Stradivari Ames: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 24:
[[File:Ames Stradivarius inscription.jpg|thumb|upright=1.23|Vista delle parole "Antonius Stradivarius Cremona" all'interno del foro a ƒ di sinistra.]]
Lo '''''Stradivari Ames''''' ofdel 1734 isè anun [[Musicamusica antica||antico]] [[violino]], maderealizzato by the Italiandal [[liutaio]] italiano [[Antonio Stradivari]] ofdi [[Cremona]]. ItÈ isuno onedei ofsoli only450-700 450–700 known extantstrumenti Stradivari instrumentsesistenti inal the worldmondo.<ref name="Molotsky">{{cite news |last1=Molotsky |first1=Irvin |title=A CITYcity THATthat CANcan DOdo THEthe STRADIVARIUSStradivarius STRUTstrut |url= |accessdate=8 June 2018 |work=The New York Times |date=June 20, 1984}}</ref><ref>{{cite web |title=HOWHow MANYmany ANTONIOAntonio STRADIVARIStradivari INSTRUMENTSinstruments STILLstill EXISTexist INin THE WORLDthe world? |url= |website=Selection |accessdate=8 June 2018}}</ref> The L'''Ames'' receivessi itschiama namecosì fromdal violinistnome del violinista George Ames whoche ownedlo itpossedeva ande performedsi withesibiva itcon inesso thealla latefine nineteenthdel century[[XIX secolo]].<ref name="Distillations"/>