Lionello Puppi


Lionello Puppi (Belluno, 22 December 1931) is an Italian art critic, politician and academic.



Associated professor of Art Historical subjects (1971-1973)and ordinary professor of Architectural and Urban development History (1974-1990) at University of Padua. He has also been director of the Art History Institute (1974-1877) and of the Art History Academic school (1972-1973) of the same university. After that, he moved to Ca’Foscari university as ordinary professor of Modern Art History (1991-1997) and of Iconology and Iconography (1992-1996). He became director of the Departement of Art History and Critic (1994-1997) and president of the course degree in Conservation of Cultural Goods (1992-1994 and 1998-2000). From 2008, at Ca’Foscari university, he has became emeritus professor of Methodology in Art History. He has produced more than a thousand of publications about European and Latin America art between the XIII and XX centuries, with particular attention on the Venetian Renaissance. He has been member of the scientific committee of the International Center of Architectural Studies “ A. Palladio” of Vicenza, Italy.

From 17 April 1985 to 1 July 1987, he took part to the Italian Senate as substitute of the late Antonino Papalia.


  • Lionello Puppi, Electa Mondadori.
  • Lionello Puppi, La tomba dell'Ebreo, Crocetta del Montello, Terra Ferma, 2014.
  • Lezioni di Metodo. Studi in onore di Lionello Puppi, Vicenza, Terra Ferma, 2002.
  • Palladio. Introduzione alle architetture e al pensiero teorico, Arsenale Editore.