All'inizio del 2010, in seguito al downgrading da parte delle agenzie di rating internazionali,[1] si son diffusi timori di una crisi del debito pubblico[2] relativamente ad alcuni Paesi della Zona Euro,[3] ed in particolare: la Grecia, la Spagna, la Repubblica Irlandese,[4] e il Portogallo.[5] Questo ha portato ad una crisi di fiducia oltre ad un aumento nel differenziale sui mercati obbligazionari relativi a questi Paesi.[6]

Concern about rising government deficits[7][8] and debt levels[9] across the globe, together with a wave of downgrading of European Government debt,[10] has created alarm in financial markets. In Europe the debt crisis[11] has been mostly centred on recent events in Greece where there is concern about the rising cost of financing Greek Government debt.

Greek government funding crisis


The crisis in Europe began in Greece. Prior to the global financial crisis Greece had both a high current account deficit and a large government debt relative to annual GDP. The global recession led to a further deterioration in the government's finances. Greece government deficit is currently estimated to be 13.6%,[12] which is one of the highest in the world relative to GDP.[13]

Greek government debt was estimated at €216 billion in January 2010. [1]Accumulated government debt is forecast, according to some estimates, to hit 120% of GDP this year.[14] This is considerably more than the OECD average of circa 80%[15][16] but less than the debt accumulated by Japan, currently at around 180% of annual GDP. One of the key problems surrounding the Greek government bond market, however, is its reliance on foreign investors with some estimates suggesting that up to 70% of Greek government bonds are held externally.[17]

Greek government bond auctions have all been over-subscribed in 2010.[18] According to the Financial Times on January 25, 2010 "Investors placed about €20bn ($28bn, £17bn) in orders for the five-year, fixed-rate bond, four times more than the (Greek) government had reckoned on." In March, again according to the Financial Times, "Athens sold €5bn (£4.5bn) in 10-year bonds and received orders for three times that amount.[19]" Similarly in April 2010 the sale of more than 1.5 billion euros ($2 billion) in Treasury bills met with "stronger-than-expected" demand.

Despite strong investor demand, yields have risen and in an attempt to lower its cost of financing and calm bond markets, the Greek government has introduced fiscal austerity[20] and appealed to the EU for assistance in lowering the cost of refinancing its large public debt and in fending off speculative attacks on its bond market.

Global context


Niall Ferguson writes that "the sovereign debt crisis that is unfolding ... is a fiscal crisis of the western world".[21] Financing needs for the Eurozone in 2010 come to a total of €1.6 trillion, while the US is expected to issue US$1.7 trillion more Treasury securities in this period,[22] and Japan has ¥213 trillion of government bonds to roll over.[23] The countries most at risk are those that rely on foreign investors to fund their government sector. According to Ferguson similarities between the U.S. and Greece should not be dismissed.[24]

Rising bond yields in some government bond markets have intensified the fear that the emerging sovereign debt issues could become a global contagion. Given the deterioration in government accounts[7] there is growing concern that this crisis will spread to the United States which has a limited domestic savings pool, a high public sector deficit, and a large accumulated government debt and relies on foreign capital inflows for funding, in contrast to the Euro Area which does not.

Recent U.S. government bond auctions have been very poorly received,[25] both because of the perceived risk associated with a U.S. Dollar depreciation relative to the Chinese RMB and because of the enormous funding requirement of the U.S. government. Some commentators have termed recent U.S. public debt auctions "failures".

Role of credit rating agencies


The international credit rating agenciesMoody's, S&P and Fitch – have played a pivotal[26] and controversial role[27] in the current European bond market crisis.[28] These agencies entered 2010 with their reputations already severely damaged by their consistent failure to identify real risks[29] evident in their failure to downgrade U.S. sub-prime mortgage bonds in 2007[30][31] prior to the recent financial crisis. The failures of agencies to accurately identify risk where it exists dates back decades; ratings agencies did not identify Enron as a risk,[32] they failed to predict the bankruptcy of all the largest Icelandic banks[33][34] in 2008 and the consequent severe financial weakening of Iceland itself, they failed to identify risks in the Newly Industrialised Countries in Asia before the Asian crisis of the 1990s and they failed in Latin America.[35]

The German finance minister has said traders should not take global rating agencies “too seriously” following downgrades of Greece, Spain and Portugal. Guido Westerwelle, German foreign minister, called for an “independent” European rating agency, which could avoid the conflicts of interest that he claimed US-based agencies faced.[36] According to the Financial Times "The latest furore over the agencies’ role in the sovereign debt market"[37] is likely to bring about more supervision of these agencies.

In an effort to limit the damage caused by rating downgrades the European Central Bank has announced that it will keep accepting BBB- rated debt as collateral past the end of the year, ensuring Greek bonds will still be eligible even as the country's credit rating deteriorates.[38] Meanwhile, European leaders are reportedly studying the possibility of setting up a European ratings agency[39] in order that the U.S.-based ratings agencies have less influence on developments in European financial markets in the future.[40][41][42][43] The European Commissioner for Internal Market and Services, Michel Barnier, is weighing the idea of an independent European credit rating agency as an alternative to leading U.S. companies after their handling of the Greek debt crisis[senza fonte].

Given what is seen by many as the reckless conduct of the ratings agencies European regulators will be given new powers to supervise ratings agencies.[44] These supervisory powers will come into effect in December 2010.



There has been considerable controversy about the role of the English-language press in the regard to the bond market crisis.[45][46] The Spanish Prime Minister has ordered Spanish intelligence services to investigate the role of the Anglo-Saxon media in fomenting the crisis.[47][48][49][50] No results have so far been reported as a result of this investigation.

According to the Spanish newspaper El Pais, "the National Intelligence Center (CNI) was investigating "whether investors' attacks and the aggressiveness of some Anglo-Saxon media are driven by market forces and challenges facing the Spanish economy, or whether there is something more behind this campaign."[51][52][53] The Spanish Prime Minister has suggested[54] that the recent financial market crisis in Europe is an attempt to draw international capital away from the Euro[55] in order that countries, such as the U.K. and the U.S. can continue to fund their large external deficits which are matched by large government deficits.[7] The U.S. and U.K. do not have large domestic savings pools to draw on and therefore are dependant on external savings.[56] This is not the case in the Euro Area which is self funding.[57]

The Greek Prime Minister Papandreou is quoted as saying that there was no question of Greece leaving the euro and suggested that the ­crisis was politically as well as financially motivated. "This is an attack on the eurozone by certain other interests, political or financial".[58]

The role of Goldman Sachs[59] in the Greek bond 'crisis' is also under scrutiny.[60] It is not yet clear to what extent this bank has been involved in the unfolding of the crisis or if they have made a profit as a result of the sell-off on the Greek government debt market. Speculators and hedge funds engaged in selling Euros have also been accused by both the Spanish and Greek Prime Ministers of worsening the crisis.[61][62] Angela Merkel has stated that "institutions bailed out with public funds are exploiting the budget crisis in Greece and elsewhere".[63]

Contagion beyond Greece


According to the Financial Times: "So far, investors have concentrated their ire on peripheral eurozone economies because of the zone's inability to resolve cleanly the Greek crisis. That is understandable, say many economists, but they add that the focus on continental Europe is unfair."[64]

According to David Mackie of JPMorgan Chase "the euro area has the fiscal capacity to backstop banks across the region and to support the sovereign states of Greece, Spain, Portugal and Ireland, along with some help from the IMF."[64] Jürgen Stark, a European Central Bank executive board member, said restoring sustainability to the public finances was "even harder for the UK, the US and Japan. Given their high budget deficits and the high and rising debt levels". Stark's analysis is not merely an attempt to divert attention from the eurozone. It is identical to that of the IMF.[64]

The fund believes that most advanced economies need to tighten fiscal policy significantly in the next decade to stabilise debt at 60 per cent of national income by 2030. The tightening needed in the US, Japan and the UK is just as bad as that required in Greece.

The crisis has reduced confidence in other Eurozone economies. According to some analysts Ireland, with a government deficit of 14.3 percent of GDP, Spain with 11.2 percent, and Portugal at 9.4 percent are most at risk.[65] In April 2010, following a marked increase in Irish 2-year bond yields, Ireland's NTMA state debt agency said that it had "no major refinancing obligations" in 2010. Its requirement for €20 billion in 2010 was matched by a €23 billion cash balance, and it remarked: "We're very comfortably circumstanced".[66]

Since the crisis began yields have risen as rating agencies downgraded debt. S&P's downgraded the sovereign bonds for Portugal two notches to A− and in issuing a negative outlook, warned that further downgrades are likely unless drastic measures towards austerity are taken.[67] As a result of these downgrades, fears were raisedTemplate:By whom over the possible contagion effect to other bond markets in vulnerable Eurozone countries. The focus on government debt has led to a weakening of the euro which was welcomed in Germany, one of the world's leading exporters

  1. ^ Government debt: Judging the judges, in The Guardian, 4 gennaio 2010. URL consultato il 28 aprile 2010.
  2. ^ Stefan Schultz, Five Threats to the Common Currency, in Spiegel Online, 11 febbraio 2010. URL consultato il 28 aprile 2010.
  3. ^ George Matlock, Peripheral euro zone government bond spreads widen, Reuters, 16 febbraio 2010. URL consultato il 28 aprile 2010.
  4. ^ Bruce Walker, The New American, 9 aprile 2010, URL consultato il 28 aprile 2010.
  5. ^ Brian Blackstone, Tom Lauricella, and Neil Shah, Global Markets Shudder: Doubts About U.S. Economy and a Debt Crunch in Europe Jolt Hopes for a Recovery, in The Wall Street Journal, 5 February 2010. URL consultato il 6 February 2010.
  6. ^
  7. ^ a b c Britain's deficit third worst in the world, table, in The Daily Telegraph, 19 febbraio 2010. URL consultato il 29 aprile 2010.
  8. ^
  9. ^
  10. ^ Timeline: Greece's economic crisis, Reuters, 3 febbraio 2010. URL consultato il 29 aprile 2010.
  11. ^ Hedge funds prosper from Greek debt, 1º marzo 2010. URL consultato il 29 aprile 2010.
  12. ^
  13. ^
  14. ^
  15. ^
  16. ^ List of countries by public debt
  17. ^
  18. ^
  19. ^
  20. ^ [2]
  21. ^ A Greek crisis is coming to America, in Financial Times, 10 February 2010.
  22. ^ Deconstructing Europe: How A €20 Billion Liquidity Crisis Is Set To Become A €1.6 Trillion Funding Crisis, su, Zero Hedge, 9 February 2010.
  23. ^ Dylan Grice, Popular Delusions newsletter, Société Générale, 8 March 2010.
  24. ^
  25. ^
  26. ^
  27. ^
  28. ^
  29. ^
  30. ^
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  32. ^
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  51. ^,1518,677904,00.html
  52. ^
  53. ^,8599,1968308,00.html
  54. ^
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  59. ^
  60. ^
  61. ^
  62. ^
  63. ^ (EN) , 'Merkel Slams Euro Speculation'. URL consultato il 23 febbraio 2010.
  64. ^ a b c Chris Giles, Turmoil is fiscal warning to others, April 29, 2010..
  65. ^ Abigail Moses, Greek Contagion Concern Spurs Sovereign Default Risk to Record, April 26, 2010..
  66. ^ 28 April 2010. .
  67. ^ Greece crisis: Fears grow that it could spread, 28 April 2010..