
Disambiguazione – Se stai cercando il film, vedi Curioso come George (film).
Curioso come George
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Titolo orig.Curious George
Lingua orig.inglese
PaeseStati Uniti
AutoreMargret Rey, Hans August Rey
RegiaScott Heming, Frank Marino,Cathy Malkasian,Dean Criswell,Steve Socki,Frank Molieri,Jeff McGrath
SceneggiaturaMichael Maurer, Joe Fallon
MusicheRocco Gagliese
StudioImagine Entertainment, Universal, WGBH Boston
1ª edizione4 settembre 2006
Episodi57 (completa) 2 + stagioni
Durata30 min
Durata ep.30 min
Rete it.Playhouse Disney
1ª edizione it.dicembre 2007
Episodi it.57 (completa)
Durata ep. it.22'

è una serie televisiva a cartoni animati prodotta da Imagine Entertainment, Universal e WGBH Boston basato ai personaggi dei libri per bambini di Margret Rey e Hans August Rey, e del film Curioso come George.

La serie è stata pensata per bambini dai 3 ai 5 anni con il proposito di avvicinarli al mondo delle scienze, dell'ingegneria e della matematica. Attraverso le avventure della piccola scimmia (curiosa di vedere, toccare, assaggiare, studiare, ascoltare etc) ogni bambino può immedesimarsi e assimilare le nozioni basi di queste importanti materie. Gli sceneggiatori hanno pensato di far vivere George e l'Uomo dal cappello giallo sia in una casa in città che una in campagna in quanto entrambe le ambientazioni creano spunti per affrontare le tematiche necessarie a tutte le materie. La serie nata con intenti didattici cerca di favorire l'apprendimento attraverso la comicità e l'ironia della scimmia e delle situazioni straordinarie in cui lei si ritrova curiosando sempre e ovunque.

Ad oggi in America stanno trasmettendo la quarta stagione mentre in Italia sono state trasmesse le prime due stagioni ed i 2 film: Curioso come George - Curioso come George 2 Missione Kayla Più lo speciale televisivo Curioso come George Natale a sorpresa.

Ogni episodio è diviso in due parti di circa 10 minuti l'uno.

Personaggi principali

  • George la scimmia
  • Ted, l'Uomo dal Cappello Giallo

Personaggi secondari

  • Hundley è il cane del portinaio
  • Portinaio è il portinaio dell'albergo dove vivono Ted e George
  • Bill è il vicino e amico della casa in campagna
  • Betsy & Steve sono amici di George che abitano in città
  • Chef Pisghetti è il cuoco preferito di Ted e George
  • Charkie è il vivacissimo cocker spaniel
  • Gnocchi (polpetta) è il gattino
  • Lucky è il gattino della professoressa Wiseman
  • Professoressa Wiseman amica di Ted e lavora al museo delle scienze
  • Compass (bussola) è il piccione
  • Jumpy è lo scoiattolo
  • Mr. and Mrs. Renkins proprietari della fattoria vicini della casa in campagna
  • Mr. Glass proprietario del palazzo in città
  • Mr. and Mrs. Dulson proprietari del negozio di giocattoli

Sigla iniziale


You never do know what's around the bend

A big adventure or a brand new friend

When you're curious, like Curious George


Well everything (everything!)

is so glorious (glorious!)

And everything (everything!)

is so wonderous (wonderous!)

There's more to explore

When you open your door

And meet friends like this

You just can't miss


Get curious (curious!)

and that's marvelous (marvelous!)

And that's your reward

You'll never be bored

If you ask yourself, what is this?

Like curious, like curious, like Curious Georg




GEORGE Frank Welker (originale)
UOMO DAL CAPPELLO GIALLO (TED) Jeff Bennett Oreste Baldini
VOCE NARRANTE William H. Macy (s.1) Massimo De Ambrosis
VOCE NARRANTE Rino Romano (s.2-3) Massimo De Ambrosis
PORTIERE Lex Lang/Bill Chott(s1) Vittorio De Angelis
HUNDLEY Lex Lang/Bill Chott (s1)
BILL Annie Mumolo Flavio Aquilone
STEVE E.G. Daily
CHARKIE Rob Paulsen
BETSY Grey Delisle
ANDIE E.G. Daily
CUSTOMER Masasa Moyo
MRS. DONUTS Candi Milo


DIALOGHI ITALIANI: Luigi Brunamonti - Mauro Pelliccioni


FONICO DI MIX: Fabio Tosti



Stagione 1 (2006-2007)

# Prima TV Titolo originale Titolo italiano Trama Argomento trattato
1/1-1 September 4, 2006 Curious George Flies a Kite ? Episodio pilota della serie. (Basato sul libro omonimo)

George si sveglia (nella sua casa in campagna) in una giornata con molto vento e decide di uscire a giocare. Incontra Bill che vuole insegnargli a far volare il suo aquilone ma poco dopo deve rientrare a casa e George non può più giocare con l'aquilone.

From Scratch L'INDAGINE In città, mentre George e l'Uomo dal cappello giallo stanno andando al museo delle scienze, scoprono che lo Chef Pisghetti crede che il gattino Gnocchi abbia graffiato le poltrone del suo ristorante. George non crede che sia possibile e cerca di risolvere il mistero Investigazione
2/1-2 September 5, 2006 Curious George's Home for Pigeons IL PICCIONE VIAGGIATORE In città, George fa la conoscenza del suo nuovo amico Compass. Abitudini degli animali
Out of Order LA BUSTA SCOMPARSA In città, la professoressa Wiseman da un manoscritto da leggere all'Uomo dal cappello giallo per sapere la sua opinione, quando stanno tornando a casa si fermano dal fruttivendolo e non si accorgono di lasciare lì la busta con il manoscritto. Arrivati a casa si accorgono della mancanza e George aiuta l'uomo dal cappello giallo ricordandogli che l'hanno lasciata dal fruttivendolo. George prova così ad essere utile per altre persone e quando nel negozio la postina lascia un pacco postale crede che anche lei lo abbia dimenticato e prova a riportarglielo. Organizzazione-Numeri
3/1-3 September 6, 2006 Zeroes to Donuts MISSIONE CIAMBELLA (Basato in parte sul libro "Curious George Learns the Alphabet")

In città, l'Uomo dal cappello giallo cerca di insegnare a George che aggiungendo uno zero ai numeri questi diventano più grandi. George quando va ad ordinare le ciambelle in pasticceria prova a mettere in pratica questa nuova nozione ma nel giro di poco tempo capirà che il numero di ciambelle ordinate non è proprio quello che voleva e troverà modi assai curiosi per liberarsene

Numeri (zero)
Curious George, Stain Remover LO SMACCHIATORE (Basato in parte sul libro "Curious George Gets a Medal")

In campagna l'Uomo dal cappello giallo compra un tappeto nuovo. George contento della cosa pensa di festeggiare bevendo un succo d'uva ma gli cade sul tappetto formando una grande macchia. George farà diversi tentativi per rimuovere la macchia.

4/1-4 September 7, 2006 Buoy Wonder LA BARCA PIU' BELLA In campagna, è un grande giorno per Bill. Sta entrando nella sua barca in barca Model Show! Ma George scopre che la barca affonda, e per mantenere le speranze di Bill per un premio a galla, decide di costruire una nuova barca. Dopo alcuni tentativi ed errori, George scopre che i materiali da costruzione a fondo e che galleggiano Buoyancy
Roller Monkey LA SCIMMIA DA CORSA In città, two salespeople hire George to roller skate in front of their store to attract customers, but he still needs practice. Practice
5/1-5 September 13, 2006 Curious George On Time L'OROLOGIO DEL CAMPANILE In the city, George accidentally breaks Professor Wiseman's clock and then the big clock when he tries to figure out how clocks work. Time, Gears
Curious George's Bunny Hunt CACCIA AI CONIGLI In the country, George accidentally releases a family of rabbits from their cage. When he attempts to put them back in, however, the bunnies run away. (Based on part of the book "Curious George Flies a Kite") Animal habits, Footprints
6/1-6 September 14, 2006 Curious George Takes a Job UN LAVORO PER GEORGE In the city, George investigates the "magic" of kitchens and incidentally creates his first recipe in what he thinks is a "floppification" pot. (based on the book of the same name) What dissolves in water?
Curious George Takes Another Job UN ALTRO LAVORO PER GEORGE In the city, George gets a job as a window washer, but his curiosity leads him in another direction. He sees shadows on the windows while cleaning. (based on the book of almost the same name) Playing with shadows
7/1-7 September 15, 2006 Curious George, Door Monkey GEORGE AIUTOPORTIERE In the city, while the Doorman is away and Hundley is in charge, George opens up packages of balls that he thinks are for him. He soon realizes his mistake and tries to repackage the balls before the intended receiver inspects his packages. Volume
Curious George Goes Up the River LUNGO IL FIUME CON LE ANATRE In the country, George gets lost down a river with Jumpy Squirrel, and the two use landmarks to help them find their way back. Orienteering
8/1-8 September 18, 2006 Curious George and the Invisible Sound I VERSI DEGLI ANIMALI In the country, George finds a cricket in his house and attempts to keep it from disturbing the peace. Insect Habits
Curious George, A Peeling Monkey LA CARTA DA REGALO In the city, George tries to control his curiosity about the Man with the Yellow Hat's present for Professor Wiseman by peeling things. Properties
9/1-9 September 26, 2006 Curious George, Dog Counter MOSTRA DI BELLEZZA In the city, George leads dogs from the Dog Show to show the Man with the Yellow Hat and tries to count them. Animal Habits, organizing
Squirrel For a Day SCOIATTOLO PER UN GIORNO In the country, George buries things like Jumpy Squirrel does to free up space inside the house. Animal habits, Growing things
10/1-10 September 27, 2006 Curious George Discovers the 'Poles IL CURIOSO GEORGE SCOPRE I GIRINI In the country, Bill asks George to look after tadpoles, but George unwittingly frees them when he lets them out to swim in the lagoon. Habitat degli animali-ciclo dell'acqua
Curious George Finds His Way ? In the city, George and Hundley get lost after being locked outside in the back alley, and they use their memory to find their way back. Memory
11/1-11 September 28, 2006 Water to Ducks AMICI A TUTTI I COSTI In campagna, dopo una grande pioggia, George scopre delle anatre che nuotano in una pozzanghera lì vicino, ma poco dopo la pozzanghera comincia a restringersi e le anatre cominciano a volare via. Con l'aiuto di Bill e di Jumpy George cerca di creare una piscina per le anatre sperando che così tornino a giocare con lui. Habitat degli animali-ciclo dell'acqua
Animal Magnetism LA CALAMITA Magnetismo
12/1-12 September 29, 2006 Doctor Monkey ? In the city, George is doctor for a day. Sounds
Curious George the Architect ? In the city, George plays around at a construction site. Construction
13/1-13 October 6, 2006 Zoo Night UNA NOTTE ALLO ZOO In the city, George stays after closing time at the zoo and accidentally lets some of the animals out. Maps
Charkie Escapes PORTIERE A QUATTRO ZAMPE In the city, George tries to play with a soccer ball and is asked to watch Charkie, but the dog keeps escaping. Animal habits
14/1-14 October 9, 2006 Curious George's Rocket Ride IN GIRO PER LO SPAZIO George is asked to fly a rocket to deliver some supplies to the International Space Station. (based on part of Curious George Gets a Medal) Planets, Orbits, Space
Curious George, Station Master IL CAPOSTAZIONE In the country, George is curious about how a train station works and tries to be a station master. Organization, Scheduling
15/1-15 October 10, 2006 Curious George and the Dam Builders ? In the country, George sees beavers building a dam and decides to build a dam of his own. Dam Building
Curious George's Low High Score ? In the city, George, Steve, and Betsy play games and George finds out that the player with the lowest score in mini-golf wins. Money, Budgeting
16/1-16 October 11, 2006 Curious George Sees Stars STELLE STELLINE In the country, George tries to count all of the stars in the sky, but he can't see any stars when in the city. Astronomy, Counting
Curious George Gets a Trophy IL TROFEO DI GEORGE In the city, George wants a trophy, and Chef Pisghetti rewards George with a plate of ice cream in the shape of Gnocchi for helping him wash dishes, but the ice cream keeps melting. Temperature/Solids, Liquids
17/1-17 October 18, 2006 George Makes a Stand IL BANCHETTO DELLA LIMONATA In the city, George creates a lemonade stand with Betsy in order to buy a new soccer ball. Economics
Curious George Sees the Light IL SEMAFORO In the country, a new traffic light is installed, which catches George's curiosity. Data
18/1-18 October 19, 2006 Candy Counter ? In the city, George agrees to watch Cayley's candy counter for an afternoon. While trying to stack the chocolates into different shapes, they all fall over, and George can't remember which candy is which. Numbers
Curious George, Rescue Monkey ? In the city, George helps out Rescue Squad 86 for a day and learns about firefighting tools. Firefighting
19/1-19 October 20, 2006 The Truth About George Burgers LE POLPETTE DI GEORGE In the city, George accidentally loses Chef Pisghetti's Jardino burgers and makes some of his own. Following Directions
Curious George in the Dark ? In the country, George loses his ball and searches a deep, dark cave for it. Later a thunderstorm knocks the power out, and the country house is in the dark but with the help of his trusty flashlight, George conquers his fears and even shows Jumpy how to have some fun with shadows. Playing with Shadows
20/1-20 October 23, 2006 The Clean, Perfect Yellow Hat IL CAPPELLO GIALLO In città, L'uomo dal cappello giallo ha portato in lavanderia il suo completo ed il suo cappello giallo perchè in serata devono andare al'inaugurazione del nuovo Planetario. Una volta ritirati dalla lavanderia si raccomanda a George di non sporcarli, rimasto in casa da solo però George vuole far vedere a Bussola quanto è bello il cappello ma una folata di vento lo va volare via. Creare-Sperimentare
Bee is for Bear GEORGE E L'APE In the country, George meets up with a baby bear and a stinging bee. No one believes that George has seen a bear, but they do try to help George learn more about bees. Patterns in Nature
21/1-21 January 15, 2007 Surprise Quints ? In the country, George tries to surprise Mr. Quint on his birthday. However, George soon discovers that there are actually five Quints - quintuplets. Grouping, Sets, Division
Muddy Monkey UN GIOCATTOLO SPECIALE In the city, Ted and George go to the park where George loses his favorite bath toy, Sproingy. While searching for it, he comes across Steve and Betsey, who are blowing bubbles. Bubbles
22/1-22 January 16, 2007 Curious George Takes a Vacation ? At the airport, George and the Man with the Yellow Hat start off on a vacation to Hawaii, but their flight gets delayed.

Note: One of the workers at the airport says that they are in Chicago, hinting Ted and George live in Illinois.

Moving machines, Conveyor Belts
Curious George and the One That Got Away ? In the country, George finds an American eel and competes against Bill to capture it. (Based on part of the book "Curious George Flies a Kite") Building things
23/1-23 January 17, 2007 Ski Monkey LA SCIMMIA DELLE NEVI In the country, George wants to play in the deep snow. He comes across a lost pig and returns it to the farmer. Snowshoes, Sleds, Distributing weight
George the Grocer GEORGE FRUTTIVENDOLO In città, mentre George e l?uomo dal cappello giallo stanno andando a prendere la metropolitana vedono in una ventrina un forno giocattolo che George desidera tanto. L'uomo dal cappello giallo gli spiega che non può avere un nuovo giocattolo costoso ogni settimana, così George decide di guadagnarsi i soldi che gli serviranno per comprarlo. Questa volta prova a lavorare dal fruttivendolo senza grande successo. Trovare oggetti e posizione
24/1-24 January 18, 2007 Keep Out Cows IL RECINTO In the country, George finds a beautiful meadow of flowers, but has to think of ways to get Leslie and the other cows from eating it. Trial and Error
Curious George and the Missing Piece GEORGE ASPIRANTE ARCHEOLOGO In the city, George thinks that Charkie has stolen a bone from Professor Wiseman's dinosaur skeleton. Bones
25/1-25 January 19, 2007 Camping With Hundley ? The Man with the Yellow Hat takes George camping and he can't wait to go again. The Man is busy, so the Doorman takes him with Hundley, but the roof on their trailer caves in during a thunderstorm. Memory/Experience
Curious George vs. the Turbo Python 3000 ? At the amusement park, George wants to ride the Turbo Python 3000, but he is too short. Measuring/Metrics
26/1-26 February 19, 2007 Housebound! A SPASSO CON HUNDLEY In città, George è tutto elettrizzato dall'arrivo della primavera e quando arrivano al museo delle scienze la dottoressa Wiseman cerca di spiegargli cos'è uno scheletro. George per capire meglio sale su quello di un dinosauro esposto e cade fratturandosi una gamba. Sarà compito del suo fedele amico Hundley prendersi cura di lui finchè avrà l'ingessatura. Ossa-scheletro
Curious George Rides A Bike GEORGE VA IN BICICLETTA (Basato sul libro omonimo)

In campagna, George vede Bill che consegna i giornali andando in bicicletta, vorrebbe farlo anche lui e si ricorda che in garage c'è una vecchia bicicletta. L'Uomo dal cappello giallo la rimette apposto e gli insegna ad andarci. Dopo qualche giorno George è pronto a consegnare i giornali. Solo alla fine però con l'aiuto dell'Uomo dal cappello giallo riesce a finire il suo compito e come regalo riceve una nuova bicicletta.

27/1-27 February 20, 2007 The All-Animal Recycled Band ? In the city, the Fire Department and The Man with the Yellow Hat practice playing instruments, but won't let George play. So he makes his own band with Hundley, Charkie, Gnocchi and Compass. A spectator hears the noise and calls the fire Department. Music
The Times of Sand ? At the beach, George attempts to build a sandcastle, but has difficulty. Eventually George, Bill, and the man with the yellow hat build a successful sand castle together. Sand/Construction
28/1-28 February 21, 2007 The Elephant Upstairs UN ELEFANTE PER VICINO In the city, a new neighbor moves in upstairs and makes strange noises, which causes George to imagine that an elephant is now in the building. Evidence
Being Hundley LA GIORNATA DEGLI ESPERIMENTI In città, George stanco di tutte le regole a cui deve sottostare nonostante sia una scimmia (lavare le mani, lavare i denti, mettere apposto la sua stanza etc) prova a vivere come gli altri animali che incontra. Abitudini degli animali-Sperimentazione
29/1-29 February 22, 2007 George Fixes Betsy's Wagon ? In the city, Betsy's wagon breaks after a wheel falls off, so George and Steve try to find another wheel. Wheels
Curious George Takes a Dive GLI AMICI DEL GIARDINO In the country, George finds worms in his backyard and wants to keep them, but remembers an experience with a turtle. Animal Habitats
30/1-30 February 23, 2007 Unbalanced ? In the city, George tries to become a balancing acrobat. George saves an allergic tightrope walker from a very determined cat. Balance
Curious George vs. Winter ? In the country, George is to put out nuts every day for Jumpy while Bill and the bunnies go to their grandma's house during a freezing winter. Ice, Freezing & Melting

Stagione 2 (2007-2008)

# Prima TV Titolo originale Titolo italiano Trama Argomento trattato
31/2-1 September 3, 2007 Up, Up and Away SU, SU E VOLA VIA George and Bill get trapped in a runaway hot air balloon. Air and wind
Skunked GEORGE E LA PUZZOLA George gets sprayed by a skunk multiple times. Animals, their habits, and their defense mechanisms.
32/2-2 September 4, 2007 Monkey Underground GEORGE E L'ACCHIAPPAMARMOTTE George tries to save gophers living under the Renkin's pasture from Calhoun the gopher-getter by digging a tunnel Gopher habitats. The negative effects of extermination.
Cat Mother CANI E GATTI George has to take care of Professor Wiseman's new kitten, Lucky, by babysitting him for a day. Little does George know that Hundley is allergic to Lucky! Finding something hidden.
33/2-3 September 5, 2007 Up A Tree LA CASA SULL'ALBERO Where can you paint on the walls and butter corn with your feet? Not in the country house! George sets out to build a tree house where he can set his own rules, but along the way he accidentally steals Mr. Quint's nails and Ms. Renkin's scrapwood. And in George's house the rules are... You HAVE to paint on the walls and butter corn with your feet! Construction
Curious George and the Trash DOVE VA A FINIRE LA SPAZZATURA? When George accidentally throws the man's hat away, he has to search the town for it. The trash and recycling systems and how they work
34/2-4 September 6, 2007 Curious George Gets All Keyed Up CONCERTO A SCUOLA When George breaks Betsy's xylophone, he has to put it back together. Relating number sequence to size and pitch sequences.
Gutter Monkey CAMPIONE DI BOWLING When The Man in the Yellow Hat forgets his bowling ball, George has to roll it down the hill to the bowling alley. How variables such as slope and force affect rolling objects.
35/2-5 October 8, 2007 Grease Monkeys in Space A SPASSO NELLO SPAZIO The Man is sent into space to fix the "Einstein-Pizza Telescope"; George must go too, due to another design flub by Einstein and Pizza, and ends up doing the job himself. Shape-matching, tool use.
Piñata Vision LA FESTA DI COMPLEANNO When Charkie gets away again, a blindfolded George has to navigate his way through the city to bring him home. Exploring using the five senses.
36/2-6 October 9, 2007 All-New Hundley SBALZI DI UMORE When Hundley seems to have split personalities, George has to figure out why. Problem-solving.
Signs Up UN PARCO NEL CAOS George takes down all the signs in the city, thinking they'd be great decorations for his room. But when he puts them back in the wrong places, the chaos that ensues shows George that those "decorations" have very important meanings. Using symbols as a means of communication.
37/2-7 October 10, 2007 Color Me Monkey UN QUADRO SPECIALE When Charkie accidentaily hit Curious George bumps a painting done by Mr. Zoobel's elephant at the zoo, Soo Bern, meant for Mr. Glass's glass palace, George must replace it before Mr. Glass returns. But how can you do that when Mr. Glass is visiting Mr. Zoobel's apartment upstairs! Mixing Colors.
Special Delivery Monkey UN GIOCO ISTRUTTIVO When Chef Pisghetti forgets his pie for a convention, George steps in to help. But he forgets that when you count, you don't start from the one you're already at! Number lines. Counting
38/2-8 November 19, 2007 Free Hundley LIBERATE HUNDLEY Hundley accidentally gets taken to the animal shelter. George tries to open the cage to free him. He opens it, and Hundley goes home. Locks
Bag Monkey OLIMPIADI DELLA SPESA George tries to clean his room and participates in a grocery-bagging competition. Packing objects, shape-fitting
39/2-9 November 20, 2007 Monkey Stagehand L'IMITATORE George helps Bill with a stage show by opening and closing the curtains, and raising and lowering scenery on the stage. Systems and their parts
The Magic Garden L'ORTO MAGICO When George tries "weeding" Chef Pisghetti's garden, he pulls out all the vegetables instead! Chef Pisgetti threatens to close the restaurant til the new veggies grow--so George decides to help things along by "planting" full-grown vegetables. When Chef wakes up, he thinks his garden is magic! Plants and seeds
40/2-10 November 21, 2007 Curious George, Plumber's Helper APPRENDISTA IDRAULICO When the apartment bathtub backs up, The Man calls a plumber. George is fascinated by the way the plumber fixes the pipes...so when he's faced with another clog, and The Man's not around, George decides to give this plumbing thing a try. To show the effect of missing pieces on a system.
Curious George Takes a Hike LA PASSEGGIATA When Bill and The Man With the Yellow Hat are stuck on a cliff, George has to find his way back to the ranger station. Mapping and landmarks.
41/2-11 November 22, 2007 The Fully Automatic Fun Hat IL CAPPELLO CREATIVO George tries to find a hat that is as much fun as the Yellow Hat, and ends up creating a hat with blow up animals, frisbees, pictures of dachshunds, a rotating fish, bubble blower, and a raisin dispenser. But the Man accidentally wears it to a convention and George has to deliver the yellow hat! Style
Creatures of the Night IL PICCOLO OPOSSUM When Bill tells George it was an opossum that ate the bird food from the bird feeder, George stays up to see what a possum looks like. But then he notices that it has lost its family, so he looks and finds it. Along the way he meets more nocturnal animals and makes almost everyone in the country think he is "The Lake Creature of Lake Wannasink Lake". nocturnal animals
42/2-12 January 21, 2008 Scaredy Dog UN CANE FIFONE A mysterious noise in the basement scares Hundley and George until George investigates it. Sound
Say Goodnight, George A LETTO, GEORGE! When George is disappointed hat he has to go to bed at 7:30, he sets the clock back. But when that causes him to miss a blimp ride, he thinks otherwise. Daylight Savings Time
43/2-13 January 22, 2008 A Bridge to Farm IL PONTE The Renkins' chicks get stranded on a tiny island, and George has to improvise a way for them to get to land, using some items he picked up for a cookout. Bridges
Monkey Fever CHE RAFFREDDORE The Man With The Yellow Hat has come down with a cold and George is helping to take care of him. That is until George realizes the man is showing the same symptoms as Betsy's friend's pregnant cat. Illness and recovery
44/2-14 January 23, 2008 Curious George, Spy Monkey GEORGE: MISSIONE SEGRETA When The Man goes to buy George a toy, George spies on him to find out what it is. Using mirrors as tools.
Castle Keep AVVENTURA IN SCOZIA George and The Man go to Scotland to visit Uncle Tam and work on their golf swings. But when George loses his golf ball, he has to pry open windows, move bookcases, and work a drawbridge to get it back. Levers.
45/2-15 January 24, 2008 Robot Monkey Hullabaloo UNA SCIMMIA ROBOT When George dresses up as robot everyone thinks he's a real robot. building using blueprints.
Curious George and the Slithery Day UNA GIORNATA FATICOSA When a snake and 2 mice get loose in the lobby George has to round them up but things get crazy when Hundley gets involved in the chase. Habitats and the food chain.
46/2-16 February 18, 2008 Curious George, Web Master LA RAGNATELA GIGANTE George is impressed by a spider's web and wants to build his own "monkeyweb". Spiderwebs
The Big Sleepy IL GRANDE SONNO When George gets cold during the Winter he tries to hibernate but he keeps getting disturbed and wakes up. How to mute sounds, block the sun, and solve problems.
47/2-17 February 19, 2008 Curious George Sinks the Pirates L'ATTACCO DEI PIRATI Hundley dreams of a sailing adventure--but when Yellow Hat the Pirate tries to take over the ship, and First Mate George nearly sinks them all, the dream becomes more of a nightmare. Sinking and floating.
This Little Piggy IL SALVADANAIO George gets a piggy bank and uses it to save money for a toy boat. The values of different coins.
48/2-18 February 20, 2008 King Doggie UN CANE REALE Hundley is mistaken for a lost aristocratic doggie, and George must prove he isn't the right dog. Measuring
The Lucky Cap IL CAPPELLO PORTAFORTUNA George becomes fixated on a "lucky cap"; when the Man shrinks it in the wash, he is concerned that he won't be able to meet Steve's hopscotch challenge. Superstition, counting.
49/2-19 April 21, 2008 Curious George, Sea Monkey LA SCIMMIA SUBACQUEA George and The Man With the Yellow Hat travel on a boat with Professor Wiseman as well as Professor Pizza and Professor Einstein to retrieve a weather satellite that has fallen from space into the ocean. The only problem is that the satellite has fallen into the middle of a coral reef which is very brittle, so George dives down to retrieve it himself. Coral Reefs
Old McGeorgie Had a Farm LA FATTORIA DI GEORGE Mr. Renkins is going with his pig, Oscar to a contest and has nobody to watch the farm in his absence. So, George and The Man With The Yellow Hat volunteer. But after George accidentally deactivates the Man's alarm clock, he has to take care of the farm himself and he learns just how hard farm work really is. Working on a farm
50/2-20 April 22, 2008 Curious George Beats the Band DIRETTORE D'ORCHESTRA George wins a contest to be a conductor in the symphony orchestra when they perform in the park. So he is taught how to read music and conduct an orchestra and is ready to conduct in the park until Charkie mistakes his baton for her toy. Reading Music
Hats and a Hole LA SORPRESA The Man With The Yellow Hat is digging a deep hole in the front yard of the country house. He winds up digging a hole so deep, he needs the help of Mr. Quint and his brother Flint's ladder to dig it out. But, after the 3 go to the train station with the ladder to fix something, George drops their hard hats down the hole. Buoyancy, Problem Solving

Stagione 3 (2008-2009)

# Prima TV Titolo originale Titolo italiano Trama Argomento trattato
51/3-1 September 8, 2008 Ice Station Monkey AVVENTURA IN ANTARTIDE The Man With The Yellow Hat and George go to Antarctica to observe the habits of chinstrap penguin when a snowstorm traps them away from their base. Penguins, Shelter
The Perfect Carrot LA CAROTA PERFETTA In the country, George tends to a carrot patch and grows a gigantic and "perfect" carrot. But when Bill's bunnies have escaped, he may have to give up his perfect carrot to help them. Gardening, the eating habits of animals.
52/3-2 September 9, 2008 Curious George Meets The Press UNA MELA PER JUMPY In the country, George and the Man are helping to harvest the Renkins' apples, but when Jumpy finds an apple he thinks is "Perfect" George tries to hide it and winds up making apple cider with Mr. Renkins' apple press. Using fruit to exract fresh juice.
Snow Use SABBIA O NEVE? George wants to build a snowman but it is the middle of summer! So, he tries alternatives like a mudman and a sandman. building snowmen.
53/3-3 September 10, 2008 For the Birds A COLPI DI DESTREZZA George tries to fill the bird feeder outside of the country house to draw birds but Jumpy keeps eating the seeds he fills the feeder with. Animal eating habits, solving problems.
Curious George-Asaurus UN PUZZLE IN 3D When George tries to get his toy plane from the top of the museum's new dinosaur skeleton, he accidentally wrecks it and must put it back together before an important scientist comes to see it. Bone anatomy.
54/3-4 October 4, 2008 Mulch Ado About Nothing CIBO PER LE PIANTE In the country, Mr Renkins tells George about compost and how it helps plants grow. Then, upon returning to the city, George sees that the apartment plants could use a little. So, he decided to make compost right in the apartment. Compost Making
What Goes Up DATEMI UN PUNTO DI APPOGGIO In the country, it is Reuse Your Junk Day where you take your old stuff and find new uses for it. Mr. Renkins has a bunch of old stuff in his living room and it is too big and heavy for George to move on his own so he decides to lauch it outside by using a lever. Levers
55/3-5 October 13, 2008 The Amazing Maze Race L'ASTUZIA DI GEORGE It is the day of the annual Great Corn Maze Race in the country and George and The Man are among the teams competing in the race. While the others insist on some way of cheating through the maze, George and The Man use nothing but a map. This episode is very similar to The Amazing Race. Reading maps. Following a maze.
The Color of Monkey COLOR SCIMMIA The Man With The Yellow Hat and his friends are going bird watching. But to keep George clean for a magazine picture, he insists George stay behind at Chef Pisghetti's Restaurant and color eggs. But when an accident causes George to fall into the dye, he becomes dyed Yellow! Mixing Colors. Camoflauge.
56/3-6 December 1, 2008 Man With the Monkey Hands COMITATO SCIENTIFICO After The Man With The Yellow Hat gets his hands infected with Poison Ivy while playing with George, an allergic reaction to it causes his hands to become unusable for three weeks! During that time, George attaches hand-like tools to the man's real hands to use as hands until his hands heal. He hopes his fake hands and bandaged up real hands will not make him look dumb during a video conference with important scientists who wish to patent Professor Wiseman's new invention. Prosthetic parts.
Whistle-Pig Wednesday IL MAIALE DEL FISCHIO A holiday created by Mr. Glass known as Whistle-Pig Wednesday is approaching. On that day, Mr. Glass's Whistle-Pig (Their word for a Groundhog) comes up to see his shadow. If he sees it, it means the start of the Winter season. But when George shows up early to see the Whistle-Pig see its shadow and falls asleep, Mr. Glass mistakes George's shadow with that of the Whistle-Pig. Shadows
57/3-7 December 2, 2008 George Digs Worms SCAVA, VERME, SCAVA! Bill tells George about the popular new sport of worm racing so George decides to dig up a few worms to use in the races. However, George has trouble finding a place to keeps them for that time until The Man With The Yellow Hat helps him build a worm farm. Earthworms
Everything Old Is New Again GARA DI RICICLAGGIO The city is holding a contest for each of the apartment buildings in the city for who can throw out the most recycling. After the Doorman explains recycling to George and The Man With The Yellow Hat takes George on a trip to the Recycling Center, George is determined to make his building win the contest. Unfortunately nobody ever told him that you should recycle something AFTER you've finished using it! Recycling
58/3-8 February 16, 2009 Wheels on the Bus I DISEGNI PERDUTI The Man With The Yellow Hat is running late to an appointment to show an important scientist some of his work, so he and George decide to take the bus to his appointment. But when George wanders off of the bus to get a map of the bus routes and the Man follows, leaving his work on the bus, they both wind up splitting up and each trying to find a way to find the bus and retrieve his work all while trying to arrive to his appointment on time. Reading Maps
Seed Trouble L'ORTO SUL TETTO George and The Man decide to plant their own rooftop garden as an extension to Chef Pisghetti's rooftop garden. But after he puts all of the seeds into a jar to hide them from the Doorman's hungry pigeons, he has to find a way to sort them back out and find out which seeds will grow into what. How plants grow. Sorting & Ordering.
59/3-9 February 17, 2009 Fun-Ball Tally CONTA E RICONTA The toy store introduces a new toy called the Super Fun-Ball and a contest. Whoever can guess how many Fun-balls are in a display case closest to the actual number will win the display. So, George finds a container of about the same size as the display case and fills it with marbles about the same size as the fun balls. Doing so, George hopes he can win the contest. Estimation methods, benchmark numbers
Red Sky at Night, Monkey's Delight PREVISIONI DEL TEMPO After George hears the legend that a red sunset means a day of good weather and sees The Man With The Yellow Hat painting a red sunset picture, George decides to draw pictures of the clouds and watch their movement to predict the weather. He soon also learns that other animals have way of predicting the weather, such as the speed of a cricket chirping. Soon, he learns how people predict the weather. Weather forecasting.
60/3-10 February 18, 2009 Shipwrecked With Hundley GITA IN BARCA George, The Man, The Doorman, and Hundley go out on the sea for a day on the doorman's sailboat. But, when the boat sail breaks, the group stops at an artificially rendered tropical island to look for parts to fix it. Soon, George's curiosity and Hundley's habit to keep everything neat and orderly causes the boat to wash out to shore with them in it. They find their way back to the island but must now find The Man With The Yellow Hat and The Doorman. Following tracks.
Chasing Rainbows ALLA FINE DELL'ARCOBALENO On a weekend trip to the country with Steve, Betsy, and Charkie, George hears a story about a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow and waits to see one to find out if the story is true. When a rainbow finally does appear, George, Steve, Betsy, and Charkie go on a long hike to catch up to the rainbow and find the end of it to see if the story is true. Rainbows
61/3-11 April 22, 2009 Night of the Weiner Dog ? George has a sleepover with Hundley for the night and the Doorman has made a list of instructions for how Hundley normally likes everything. George has to follow the list and rearrange some of the apartment's furniture to make him feel more at home. Reading lists. Following directions.
Animal Trackers ? It's Nature Week and George is taking pictures for a big exhibit,and when looking for a fawn that Bill saw,he sees other ordinary animals such as raccoons,squirrels,and bullfrogs,but he also sees footprints that are a cross between a colossal snake,he decides that there is a duck-billed dinosaur on the loose so he decides to lure it by using fruits and vegetables,and he finds new things and clues along the way.The footprints turned out to be made from something far different from a dinosaur! Inquiry and Animals


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