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Hello and welcome to the Italian Wikipedia! We appreciate your contributions. If your Italian skills are not good enough, that’s no problem. We have an embassy where you can inquire for further information in your native language or you can contact directly a user in your language. We hope you enjoy your time here!
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--Lemure Saltante olim DaoLR 21:29, 23 apr 2019 (CEST)Rispondi



(IT) Gentile utente, ho visto che hai scritto o modificato alcune voci. Ti segnalo però che su Wikipedia in lingua italiana bisogna scrivere in italiano corrente e senza impiegare traduttori automatici.

Se vuoi tradurre una voce presente su un'altra Wikipedia, leggi prima Aiuto:Come tradurre una voce. Testi inseriti in lingue diverse dall'italiano o evidentemente generati tramite traduttori automatici verranno rimossi.

Grazie dell'attenzione e buon lavoro!

(EN) Dear user, I noticed your contributions to some articles on However, I'd like to remind you that on this Wikipedia you should write in fluent Italian language only and without using automatic translators.

If you're willing to translate articles or contributions from a Wikipedia in a different language, please have a look first at Wikipedia:How to translate. Edits in languages different than Italian or clearly produced by plain automatic translation will be removed.

Thanks for your attention and enjoy editing!

Please do not put notices in English language in the pages nor write in English in the talk pages, this is and our users expect Italian language only. Thank you for understanding. Regards.--Lemure Saltante olim DaoLR 21:29, 23 apr 2019 (CEST)Rispondi

Hi [@ Lemure Saltante], thank you very much for the welcome and for translating my message. Sadly, the above message also asks me to avoid using machine translation, effectively asking me not to write anything here at all. English is not my native language either, I'm from Germany. By using English, I hope to show my willingness of reducing the language barrier as far as possible. I do not intend to make substantial contributions to the Italian Wikipedia. To make the community aware of a possible copyright issue that the local reviewers seem to have overlooked, I believe that my edit was necessary. If the local users had noticed this issue themselves, there would not have been a need for my message. ToBeFree (msg) 21:43, 23 apr 2019 (CEST)Rispondi
The user that has created the page is a new user which was just beginning editing Wikipedia, and probably didn't know well about copyright while translating articles. We take copyright very seriously, and welcome reports, but you can imagine that a new user seeing his new page marked with a notice in a foreign language could be discouraged from editing further. Anyway, I'm following this case, thank you for your report, I only kindly ask you to use Italian language (for short sentences, Google Translate will be fine, just not entire articles).--Lemure Saltante olim DaoLR 21:59, 23 apr 2019 (CEST)Rispondi
Grazie mille, [@ Lemure Saltante]. Sono venuto qui perché l'utente ha creato una versione inglese dell'articolo su Pertanto, credo che le preoccupazioni da lei menzionate siano certamente vere nella maggior parte dei casi, ma fortunatamente non lo sono in questo caso. Naturalmente, cercherò di evitare tali problemi. Rispetto l'autonomia e la lingua della Wikipedia italiana e vi ringrazio ancora una volta per il vostro benvenuto. Vi auguro una piacevole serata. :)
Tradotto con DeepL, verificato con Google Translator
ToBeFree (msg) 22:10, 23 apr 2019 (CEST)Rispondi
Hello again [@ ToBeFree], a paragraph of the article was in fact translated and copied by the user from another website, and the user has been notified about the matter. The rest of the article seems genuine, nonetheless, the user has been asked to inform in case other parts of the article were translated from copyrighted sources. Thanks again for your help, have a great day.--Lemure Saltante olim DaoLR 10:59, 24 apr 2019 (CEST)Rispondi
Hello [@ Lemure Saltante], I'm sorry for the late response. Thank you very much for your work, and have a great day too.  
Ciao [@ Lemure Saltante], mi dispiace per la risposta tardiva. Grazie mille per il vostro lavoro, e buona giornata.  
Tradotto con DeepL, verificato con Google Translator
ToBeFree (msg) 00:37, 27 apr 2019 (CEST)Rispondi