Hi! Why did you made this in the Discussioni utente:Cloj/Archivio5? It's the discussion page of the user:Cloj, yoiu shouldn't remove text without asking him... --Sogeking l'isola dei cecchini 20:23, 16 feb 2007 (CET)Rispondi

Well, please talk to utente:Cloj and ask him to remove that post -it's his discussion page, if he agree there isn't any problem (and he's a fine person, so I think he will agree). Bye! --Sogeking l'isola dei cecchini 21:06, 16 feb 2007 (CET)Rispondi
Excuse me, but why you didn't ask Cloj to remove that text from his archive :|? If you're an admin, I think you should know that make changes in someone else's userpages (or subpages) without asking is not a fair way to operate... bah... --Sogeking l'isola dei cecchini 21:49, 16 feb 2007 (CET)Rispondi

Jayjg, it's amazing your way of working on Wikipedia. I don't remember any user, in Italy or not, so insolent. No one can read my archives - ugly of unseemly it can be - without commit a true act of rudeness. The worse is to delete any expression without my permission. I consider the received messages as normal mail, so I must ask you to rollback my archives in previous condition. If some espession is insulting for you, the normal way is to call the sender or an Administrator. But not many months after the original message. Or the law of jungle was exported also in Italy? --Cloj 14:28, 17 feb 2007 (CET)Rispondi

Some words again, but in Italian. Se le frasi che hai cancellato non sono state scritte da te ma da qualcuno che ha illecitamente usato il tuo nome, hai senz'altro tutta la mia solidarietà. Ma devo comunque pretendere il rispetto delle regole. Non sei un Amministratore italiano e quindi non puoi intervenire in modo che (fino a prova contraria) è di fatto una brusca censura. Se avessi scritto a me, spiegandomi l'accaduto, garantendomi che tu non eri l'autore di quelle frasi non-NPOV, avrei fatto di tutto per aiutarti. Ma così no! Non mi piacciono i modi sbrigativi e prepotenti di fare, anche se ispirati da buone intenzioni (un proverbio italiano dice che "l'Inferno è lastricato di buone intenzioni"). Ti chiedo quindi di reintegrare quanto cancellato e poi, semmai, di rivolgerti direttamente, e correttamente, a me, pregandomi di eliminare definitivamente, io stesso, quelle frasi, sempre che tu possa dimostrarmi che il tuo nome è stato adoperato illecitamente. --Cloj 14:47, 17 feb 2007 (CET)Rispondi

I received those scripts from Mazzuccottelli and the material was apparently signed from another user of Wiki. Any way you can't delete them without my permission. This is an--Klaudio 17:00, 25 feb 2007 (CET) incorrect behaviour. You must expose the fact to an Italian Administrator (I'm afraid the Sheriff syndrome is too much spreaded in the world but the rules of Wiki is not a "jungle law". You must respect the other archives or tell to an Administrator to do this. The true question is: have you write those defamatory expression or not? If you are not the author I can understand your feeling but you must tell to an Italian Administrator or, simply, to me. In this case I can willingly delete the guilty text. I wait some days again. If you don't consent with my suggestion I'll paste the deleted text (and write, please, to Mazzuccottelli. This is not my duty). --Cloj 13:11, 19 feb 2007 (CET)Rispondi

Dear Jayjg, I have no difficult about writing in english, but this is it.wiki, so I'll tell you it in italian:

in it.wiki non è gradita la manomissione delle pagine utente senza il consenso dell'interessato, come hai fatto con l'utente Cloj; per maggiori informazioni consulta Wikipedia:Wikiquette; il fatto che tu sia admin altrove non ti da diritti maggiori di quelli degli altri utenti. Pertanto ti ho segnalato tra gli utenti problematici e proposto per un blocco.

Sincerely yours --Pigr8 mi consenta... 13:23, 25 feb 2007 (CET)Rispondi

Dear Jayig, as I evaluate as incorrect your action of erasing a part of the user/discussion page of a different Wikipedia user, I think suitable a block for a short period of your account. The block time will be 1 day.

I wish also suggest you, if you are not really involved in the erased question, to contact directly Cloj, I can guarantee you thet he is really a moderate user, therefore a clarification should be much more useful that a force action. - --Klaudio 17:00, 25 feb 2007 (CET)Rispondi

I've noticed that you have removed some text from the talk archives belonging to one of our users here without asking first to him to do it for you. As you have been told already, it's customary on our wiki to ask first to the talk owner to do it for you before removing anything therein. Furthermore, since you don't seem to understand Italian, asking first might be highly adviceable and help you to understand the context in which a particular text has been added before hurrying to conclusions and demand its removal. So, please ask first next time, otherwise your behaviour might be deemed as vandalic again and addressed accordingly. Thanks for your attention and best regards. --Piero Montesacro 18:45, 25 feb 2007 (CET)Rispondi