Nuovi Territori: differenze tra le versioni

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Riga 35:
{{Chinese|c=新界|y=sān gaai|j=san1 gaai3|p=Xīnjiè|l=New World}}-->
{{T|inglese|geografia|luglio 2008}}
I '''Nuovi Territori''' (inglese: ''New Territories'') sono una regione di [[Hong Kong]] esclusa l'[[Hong Kong (isola)|isola di Hong Kong]], [[Kowloon]] e [[Stonecutters Island]]. Storicamente, essoquesta è la regione descrittdescritta dallanella [[Convenzione per l'estensione del territorio di Hong Kong]], secondo la quale i territori compresicomprendono nellala vasta area a nord di [[Boundary Street]] nella [[Penisola di Kowloon]] e a sud del fiume [[Sham Chun]], che divenne il confine tra Hong Kong e la [[Cina]], oltre a più di 200 [[Outlying Islands, Hong Kong|Isole Periferiche]] incluse [[Lantau Island]], [[Lamma Island]], [[Cheung Chau]], e [[Peng Chau]] nel territorio di Hong Kong.
<!--Later, after the establishment of [[New Kowloon]], the extension of urban Kowloon between the Boundary Street and the Kowloon Ranges spanned from [[Lai Chi Kok]] to [[Lei Yue Mun]], the New Kowloon was gradually urbanised and absorbed into Kowloon and finally excluded from New Territories. Hence, the New Territories now is only the mainland north of the Kowloon Ranges and south of the Sham Chun River, as well as the Outlying Islands. It comprises an area of 952km² (368 sq mi). []
<!--, as well as over 200 [[Outlying Islands, Hong Kong|outlying Islands]] including [[Lantau Island]], [[Lamma Island]], [[Cheung Chau]], and [[Peng Chau]] in the territory of Hong Kong.
Later, after the establishment of [[New Kowloon]], the extension of urban Kowloon between the Boundary Street and the Kowloon Ranges spanned from [[Lai Chi Kok]] to [[Lei Yue Mun]], the New Kowloon was gradually urbanised and absorbed into Kowloon and finally excluded from New Territories. Hence, the New Territories now is only the mainland north of the Kowloon Ranges and south of the Sham Chun River, as well as the Outlying Islands. It comprises an area of 952km² (368 sq mi). []
The New Territories were leased from [[Qing Dynasty|Qing]] [[China]] to the [[United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland|United Kingdom]] in [[1898]] for 99 years in the [[Second Convention of Peking]] (The Convention for the Extension of Hong Kong Territory). Upon the expiration of the lease, it was transferred to [[People's Republic of China]] in [[1997]], together with the Qing ceded territories of Hong Kong Island and Kowloon Peninsula.