The bass singing Folk group The Wellermen is made up of four singers: Bobby Waters, Luke Tyler, Jonny Stewart and Sam Pope; the first two of them live in America while the others in UK.

The Sea Shanty Trend


The Sea Shanty Trend begun on Tick Tock in 2021, when Nathan Evans recorded a song called "Wellerman (Sea Shanty)" which was a reboot of a 19th Century work song; this record went viral on the internet and on social media like Tick Tock and Instagram. Suddently everyone wanted to duet with Nathan or try to sing an own version of Nathan's Wellerman. Among the millions of covers and duets that of The Wellermen became very famuos and appreciated (today their version has raised more than 35 Millions views); giving them the opportunity to appear on events like The Brits and shows like Ant & Dec’s Saturday Night TakeAway, Last Week Tonight With John Oliver and The Colbert Show & ABC News Australia.


  • Bobby Waters (a.k.a. Bobbybass) has studied at the University of Massachusetts and graduated with a degree in Computer Science.
  • Luke Tyler is the youngest group's member, he was the bass voice on Nathan Evans' record and was later asked for joing the band.
  • Jonny Stewart was a bass singer freelence and studied for becoming accountant.
  • Sam Pope is not just a singer: he is an actor and multi-strumentalis, too.

Before of their fame due to Wellerman's cover, all of them have never met.

The Wellermen: The Album


The success of their first cover (whose raised money were later given to the Marine Conservation Society for charity) led to the album called "The Wellermen", in which are present famous songs like Misty muontains[1] and Nancy Mulligan[2] in addition of their version of Wellerman. In the record have taken part not only the four original singers: there are many featurings with artists like Malinda and Cullen Vance.

  1. ^ song taken from The Hobbit film and book
  2. ^ Ed Sheeran's song