Sarah Doudney

scrittrice e poetessa britannica

Sarah Doudney (Isola di Portsea, 15 gennaio 1841Oxford, 8 dicembre 1926) è stata una scrittrice e poetessa britannica.

Sarah Doudney



Sarah Doudney frequenta la Madame Dowell’s school, presso la città di Southsea. A quindici anni vede pubblicare la sua prima opera, The Lesson of the Water Mill su un giornale religioso anglicano denominato The Churchman’s Family Magazine. Doudney è cresciuta in una famiglia con una forte educazione religiosa e, che tra i propri membri, aveva uno zio pastore protestante noto per essere l'editore di The Gospel Magazine. Oltre a realizzare una cospicua produzione letteraria di romanzi e poesie, Doudney collabora su All the Year Round. Alla morte dei genitori, decide di trasferirsi a Oxford.[1]

  • The Angels of Christmas, 1870.
  • Harvest Hymn, 1870.
  • Psalms of Life, 1871.
  • Under Gray Walls, 1871.
  • Faith Harrowby: Or the Smugglers' Cave, 1871.
  • Archie's Old Desk, 1872.
  • Self-pleasing. A New Year's Address to Senior Scholars, 1872.
  • The Beautiful Island, and Other Stories (the other stories by other authors), 1872.
  • Loser and Gainer, 1873.
  • Janet Darney. A Tale of Fisher-life in Thale Bay, 1873.
  • Wave upon Wave, 1873.
  • Marion's Three Crowns, 1873.
  • The Cottage in the Woods, and other tales, 1874.
  • Miss Irving's Bible, 1875.
  • Oliver's Oath, and How He Kept It, 1875.
  • The Great Salterns, 1875.
  • Nothing But Leaves, 1875.
  • The Pilot's Daughters, 1875.
  • Brave Seth, 1877.
  • Stories of Girlhood, or the Brook and the River, 1877.
  • Monksbury College: A Tale of Schoolgirl Life, 1878.
  • Faith's Revenge, 1879.
  • The Scarlet Satin Petticoat, 1879.
  • While It Is Day. A New Year's Address to Senior Scholars, 1879.
  • A Story of Crossport, and Other Stories, 1879.
  • Old Anthony's Secret, and Other Stories, 1879.
  • Stepping Stones, a Story of our Inner Life, 1880.
  • Strangers Yet. A Story, 1880.
  • A Child of the Precinct, 1880.
  • Stepping-Stones: A Story of Our Inner Life, 1880.
  • Anna Cavaye; or, the Ugly Princess, 1882.
  • Michaelmas Daisy. A Young Girl's Story, 1882.
  • What's in a Name?, 1883.
  • Miss Stepney's Fortune, 1883.
  • Nelly Channell, 1883.
  • A Woman's Glory, 1883.
  • The Strength of Her Youth, 1884.
  • A Long Lane with a Turning, 1884.
  • When We Two Parted. A Tale, c. 1884.
  • Prudence Winterburn, 1885.
  • Who Is the Enemy? and How He Was Discovered. A tale, 1886.
  • When We Were Girls Together, 1886.
  • The Missing Rubies, 1887.
  • A Son of the Morning, 1887.
  • Thy Heart's Desire. A Story of Girls' Lives, 1888.
  • Miss Willowburn's Offer, 1888.
  • The Vicar of Redcross; Or, Till Death Us Do Part, 1888.
  • Under False Colours, 1889.
  • Where the Dew Falls in London. A Story of a Sanctuary, 1889.
  • Christmas Angels (in verse), 1890.
  • The Family Difficulty: The Story of a Young Samaritan, 1891.
  • Godiva Durleigh, 1891.
  • Where Two Ways Meet, etc., 1891.
  • Drifting Leaves, 1892.
  • My Message, 1892.
  • Voices in the Starlight, 1892.
  • The Love-Dream of Gatty Fenning. A Tale, 1892.
  • Through Pain to Peace, 1892.
  • A Romance Of Lincoln's Inn, 1893.
  • Violets for Faithfulness (verse), 1893.
  • Louie's Married Life, 1894.
  • Katherine's Keys. A Tale, 1896.
  • A Vanished Hand, 1896.
  • Bitter and Sweet. A Story, 1896.
  • Pilgrims of the Night, 1897.
  • Lady Dye's Reparation, 1901.
  • Silent Strings, 1904.
  • One of the Few, 1904.
  • A Cluster of Roses, 1906.
  • Shadow and Shine, 1906.
  • When My Ship Comes Home, 1906.
  • Thistle-Down.
  • My Wish for Thee.
  • Con Bond Andrews, The Lesson of the Water Mill.
  1. ^ (EN) Sarah Doudney, su URL consultato il 23 febbraio 2022.

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