Alessandro Olivieri Jazz Bass player

Early life


thumb|Alessandro Olivieri

Alessandro Olivieri was born in 1968 and he's living in Bologna (north of Italy) He has been interested in jazz since 1980. Before that, he was absorbed in the study of classical piano. He was always taken private lessons because he likes to take a particularly slow pace. Until 2003 he attended many different jazz seminars and without a doubt the musicians who have had the greatest influence on him have been [Barry Harris], [Benny Golson]] e John Taylor. ...[1]

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He has participated in numerous jam sessions with italian musicians and performed in concerts in varied formations, but the one most congenial to him has been the piano trio. In 2004-2005, as artistic director of a jazz club near Ferrara,he was able to take advantage of this opportunity, playing in trio with bass player Glauco Zuppiroli and drummer Andrea Burani.

In 2003 he started studying bass almost as a joke. It was Steve Grossman in 2006 who, during a rehearsal with his quartet, heard him play and said “you feel more comfortable with the bass…!”, giving him greater strength to persevere in studying the bass.

In 2008 he participated in a seminar in Orsara di Puglia (the master Kengo Nakamura was teaching) and he won a scholarship. The following year, as “prize”, he played in a quartet at Cantina Bentivoglio (Bologna) with Lucio Ferrara as guest. In addition, in 2009, between one seminar and another, he started his collaboration with the pianist Max Chirico, together forming a duo.

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In 2011, after having broken in this mini-formation, they decided to make a record, so the duo rapidly transformed into a trio for the express purpose of that project. In April 2011, in a session with drummer Filippo Mignatti lasting little more than three hours, the record Silenzi Pieni “Black Sound Project Vol. 1” was born.

A few comments on the recording: This ensemble is characterized by an unusual energy and a strong sense of swing. In addition, the mixing and mastering was handled by expert sound engineer in the presence of the musicians so that the resulting sounds were as natural as possible, closest to the real voice of the trio.