Utente:Pia.rr13/George Formby Senior

Head and shoulders, black and white picture of Formby looking towards the camera
Formby nel 1919

George Formby (4 ottobre 1875 - 8 febbraio 1921) è stato un comico e cantante nel teatro musicale inglese, noto come uno dei più grandi interpreti di music hall dell'inizio del XX secolo. La sua commedia giocava sugli stereotipi del Lancashire ed era popolare in Gran Bretagna. Il suo soprannome, "The Wigan Nightingale", è stato coniato a causa del modo in cui usava la sua tosse bronchiale come espediente comico nella sua recitazione.

Formby nasce in un contesto di povertà

was born into poverty in the industrial north west of England; his mother was an alcoholic and part-time prostitute, and during much of his youth he was maltreated. To earn money he would sing for pennies on street corners, before he joined a singing duo in his teens. He began to develop his own act during the 1890s and built up a following in Lancashire. He also developed a series of stage characters, including that of "John Willie", which is described by the cultural historian Jeffrey Richards as "the archetypal gormless Lancashire lad ... hen-pecked, accident-prone, but muddling through."[2] Formby also had a successful recording career and made the transition from music hall to revue in 1916.



[[Categoria:Morti nel 1921]] [[Categoria:Nati nel 1875]]