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Naturalmente un benvenuto anche da parte mia! Se avessi bisogno di qualcosa non esitare a contattarmi.

LukeWiller [Scrivimi] 19:00, 31 ago 2015 (CEST)Rispondi



I suspected you were using a bot (so I blocked for 15' only...), just because is unusual fixing bad characters in archived user-talk pages. And as I remember fixing in archived pages is to avoid at all. Dont'worry please, but I suggest to fix only in ns:0. Bye. --AttoRenato le poilu 02:25, 28 dic 2015 (CET)Rispondi

No, I'm not using any bot, I just look for it with the normal search function, there it's easy to find some of those characters. Archived pages, there weren't so many, now I find none anymore (except really IPA symbols which are right there). There are about 5 wrong symbols in the ns3 (user talk pages) left (no archives) which I also want to fix, you can see it here (also without the right IPA symbols). Two of them are wrong syntax, where used instead of the : at the beginning. There aren't other namespaces left now, by the way. You can see it yourself, when searching for ː. But the wiki search only finds the symbol, if it begins with that symbol or is placed after a number or symbols like ), but not, if it is used after a "Re" as in "Re:". Then you would have to search for "Reː" or other word with ː at the end instead. Maybe there could also be a way to find other wrong uses, especially in the main namespace. As you see here or here, it's also not possible to find other uses with "insource:", there are even less than with a normal search [1]. That means that it's also not possible in the main namespace to find other uses with "insource:".
The problem is that people don't notice this (those two characters look very much the same), therefore it's better to fix those characters in the user talk namespace, too. That's especially useful on these talk pages, because if people use a wrong keyboard, then they might not have noticed that, but notice it when it is fixed there. And maybe they will use the right characters in the main namespace in the future. That's the reason that I don't fix it only in the main namespace. And I can't know who is using a right keyboard now and who is using a wrong one. ;-) At Commons, there were many more wrong pages than here and still there were users using the wrong keyboard that didn't know that. I think some have changed that already, so that might also be useful here. Hope you understand it better now. Perhaps you can keep an eye on this in the main namespace and tell users, if their keyboard is the wrong one. This is a good screenshot to show the wrong use and to show, where they can change that. Kind regards --Bjarlin (msg) 02:48, 28 dic 2015 (CET)Rispondi
Thanks. Bye! --AttoRenato le poilu 02:53, 28 dic 2015 (CET)Rispondi
Punk35showoff typed lots of wrong symbols in the main namespace, but that has been in 2014, maybe he changed it in the meantime. And I've found this user who in 2015 typed IPA symbols and maybe still uses the wrong keyboard. He didn't type any colon in the last two months, and the last time he also had problems using files in his article because of the IPA symbol, look here: [2], [3]. You could ask him and tell him how to change that.
Here it has been an edit of Sciking as of 23 dic 2015 which is 4 days ago. He also still might use the wrong keyboard now. This edit of Stefanobiondo has been on 14 nov 2015, not very long ago. Here many wrong characters of Roberto.Amerighi as of 6 and 7 dec 2015. And here, it has been Rei Momo on 10 nov 2015. If you want, you can ask them directly. Bye --Bjarlin (msg) 03:39, 28 dic 2015 (CET)Rispondi
China1977, in March 2015 (24 IPA symbols) and on 29 October 2015 (with 28 IPA symbols!) still with wrong characters (and this text has 48 wrong characters!), he could also still use the wrong keyboard, can you contact him? – I've fixed that now. And that's all for now that I can find in the article namespace with this search (the rest is IPA). --Bjarlin (msg) 03:54, 28 dic 2015 (CET)Rispondi