

Emmeline Goulden Pankhurst

Emmeline Goulden Pankhurst (Moss Side, 15 luglio 1858Londra, 14 giugno 1928) è stata un'attivista e politica britannica che guidò il movimento suffragista femminile del Regno Unito.

Emmeline Pankhurst arrestata davanti a Buckingham Palace mente tenta di portare una petizione al re Giorgio V - maggio 1914

a rural township and chapelry (This township or civil parish was in Lancashire. It was in Manchester ecclesiastical parish. It was in Chorlton poor law Union, 1837-1915, and in Manchester poor law Union, 1915-30. In 1856 a small detached part of the township was included in the area of Rusholme Local Board of Health and the remainder in the area of Moss Side Local Board of Health. In 1882 part of Withington township was included in the area of Moss Side Local Board. In 1885 part of Moss Side township was added to the City of Manchester. In 1894 Moss Side Urban District was established. In 1904 the Urban District became part of the City of Manchester.) [1] inglobata nella città di Manchester

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(/ˈpæŋkhərst/Nel 1999 è stata inclusa dalla rivista statunitense TIME nella lista delle 100 persone più influenti del XX secolo con la seguente motivazione:". In 1999 Time named Pankhurst as one of the 100 Most Important People of the 20th Century, stating: "she shaped an idea of women for our time; she shook society into a new pattern from which there could be no going back."[2] She was widely criticised for her militant tactics, and historians disagree about their effectiveness, but her work is recognised as a crucial element in achieving women's suffrage in Britain.[3][4] era nata nell'epoca vittoriana, ma ha plasmato una concezione di donna contempoanea; ha scosso la struttura della la società tradizionale contribuendo a creare un nuovo modello dal quale era impossibile tornare indietro (irreversibile). rivedere

Nacque in una una famiglia dell'alta borghesia, figlia di Robert Goulden e Sophia Crane; i genitori erano politicamente attivi e Pankhurst venne introdotta a 14 to the women's suffrage movement . Nonostante i genitori l'incoraggiasserio a ricoprire in futuro il ruolo di mogie e madre, le permisero di frequentare l' École Normale de Neuilly di Paris , dove completò i suoi studi a Parigi nel 1877. Incontrò nell'autunno del 1878 il suo futuro sposo, Richard Marsden Pankhurst, un avvocato known for supporting women's right to vote: lui aveva 44 anni, lei 20. Si sposarono due anni dopo, il 18 dicembre 1879 e nei dieci anni di matrimonio ebbero cinque figli. He supported her activities outside the home, and she founded and became involved with the Women's Franchise League, which advocated suffrage for both married and unmarried women. When that organisation broke apart, she tried to join the left-leaning Independent Labour Party through her friendship with socialist Keir Hardie but was initially refused membership by the local branch on account of her gender. While working as a Poor Law Guardian, she was shocked at the harsh conditions she encountered in Manchester's workhouses. "WOMWN'S FRANCHISE LEAGUE The Women's Franchise League was an organization created by the Suffragette Emmeline Pankhurst together with her husband Richard in 1889, fourteen years before the creation of the Women's Social and Political Union in 1903. The organization's main achievement was that women were allowed to vote in local elections after the campaigning of its members."

Nel 1903, cinque anni dopo la morte del marito, venne fondato a casa Pankhurst il Women's Social and Political Union (WSPU), un'organizzazione esclusivamente femmile promotrice del suffragio universale feminine an all-women suffrage advocacy organization di cui ben presto Emmeline e la figlia Sylvia divennero le leader (anche se la figlia ne uscisì successivamente nel XXX) [5] Le fondatrici erano fuoriuscite dal National Union of Women's Suffrage Societies, scoraggiate dai risultati ottenuti dell'organizzazione presieduta da Millicent Fawcett, che attribuivano ai peaceful and legal means, in particular by introducing Parliamentary Bills and holding meetings to explain and promote their aims in contrapposizione ai motto deeds not words azioni non parole . Divenne t became known for physical confrontations: its members smashed windows and assaulted police officers. Pankhurst, her daughters, and other WSPU activists were sentenced to repeated prison sentences, where they staged hunger strikes to secure better conditions. As Pankhurst's eldest daughter Christabel took leadership of the WSPU, antagonism between the group and the government grew. Eventually the group adopted arson as a tactic, and more moderate organisations spoke out against the Pankhurst family. In 1913 several prominent individuals left the WSPU, among them Pankhurst's daughters Adela and Sylvia. Emmeline was so furious that she "gave [Adela] a ticket, £20, and a letter of introduction to a suffragette in Australia, and firmly insisted that she emigrate," in which she complied.[6] The family rift was never healed. Sylvia became a socialist.

With the advent of the First World War, Emmeline and Christabel called an immediate halt to militant suffrage activism in support of the British government's stand against the "German Peril."[7] They urged women to aid industrial production and encouraged young men to fight, becoming prominent figures in the white feather movement.[8] In 1918 the Representation of the People Act granted votes to all men over the age of 21 and women over the age of 30. This discrepancy was intended to ensure that men did not become minority voters as a consequence of the huge number of deaths suffered during the First World War.[9] Pankhurst transformed the WSPU machinery into the Women's Party, which was dedicated to promoting women's equality in public life. In her later years she became concerned with what she perceived as the menace posed by Bolshevism and joined the Conservative Party, and was selected as a Conservative Party candidate for Stepney in 1927.[10] She died on 14 June 1928, only weeks before the Conservative government's Representation of the People Act (1928) extended the vote to all women over 21 years of age on 2 July 1928. She was commemorated two years later with a statue in London's Victoria Tower Gardens.



La famiglia Goulden




Secondo quanto riportato sul certificato di nascita, Emmeline Goulden nacque il 15 luglio 1858 a Moss Side, un sobborgo di Manchester che venne progressivamente inglobato nella città. La Pankhurst riferiva invece con orgoglio di essere nata il 14 luglio, anniversario della Presa della Bastiglia. Nel 1908 dichiarò “Ho sempre pensato il fatto di essere nata proprio quel giorno abbia in qualche modo influenzato la mia vita” (Purvis p.9). Non è chiaro quale delle versioni sia corretta, visto che il certificato di nascita presentata degli errori nella scrittura del nome riportato come “Emiline”. Era la terza di undici figli (il primo dei quali morì a soli due anni d'età) e la maggiore delle cinque femmine. Il padre xx Poco dopo la sua nascita la famiglia si spostò a Seedley (dov'è?) dove il padre gestiva una piccola attività di cui era coofondatore. Goulden partecipava attivamente alla vita politica locale serving for several years on the Salford Town Council. Era un entusiasta x Manchester Athenaeum and the Dramatic Reading Society. Prese parte a rappresentazioni di opere di Shakespere di cui interpretava il ruolo principale in un teatro di Salford di cui fu il proprietario per molti anni. Pankhurst ereditò dal padre il gusto per il teatro e la rappresentazione drammatiche e utilizzò in seguito queste competenze durante l'attivismo politico.

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{{Controllo di autorità {{Portale|biografie|Politica [[Categoria:Suffragette inglesi|Emmeline Pankhurst {{categorie qualità

  1. ^ Moss Side, Greater Manchester County Record Office.
  2. ^ Marina Warner, Emmeline Pankhurst – Time 100 People of the Century, Time Magazine, 14 June 1999.
  3. ^ Errore nelle note: Errore nell'uso del marcatore <ref>: non è stato indicato alcun testo per il marcatore legacy02
  4. ^ Errore nelle note: Errore nell'uso del marcatore <ref>: non è stato indicato alcun testo per il marcatore legacy01
  5. ^ E. Pankhurst 1914, p. 38.
  6. ^ Hochschild, Adam (2011). To End All Wars, p. 71. Houghton Mifflin Harcourt, Boston. ISBN 9780618758289.
  7. ^ Quoted in Purvis 2002, p. 270.
  8. ^ White Feather Feminism, su itech.fgcu.edu. URL consultato il 24 February 2014.
  9. ^ Representation of the People Act 1918, su parliament.uk. URL consultato il 24 February 2014.
  10. ^ Emmeline Pankhurst – Conservative candidate.