Hydrated salts on it.wiki


Please don't move pages without fixing data on the template. Thank you. --Buggia (Discussioni) 19:20, 21. Mai 2012 (CEST)

Hello Buggia, all that articles where in the past created more or less automatically. The better solution is to describe these salts with its "pure name", so within the article all the versions with crystall water could be described seperately, if there is more material than the standard data. If you look to the other wikipedias, this has already be done long before (or never been created in that way). In this case, the salts came to standard. For me it is clear, that there is some work to bring all that changed salts to a better state than a stub. On the other hand, the old versions had disabled partially the function of interwiki, so I added them, if I had found a gap. If I hadn't done all this, nothing would have beeen changed. It's clear to me that these changes will cause a reaction, which has now come. --JWBE (msg) 19:56, 21 mag 2012 (CEST)Rispondi
Just compare Nitrato di nichel with de:Nickel(II)-nitrat: All hydrates are described --JWBE (msg) 20:19, 21 mag 2012 (CEST)Rispondi

Yes, we have the same standard → Progetto:Chimica/Composti (second indention). However if you have no time for fixing data please report your movements in Discussioni_progetto:Chimica. Grazie, ciao. --Buggia 11:58, 22 mag 2012 (CEST)Rispondi

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