Hi, my name is Enrico, I'm 20 and I'm from Palermo, Italy.
I'm studing at Faculty of Medicina in Palermo.
I knew Wiki when i was only 14 years old but i only read the italian version and I think that it contains many wrong items, especially in science and I've noticed this since, studying, I had to search a lot of articles about the biochemistry or anatomy, so now, I often use the English version because the articles are more complete and reliable, this is an easy way to learn technical English very well.
My favorite hobbies are:

  • -Soccer, I played many years in semi-professional and professional teams, and I love sports like tennis, volleyball and motors;
  • -Poker, I play often live and online, and my favorite player is Chris Ferguson;
  • -Web Design
  • -Photography, http://www.flickr.com/photos/enry101/

You can find me on: