 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Brasile 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background:#ccf1ff; color:; text-align:left; width:25em;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Scuola delle Annales
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
Template:Fabrizio Moro
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em; background:#c3e9d6;
Template:Emigrazione italiana
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em; font-size:85%
Template:Aree naturali protette in Oregon
  • groupstyle = background:#abdb75;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:2.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Mokuyō Gekijō
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:2.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:2.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:5.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:2.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Kin'yō Naito
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:5.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:2.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Nichiyō Gekijō
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:5.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:5.5em;
Template:Tsuchi Dora
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:2.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Doyō 24
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:5.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:2.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:5.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:2.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:5.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:5.5em;
Template:Pallavolo in Polonia 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:5.5em;
Template:Guerra fredda
  • groupstyle = width:5.5em; text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Dave Matthews Band
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Kazuo Ishiguro
  • groupstyle = width: 12em;
Template:Lo Stato Sociale
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Capitan Marvel
  • groupstyle = width:8em; background-color:#DEF;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Stati tedeschi (1867-1918)
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em;
Template:Litus Saxonicum
  • groupstyle = background:#FFDEAD; width:30%
Template:Max Gazzè
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Francia 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2011-2012
  • groupstyle = background:#E7EBEB;width:10%
Template:Reggimenti di artiglieria dell'Esercito Italiano
  • groupstyle = background:#d2b48c; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Reggimenti di cavalleria dell'Esercito Italiano
  • groupstyle = background:#d2b48c; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Reggimenti del genio dell'Esercito Italiano
  • groupstyle = background:#d2b48c; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Reggimenti di fanteria dell'Esercito Italiano
  • groupstyle = background:#d2b48c; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Reggimenti di supporto dell'Esercito Italiano
  • groupstyle = background:#d2b48c; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Dua Lipa
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Calcio in Brasile
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Svizzera 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Devin Townsend
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Reed Elsevier
  • groupstyle = text-align: left;background-color: #eee;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Argentina 2012-2013
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in America del Sud per club 2012-2013
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Pallacanestro internazionale minore
  • groupstyle = width:4em;
Template:Pallavolo a Porto Rico 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Thailandia 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Azerbaigian 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Germania 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = width: 10%;
  • groupstyle = width: 15%;
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2006-2007
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Sovrani di Babilonia dell'età del bronzo
  • groupstyle = background:#afeeee
Template:Sovrani di Babilonia dell'età del ferro
  • groupstyle = background:#afeeee
Template:I Mille
  • groupstyle = background:#f08080; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:The Dear Hunter
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Vescovi di Messina
  • groupstyle = background:#009060; width:7em;
Template:Calcio femminile in Italia
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background-color:#ddd;
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2007-2008
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Famiglia Philadelphia
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
Template:Pallavolo nei Paesi Bassi 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2002-2003
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Stagione WNBA 2018
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Composti dello zinco
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:6.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Composti del niobio
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Stagione NBA 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#C8102E;color:#FFFFFF; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#1D428A;color:#FFFFFF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2005-2006
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Da Montefeltro
  • groupstyle = background:#FFD700; color:black;text-align:left; width:13.2em;
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2008-2009
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2009-2010
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2010-2011
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFD700; color:blue;text-align:left; width:13.2em;
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Calcio a 5 in Italia 2018-2019
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:115px;
Template:Steve Vai
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Joe Satriani
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:John Keats
  • liststyle = text-align:justify;
  • evenstyle = background:#FFEFD5;;
  • oddstyle = background:white
  • groupstyle = background:#FFCC99; text-align:right; width:9em;
Template:Nazionali di hockey su ghiaccio campioni d'Europa
  • groupstyle = width:3em;
Template:Nazionali di hockey su ghiaccio campioni del mondo
  • groupstyle = width:3em;
Template:Nazionali di pallacanestro campioni d'Europa
  • groupstyle = width:2em;
Template:Nazionali di pallacanestro campioni del mondo
  • groupstyle = width:2em;
Template:Nazionali di softball femminile campioni d'Europa
  • groupstyle = width:2em;
Template:Composti del berillio
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Composti del platino
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Composti del tungsteno
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Composti dell'arsenico
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Composti del cesio
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Le Vibrazioni
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Europa per club 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Progressioni dei record di atletica leggera
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:7.5em;
Template:Gruppi funzionali
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em
Template:Pallavolo in Serbia 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Azerbaigian 2012-2013
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Romania 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Lev L. Spiro
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo a Porto Rico 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Spagna 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Grecia 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 1946
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Romania 2012-2013
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Rugby a 15 in Nordamerica
  • groupstyle = background:#EFEFEF;text-align:left
  • liststyle = background:#FFFFFF;
Template:Pallavolo in Grecia 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:2.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:100px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Calcio femminile in Inghilterra
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:TDAA.Attrice non protagonista
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Servizi di polizia locale in Italia
  • groupstyle = width:10em;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Diritti LGBT in Germania
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:100px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Ville e palazzi di Milano risalenti almeno al XIV secolo
  • groupstyle = background:text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Pallavolo in Turchia 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Spagna 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Polonia 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Composti dell'oro
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Composti dell'ossigeno
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Mahindra & Mahindra
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Giorgio Faletti
  • groupstyle = background:#E6F3F8;
Template:Pallavolo in Turchia 2009-2010
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Svizzera 2014-2015
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Letteratura tedesca
  • groupstyle = background: ; text-align:left;
  • liststyle = background: ; text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Belgio 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Turchia 2008-2009
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Roger Waters
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Cristina D'Avena
  • groupstyle = width:10%; background:#E9EC7D; color:#7C7E2A;
  • groupstyle = width:25%; background:#6DE4FF; color:#2A7A8C;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFD700; color:blue; text-align:left; width:12.0em;
Template:Pallavolo in Serbia 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Finlandia 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Russia 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:The Struts
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Francia 2006-2007
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:NCAA Division I (pallavolo) 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Olly Murs
  • groupstyle = background: #EDEDED
Template:Crazy Town
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Faith No More
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Footwork Arrows
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Ski Mask the Slump God
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background:#DEF; width:10%;
Template:Pallavolo in India
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Giorgio Vanni
  • groupstyle = width:25%
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal; width:10em; background:#eef
Template:Spedizione dei Mille
  • groupstyle = background:#FF8C69;width:11em;
  • liststyle = width:auto;
Template:Pallavolo in Polonia 2010-2011
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Docklands Light Railway
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; background:#ebebeb; white-space:nowrap; min-width:14em;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; background:#ebebeb; white-space:nowrap; width:14em;
Template:Pallavolo in Polonia 2011-2012
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2003-2004
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:NVA 2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Questione adriatica
  • groupstyle = width:8em;
Template:Pallavolo in Polonia 2012-2013
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Germania 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Mike Shinoda
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Polonia 2013-2014
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Francia 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Danimarca 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Turchia 2011-2012
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Turchia 2010-2011
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Finlandia 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Composti del cromo
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Composti dei gas nobili
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Argentina 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in America del Sud per club 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Pallavolo in Repubblica Dominicana
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Coheed and Cambria
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2004-2005
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2001-2002
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:NFL 2019
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#FFCCCC;
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#D0E7FF;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFCCCC; width:12em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D0E7FF; width:12em;
Template:Pallavolo nei Paesi Bassi 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Azerbaigian 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Rimac Automobili
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Francia 2008-2009
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2000-2001
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Pallavolo in Svizzera 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Stagione WNBA 2019
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Pallavolo in Romania 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Composti dell'alluminio
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Harry Potter
  • groupstyle = width:9em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE; width:8em;
Template:Pallavolo in Svizzera 2010-2011
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Dixie Dregs
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Nazionali di calcio dell'Italia
  • liststyle = background:#fff;
  • groupstyle = background:#0981E7;color:#FFFFFF;font-size:95%;
Template:Little Mix
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Stagione NBA 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#C8102E;color:#FFFFFF; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#1D428A;color:#FFFFFF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Samsung Galaxy A
  • groupstyle = text-align:centr;
  • groupstyle = text-align:centr; width:3.35em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Guided by Voices
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Relazioni internazionali della Corea del Nord
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal;
Template:T. Rex
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Killing Joke
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Calcio a 5 in Italia 2019-2020
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:115px;
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Bass Communion
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 1999-2000
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 1998-1999
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 1997-1998
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = width:9em;
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 1996-1997
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Julieta Venegas
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Genesis Motor
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left;
Template:Competizioni di skeleton
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Gare della RCS Sport
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#F2EEEE; color:#333333; width:10em;
Template:Antonella Ruggiero
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Supreme Dicks
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Storico AF Austria
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
Template:Pallavolo in Giappone 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Asia e Oceania per club 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Pallavolo in Giappone 2015-2016
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Giappone 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Europa per club 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Storico AF Norvegia
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
Template:Herman Melville
  • evenstyle = background:white;
  • oddstyle = background:#FFFACD;
  • liststyle = text-align:justify;
  • groupstyle = background:#F0DC82; text-align:right; width:5em;
  • groupstyle = width:5em;font-weight:normal; width:12%;background:#e6e6ff
Template:Ferrovie dello Stato Italiane
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:5em;
Template:Storico AF Belgio
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
Template:Storico AF Slovenia
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
Template:Competizioni di bob
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Teatri di Londra
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Bombardieri USA
  • groupstyle = text-align: left; width:12em; background: #87cefa
  • oddstyle = background:#f0f8ff;
  • evenstyle = background:#dcdcdc;
  • evenstyle = background:#f0f8ff;
  • oddstyle = background:#dcdcdc;
Template:Competizioni di slittino
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Caccia USA
  • groupstyle = text-align: left; width:12em; background: #87cefa
  • oddstyle = background:#f0f8ff;
  • evenstyle = background:#dcdcdc;
  • evenstyle = background:#f0f8ff;
  • oddstyle = background:#dcdcdc;
Template:Inni nazionali africani
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7em;
Template:Attacco USA
  • groupstyle = text-align: left; width:12em; background: #87cefa
  • oddstyle = background:#f0f8ff;
  • evenstyle = background:#dcdcdc;
  • evenstyle = background:#f0f8ff;
  • oddstyle = background:#dcdcdc;
Template:Suning Holdings Group
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = text-align:center;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:The Bats
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:NCAA Division I (pallavolo) 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Acidi grassi
  • groupstyle = width:50px;
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Storico AF Paesi Bassi
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Myss Keta
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = background:#EEDD82; text-align:center; width:11.5em;
  • groupstyle = background:#EEDD82; text-align:center; width:5.5em;
Template:Scuderia AlphaTauri
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Howling Commandos
  • groupstyle = width:8em; background-color:#DEF;
Template:Eugenio in Via Di Gioia
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:NFL 2020
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#FFCCCC;
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#D0E7FF;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFCCCC; width:12em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D0E7FF; width:12em;
Template:Virgin Racing
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Marussia F1
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Pallavolo in Germania 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 1988-1989
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Classe S (sommergibile Regno Unito 1931)
  • groupstyle = width:9em
Template:Musei del Molise
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 1989-1990
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Fratelli Wong
  • groupstyle = width:5em;
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 1991-1992
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo a Porto Rico 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 1992-1993
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Lotus F1 Team
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Brawn GP
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 1993-1994
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 1994-1995
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 1995-1996
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 1996-1997
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in America del Sud per club 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 1990-1991
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 1997-1998
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 1998-1999
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • liststyle = text-align:left
Template:Michael Learns to Rock
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 1995-1996
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Pallavolo in Croazia 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Will Smith
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Croazia 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Vangelo secondo Matteo
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Pallavolo in Croazia 2016-2017
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Polonia 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Ciclo dell'Ulster
  • groupstyle = width:9em;
Template:Pallavolo in Turchia 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Norvegia 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Francia 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Svizzera 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Stagione WNBA 2020
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Coppa araba FIFA
  • groupstyle = width:140px;
Template:Pallavolo in Argentina 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Romania 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Gianna Nannini
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Ambienti di sviluppo integrati
  • groupstyle = background-color: #e6e6ff; text-align: right; white-space:nowrap; width: 1%;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Danimarca 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Universal Music Group
  • groupstyle = white-space: nowrap; width: 1%;
Template:Pallavolo nei Paesi Bassi 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Serbia 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:The Clean
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Calcio a 5 in Russia
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:115px;
Template:Auto EVO
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Jarabe de Palo
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Drama del sabato e della domenica su tvN
  • groupstyle = width:50px;
Template:Drama del venerdì e del sabato su JTBC
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Drama del lunedì e del martedì su JTBC
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Kendrick Lamar
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Isole di Creta
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:8em;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Georgia del Sud e Isole Sandwich Australi
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:13em;
Template:Pallavolo in Europa per club 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Piccole Isole della Sonda
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:13em;
Template:Isole Samoa
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:13em;
Template:Calcio a 5 in Italia 2020-2021
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:115px;
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Alex Britti
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Ben Frost
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Storico AF Cina
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
Template:Le telenovelas e serie televisive di Telemundo
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = background-color:#FFC0CB; text-align:right; width:2.5em;
Template:Telenovelas di TV Globo
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:2.5em;background-color:#E5E4E2;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Le telenovelas e serie televisive di Caracol Televisión
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:2.5em;background-color:#F2BDCD;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Le telenovelas e serie televisive di RCN Televisión
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:2.5em;background-color:#90EE90;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Telenovelas di Venevisión
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:2.5em;background-color:#ADD8E6;
Template:Telenovelas di RCTV
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:2.5em;background-color:#FFA500;
Template:Le telenovelas e serie televisive di TV Azteca
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:2.5em;background-color:#FFE5B4;
Template:Le telenovelas e serie televisive di Telefe
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:2.5em;background-color:#00CCFF;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f0f8ff;
  • evenstyle = background:#dcdcdc;
  • groupstyle = text-align: left; width:12em; background: #87cefa
Template:Traghetti FS
  • groupstyle = background:#E1FFFF; text-align:center; width:8em; height:2em
Template:Travis Scott
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Turchia 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Storico AF Repubblica Ceca
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
Template:Cacciatorpediniere classi Q e R
  • groupstyle = width:8em;
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Cacciatorpediniere classi U e V
  • groupstyle = width:50px
Template:Stagione NBA 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
Template:The Tremeloes
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Don Backy
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Michael Faraday
  • groupstyle = width:7.5em;
Template:Storico AF Ungheria
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
  • groupstyle = width:4.5em;
Template:Isole Svalbard
  • groupstyle = width:10em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • evenstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
Template:Ex stati in Indonesia
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10.5em;
Template:The Animals
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:World Athletics Tour
  • groupstyle = background:#FFB050
Template:Holland America Line
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#000060; color:white;
Template:Nanowar of Steel
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Classe T (sommergibile Regno Unito)
  • groupstyle = width:9em
Template:Capoluoghi di provincia spagnoli
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:23%;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Aston Martin F1 Team
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Corsari barbareschi
  • liststyle = background: white; text-align: left; width: auto;
  • groupstyle = white-space: nowrap; text-align: right;
Template:Mono (gruppo musicale)
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:center;
Template:Storico AF Serbia
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
Template:Server di scacchi
  • groupstyle = width:5em;
Template:Compagnie aeree della Danimarca
  • groupstyle = background:#EEEEEE; width:15%
Template:Compagnie aeree della Francia
  • groupstyle = background:#EEEEEE; width:20%
Template:Compagnie aeree dei Paesi Bassi
  • groupstyle = background:#EEEEEE; width:15%
Template:Compagnie aeree del Regno Unito
  • groupstyle = background:#EEEEEE; width:10%
Template:In Flames
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Brasile 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Brasile 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:NVA 2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Compagnie aeree degli Stati Uniti d'America
  • groupstyle = background:#EEEEEE; width:10%
Template:Frah Quintale
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • evenstyle = background:#FFFACD;
  • groupstyle = background:#F0DC82; text-align:right; width:10em;
  • oddstyle = background:white;
  • liststyle = text-align:justify;
Template:Pallavolo in Spagna 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Germania 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:NFL 2021
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#FFCCCC;
  • groupstyle = width:8.5em;background:#D0E7FF;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFCCCC; width:12em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D0E7FF; width:12em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Hakan Nesser
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:10em; height:1.8em
Template:Storico AF Finlandia
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
Template:Pallavolo in Polonia 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Austria 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Dead Can Dance
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Belgio 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Serbia 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo nei Paesi Bassi 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:The 1975
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Storico AF Filippine
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
  • groupstyle = width:1%; white-space:nowrap
Template:Pallavolo in Svizzera 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Stagione WNBA 2021
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#ce0008; color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#094480; color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
Template:Gruppo SNCF
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:5em;
Template:NCAA Division I (pallavolo) 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Francia 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in America del Sud per club 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Trauma Center
  • groupstyle = text-align:center; width:7.7em;
  • liststyle = text-align:
Template:Da Camino
  • groupstyle = background:#E1E1E1; color:black;text-align:left; width:13.2em;
Template:Olivia Rodrigo
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Stadi sede di finale della Coppa Libertadores
  • groupstyle = width:1px;background:#fff;
  • oddstyle = background:#eaeaea;
Template:Stadi sede di finale della Copa América
  • groupstyle = width:1px;background:#fff;
  • oddstyle = background:#eaeaea;
Template:Mandato francese della Siria
  • groupstyle = font-weight:normal;
Template:Pallavolo in Romania 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Storico AF Ucraina
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
Template:Camp Blood
  • groupstyle = background:#;
Template:Calcio a 5 in Italia 2021-2022
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:115px;
Template:Storico AF Tahiti
  • liststyle = text-align:left
  • groupstyle = background:#BFD7FF; text-align:right
Template:NVA 2021
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:NVA 2020
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Locomotive MaK-Vossloh
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:left; width:5em;
Template:Guerra d'indipendenza turca
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:7.5em;
  • oddstyle = background:#f7f7f7;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Pallavolo in Danimarca 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Europa per club 2021-2022
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Pallavolo in Italia 2021-2022
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo a Porto Rico 2020-2021
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Formula Regional
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Rete ferroviaria del Lazio
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:8.5em;
Template:Rete ferroviaria dell'Abruzzo
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:8.5em; background:#e9ffd2
Template:Composti del manganese
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:6.5em;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:4.4em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Calcio Empoli navbox
  • liststyle = background:#FFFFFF;
  • groupstyle = background:#0066B3;color:white;text-align:right;width:11.5em;
Template:Pallavolo nella Repubblica Dominicana 2017-2018
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo nella Repubblica Dominicana 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:AC Cars
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Rugby a 15 in Italia 2021-2022
  • groupstyle = align:left;background:#E7EBEB;text-align:left;width:10%;
Template:Generazioni Apple Watch
  • groupstyle = width:5em;
Template:Stagione NBA 2021-2022
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#FFCCCC; text-align: center;
  • liststyle = width:auto; text-align: left;
  • groupstyle = width:10em; background-color:#D0E7FF; text-align: center;
Template:Pallavolo in Francia 2021-2022
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Turchia 2021-2022
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Swedish House Mafia
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:Pallavolo in Spagna 2021-2022
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Svizzera 2021-2022
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Polonia 2021-2022
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo nei Paesi Bassi 2021-2022
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in Brasile 2021-2022
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Pallavolo in America del Sud per club 2021-2022
  • groupstyle = width:18%
Template:Palazzo della Loggia
  • groupstyle = background:#E0F0FF
Template:Diana Ross
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE; width:8em;
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Calcio in Irlanda del Nord
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:105px;
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:Vincitori Campionato australiano di football americano
  • groupstyle = background-color:#007FFF;color:#FFFFFF;
Template:Vincitori Campionato australiano di football americano femminile
  • groupstyle = background-color:#007FFF;color:#FFFFFF;
Template:Rete ferroviaria delle Marche
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:8.5em;
Template:Low Roar
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
Template:NCAA Division I (pallavolo) 2021-2022
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:De Tomaso F1
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Pallavolo in Grecia 2021-2022
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:Film e TV Marvel Comics
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
Template:LG Corporation
  • liststyle = width: auto;
  • groupstyle = width: 13.85em;
Template:Rete ferroviaria della Liguria
  • groupstyle = text-align:right; width:8.5em;
Template:Forti Corse
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Alfa Romeo F1
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Pallavolo in Grecia 2018-2019
  • groupstyle = width:13%
  • liststyle = text-align:left;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:54px;
  • groupstyle = text-align:right;width:56px;
Template:Pallavolo in Grecia 2019-2020
  • groupstyle = width:13%
Template:ELF 2021
  • groupstyle = background:#D0E7FF; width:12em;
  • groupstyle = background:#FFCCCC; width:12em;
Template:Automobile Monteverdi
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background: #EEEEEE
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Lynk & Co
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
  • groupstyle = background:#D5EAFB; text-align:center; width:8em; font-size:90%
Template:Pallavolo a Porto Rico 2021-2022
  • groupstyle = width:13%