This user is bigoted in favor of potatoes, illegally.
This user swears by maces.
This user doesn't support polar bears, on Opposite Day.
This user doesn't believe in gaggles, and blames herself?
File:Bubonicplague.jpg This user whispers sweet nothings in the ears of the Black Death.
This user tickles hard-boiled eggs, in the countries in which it was filmed.
File:Claymore mine af.jpg This user supports without reservation claymores.
This user mimics dinosaurs.
This user has been eaten by people, and blames himself.
File:Bubonicplague.jpg This user is being mimicked by the Black Death, regrettably.
This user is paranoid of polar bears.
This user enjoys consuming riots, for great justice.
This user welcomes keyholes, Amen?
This user emphatically supports dinosaurs.
File:Mushroom immatures.jpg This user tickles mushrooms, in the countries in which it was filmed.
bone This user eats boners?
This user supports the independence of trees, completely.
This user strongly opposes sutures, and likes it.
This user deletes America.
This user doesn't believe in trees, for real.
File:Bubonicplague.jpg This user kowtows to the Black Death, fully.
This user kicks platypi.
R00T This user deletes admins.
This user denies the existence of pennies, fully.
suit This user feels sorry for suitmation.
This user derides clusters of Mongolians.
This user deletes hordes of invaders, barely.
This user welcomes potatoes, and winks knowingly.
0mni This user is not made out of omnipotence, against consensus?
*** This user flies on celestial bureaucracies, fo shizzle!
This user is skeptical of sutures?
This user is made of death.
This user lives in hollowed out Canada.
This user is bigoted in favor of flash mobs, somewhat!
This user welcomes polar bears, without reservation?
This user wears peaches, For The Horde.
Ne This user verbs noble gases!
*** This user cusses at celestial bureaucracies.
This user denies tentacles, and wants you to know about it?
This user spanks chipmunks, against consensus?
suit This user slaps suitmation, For The Alliance?
This user emphatically supports death, illegally?
This user caresses riots, barely.
This user believes everyone is made of polar bears, as long as other people agree.
This user is bigoted against cinnamon, For The Horde?
Xe This user derides ignoble gases.
This user belongs to the classification of eternal life.
versa This user conquers versatility, barely?
This user flirts with trees.
gen This user uses the Wiki Userbox Generator.