Discussione:Stepan Bandera: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 760:
:{{ping|Actormusicus}} non ho capito bene il tuo discorso. Secondo te scrivere "aderente all'ideologia fascista" non è corretto e dovremmo spiegare meglio il concetto? Oppure va bene mantenerlo ma spiegando meglio successivamente?
:Comunque ho trovato un documento della CIA che lo definisce "il fascista ucraino e spia professionale di Hitler"[https://www.cia.gov/readingroom/docs/BANDERA%2C%20STEFAN_0018.pdf] --[[Utente:Mhorg|Mhorg]] ([[Discussioni utente:Mhorg|msg]]) 11:10, 13 mag 2022 (CEST)
a mio avviso sarebbe da rimuovere il collegamento a [[Fascismo]] — dato l'uso estensivo del termine — in «considerato criminale fascista», o reindirizzarlo a [[Fascismo#Il_dibattito_sul_significato_del_termine]] o a una voce come ‘’[[Interpretazioni del fascismo]]’’.
relato l’ideologia di Bandera, forse, potrebbe esser funzionale leggere anche: {{cita libro|titolo = Ukrainian Nationalism in the Age of Extremes. An Intellectual Biography of Dmytro Dontsov
|autore = Trevor Erlacher
|url = https://books.google.it/books?id=ZBNgEAAAQBAJ&lpg=PP1&hl=it&pg=PA233#v=onepage&q&f=true
|editore = [[Harvard University Press]]
|città = Cambridge
|anno = 2021
|lingua = en
|opera = Harvard Series in Ukrainian Studies
|p =
|ISBN = 9780674250932
|cid =
|accesso = 14 maggio 2022}}
presenta, ad esempio, che:
{{citazione|These supporters included OUN leaders Stepan Bandera and laroslav Stets'ko, who uncritically embraced Dontsovism so that all members would do the same|è una nota ad una parte del testo che m’è impossibile visualizzare tramite l’anteprima. il “forse” soprastante è anche perché sarebbe da accertare a che è riferita la nota}}
Rispetto a Donstov — sempre ad esempio:
{{citazione|Dontsov's enthusiasm for Nazism began in 1933. Given his long-standing Germanophilia and Austrophilia and his approval of and fascination with Italian Fascism, the decision to start hailing Hitler as soon as the latter became chancellor was natural for the Vistnyk editor. The rise of the Third Reich was a triumph of the ideas that Dontsov had been espousing for years: nationalism, voluntarism, militarism, authoritarianism, statism anti-Marxism, anti-Semitism, palingenetic mysticism, reactionary modernism, xenophobia, and the rhetoric of a racial-civilizational conflict between the West and the East, between the Aryans and the rest. All of these ideas achieved their apotheosis and most radical expression in Nazism. Developments in Germany radicalized Dontsov, deepening his obsession with international Jewry, Masonic conspiracies, scientific racism (Rassentheorie), and an apocalyptic war to crush Muscovy once and for all. Hitler's vision of a Europe cleansed of the "Judeo-Bolshevik menace" strongly appealed to Dontsov.}}
{{citazione|Despite repeated acknowledgments of the primacy of his
ideology for their movement and invitations to join it, Dontsov
refused to take part in the leadership of the OUN or assume any
responsibility for it.
The reason for his caution and distance was the OUN's status
as an underground terrorist group,}}
{{citazione|Between 1939 and 1945, he resided chiefly in Bucharest and Prague, making several short visits to Berlin. […] While in Prague he wrote for the press of the SS-operated Reinhard Heydrich Institute}}--[[Utente:Karlzeno|Karlzeno]] ([[Discussioni utente:Karlzeno|msg]]) 04:43, 14 mag 2022 (CEST)
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