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Naturalmente un benvenuto anche da parte mia! Se avessi bisogno di qualcosa non esitare a contattarmi.

Fabexplosive L'admin col botto 03:30, 5 nov 2015 (CET)Rispondi

Movie posters


Hi, you removed other images in order to put the posters in the template, without adding a description for the image. We have some specifical rules about copyrighted screenshots, and we do not have the same custom of of putting the posters in the infobox. I see you did not remove the screenshots and just moved in another place of the article, but in some cases you did this in a disrupting way. Please do not replace screenshots in the infobox, you can add the posters in another place of the articles if it fits, or start a discussion about this topic. --Phyrexian ɸ 23:02, 23 feb 2020 (CET)Rispondi

[@ Phyrexian] Hi. I understand you want quality and respect of the procedures, but your attitude is rude and insulting to my work. You are making a mistake to think that what I put is copyrighted screenshots. It's not, it's CC-SA-BY and as such, can go in any wiki in the world without concern about copyright. I know it's rare that movie companies do give this right, but they did here. Before erasing people's hard work, you should have the courtesy to ask them why they proceeded in such way.
If you want description for the image, why do you add it instead of removing my addition? It's a movie poster… Now, if you still think I'm not following procedures, please tell my how. And please be respectful of my work as I am of your. Regards --Antoine2711 (msg) 23:18, 23 feb 2020 (CET)Rispondi
You did not understood my message, and you are the one who is not showing any respect here. You edit a Wikipedia in a language you show to not know at all, replacing images with others in infoboxes, which here have its own cosuetudes that of course you do not know, moving the older ones into the article often in a disruptive way. I asked you please to stop and told you why your edits were not acceptable. You answer me that I'm rude and that I could fix it by myself. Of course I can, but as a volunteer I may have other stuff to do, I'm not here to fix bad edits from users who are not able to proper contribute in this wiki and that do not wish to learn how to do it. Bad edits are fixed immediatly if possible, reverted otherwise. When someone will have the time and the will those could be fixed and the articles improved. This of course could be you, but you need to have a more collaborative attitude and be able to discuss to other users of this website, which usually speak Italian. The copyrighted screenshot of course are the files you moved, not the new ones you added. We have the custom to put this kind of files into the infoboxes of movies. It's not a strict rule, and exceptions can be discussed. But since those are not free media we need to discuss if they are still useful to illustrate the article, otherwise they should be deleted. Since those articles are very short is not immediatly clear why they need more images if they already have the link to Commons. Also a poster is accepted on Wikipedia to illustrate a subject, not to promote it, so putting it without even a minimum description of the image is not the best practice. This is not how images should be used, so the edit need to be reverted. You cannot edit Wikipedia this way pretending other people will fix your changes for you. Here, as you know, we're volunteers, we speak Italian and we have some guidelines about images, posters, screenshots and infobox. You're welcome to collaborete if you can respect this. --Phyrexian ɸ 00:59, 24 feb 2020 (CET)Rispondi
[@ Phyrexian]ok, I see you point. Of course, I don't speak italian, so my capactity to contribute here is limited, and I need the help of volonteer like you. So, let's work with this example, and see how it would be acceptable in WP:IT. First, the poster is promotional in it's essence, but it also a « quick card » with all important information about a movie. Like you stated, I did'n removed previous images as they also illustrate aspect of the subject of the page. In this example, I believe it's too big. In other situation, I put the image below the infobox, with a width of 300px. Do you think it would be better in this example? What would be the guide line to choose between a still picture in the movie or the poster in the infobox? A still picture give way less information about the movie. --Antoine2711 (msg)
I'm glad to see you're willing to collaborate. I've not right now the time to answer you properly, but I will tomorrow. I can just tell you there is no problem in adding the posters to articles that are without other images, and it's ok to put it into the infobox. For the other cases and the dimensions of the files I can tell you more tomorrow. --Phyrexian ɸ 02:14, 24 feb 2020 (CET)Rispondi

Hi, here I am. So, the problems with your edits were of two kinds: first, you moved the copyrighted screenshot from the infobox, but this is not a real problem. We usually put the screenshot into the template, but as I was saying this is not a rule, we sometimes do exceptions. The problem is that we normally put images in the articles not just if some image is avaiable, but to illustrate the topic (we have some guidelines about image galleries, for instance). If the article is still at a STUB level, with not so much text, there is not a lot of space to put images, so one picture and the link to Commons is considered good enough to illustrate it. In this specific case, where we have to choose between two images one of which is not free (the screenshot) and thus cannot be hosted on Commons, if this one is removed from the article it would be delete (Wikipedia cannot host non free media without a purpose). So the safest thing is to mantain the screenshot and not add the poster, but of course this can be discussed case by case.
The other problem of some of your edits is that you put the images with very big dimension settings. This is discouraged, normally we do not set the size of images. So this is not acceptable. This is not acceptable too. Another little problem is the lack of the description of the image, but as you said it could be quickly fixed. However it would be better if new edits did not create new issues, little them might be. You can fix it by yourself adding the description "La locandina del film" (literally "the movie's promotional poster").
You see, (some of) your edits were not acceptable, but not in a very dramatic way, of course they were not vandalic, but explaining you why, in another language and without the possibility to indicate you our guidelines and discussions (which are written in Italian) is some time consuming. I'm still very busy, but I will fix your edits trying to mantain the posters in the articles (which I personally think have a good illustrational value). If I get it right you're putting them here because of some project involving Wikidata. I will try to help, maybe translating some templates on Commons or the like. I suggest for you to create the categories on Commons about the single movies depicted in the posters. Doing this and connecting the pages on Wikidata it would be easy for Wikipedia to link the categories, and for the articles that at the moment do not have no space for the poster, those could be still easily reached through those links, waiting for the articles to be expanded enough for the posters to be put directly into it. --Phyrexian ɸ 23:00, 24 feb 2020 (CET)Rispondi

[@ Phyrexian] First, thank you for taking time to explain the particulars here. Don't take time to correct my mistakes, I will do it. Let's just make sure I understand the rules. And you gaved me pretty much what I needed to know. Let's go point by point!
  • Yes, my project comes from WD, and I got 268 posters for 278 films for whom I have very reliable data.
  • Thank you for the description "La locandina del film", I will go back and put that where it should.
  • Your help for translation would be so much appreciated, like in Commons. I could even learn from you on that matter, on don't know all there is to know and I speak french, so english is not my first language.
  • « some of your edits were not acceptable, but not in a very dramatic way, of course they were not vandalic ». I'm glad you see that because it's really about trying to help what I do. Of course, I make mistakes... ;-)
  • in the clear case where there is no image, putting it in the infobox or if no infobox, as a picture on the rith with 270px of width is ok.
  • « In this specific case, where we have to choose between two images one of which is not free (the screenshot) and thus cannot be hosted on Commons, if this one is removed from the article it would be delete (Wikipedia cannot host non free media without a purpose). » Now that's something new for me, and I clearly see the problems that arrises from this and my actions. Since I don't/can't participate in editorial debate, I guess the safest way to go would be this? Then, a wikipedian IT could choose to change it or not. What do you think? I really have to choose a way that breaks no rules, and I think this procedure is fine. It shows that a new image is available, but it's in a far place.
Best Regards, Antoine --Antoine2711 (msg)
Don't worry, there was some misunderstanding with my first message, which was not indended to be aggressive, but you felt it was rude, and now we know it was just because neither of us is a native English speaker, so was just a language barrier issue. I'm personally very positive about people helping on wikipedias of languages that are not their mother language, but you see, you need to be extra careful. There was nothing very inappropriate with your edits, but as I saw a pattern, I chose to stop you in the beginning, before you did hundreds of edits that would eventually be reverted by someone in the future, avoiding you wasting your time and energies.
So now, let's see how you can do. So, if there is no pictures yet you can add the poster directly in the infobox, just please always add the description, using the |didascalia = parameter of the template. I fixed the article about Sole alto, so in the case there is room in the article for a new image, but the infobox already have one, just put it where you feel it fits good. You don't have to worry too much about your edits since you're not removing pre existing files. Please take notice of the wikicode I used in this case: normally you should not define the width of the images (and 270px is way too big), but in the case of vertical pictures as those posters are, you should add the parameter |verticale|, which actually reduce a little bit the dimensions of the file. For cases like Gerontophilia it's a little bit trickier. This would be a perfect example of articles where new images should not be added, because of the lack of space. Nonetheless I tried with a little "creative" solution here. Is something we usually do not do, and I cannot assure somebody will not remove the file in the future, but in my opinion this could be ok.
If you have more questions I'm here to answer. :-) If you experience some trouble in writing me in English you can try in French, I have a scholastic level of French, but since I almost never practice, I can read it but it would be too much time consuming trying to answer in a correct French. English (or maybe Spanish) is much more easy for me to use. If you have some links about this project I can try to help. :-) --Phyrexian ɸ 20:01, 25 feb 2020 (CET)Rispondi
Hi [@ Phyrexian] so, I did go back on all of my edits where I added up a poster, and either added the didascalia or {{dx|[[File:Affiche 122 Les ordres Fr.jpg|miniatura|verticale|La locandina del film]]}}. I think it all ok. Si tu vois quelque chose, dis-le moi ! We did good work together. Au plaisir de se réécrire ! Cordialement, Antoine --Antoine2711 (msg) 07:04, 6 mar 2020 (CET)Rispondi
Hi, yes, merci beaucoup! I fixed a couple of articles, but everything is ok. If you need something just write me. :-) Au revoir! --Phyrexian ɸ 09:22, 6 mar 2020 (CET)Rispondi
[@ Phyrexian] Oups. I didn't see those were also changed. Good that you cough them. Teamwork, Travail d’équipe, lavoro di squadra! Anyway, I know for the next ones! ;-) Take care and thanks again. --Antoine2711 (msg) 09:29, 6 mar 2020 (CET)Rispondi

re:Little thought from across the ocean


Hi, thank you so much for your thought, I really appreciate it, you're very kind. My family lives between Piedmont and Lombardy regions, in northern Italy, so in the very center of the epidemic, but so far everybody is good, the drastic measures taken from the national government are painful but will save many lives. I hope in Canada too your government will take strong action, because it's a very serious situation and strong action is absolutly necessary.
I actually livese in Mexico, but I was in the Dominican Republic because of job since some monthes. Las thursday in the night the Dominican presidend abruptly closed the country's borders and airspace, and me and my wife get through some days of nightmare trying to return to Mexico. In the end the Mexican embassy could negotiate some special flights to repatriate citizen and we could eventually come back home saturday night. Many other people were in the same situation, I believe some few Canadian citizen too, and I think not everybody could take a flight to return to their countries because many other nations closed their airspace and borders too. This virus is gonna hit Americas very bad, please try to take action right now and pressure your local and national government to enforce strong action against this pandemic, this is very serious. Thank you a lot for your message, I hope everything will be fine for you too. --Phyrexian ɸ 01:22, 24 mar 2020 (CET)Rispondi

[@ Phyrexian] : Oh, good to hear that you got back to Mexico. That would've been even worse to be stuck in a foreign country under those circonstances. Here in Québec, our premier ministre did at the start raise intense mesure, so we are handling much better than the rest of Canada or the USA. At least, Trump figured out he had to do something, but I hope he gets that in order to do business, he must first take care of the health of its citizens. Being a computer nerd, I'm not affected, always being in front of my computer! ;-) Glad to know you are good, and yes, let's pressure the governments to act. So happy mine, François Legault, is acting swiffly. Best Regards and take care, --Antoine2711 (msg) 04:37, 24 mar 2020 (CET)Rispondi