TEE e EuroCity


Thanks for your good idea about translastions: I promise myself to follow your guideline!--Ale Sasso (msg) 12:54, 27 mar 2013 (CET)Rispondi

Template:Trans Europ Express


Please wait a moment and see Discussioni progetto:Trasporti#Trans Europ Express. Thanks --elLeGiMark@ 14:16, 28 mar 2013 (CET)Rispondi

I appreciate very much your job about TEE on it:wiki and thank for it, but in the next steps you should use titles in the standard form TEE Mediolanum instead of Mediolanum (treno). Thanks again for jour job. --elLeGiMark@ 16:00, 28 mar 2013 (CET)Rispondi
Thank you for your contribution on TEE trains but, please, DON'T create only Stubs: empty pages are not a good idea and it's better, if u are able, translate pages from (e.g.) english or french Wiki, according on your knowledge. Vice versa, you impose a a large amount of dirty job for us... I can help you, if u want: toghether it's easier!--Ale Sasso (msg) 22:48, 28 mar 2013 (CET)Rispondi
I've seen hidden text in TEE Mediolanum page... perhaps the better solution is to translate both englis and french texts form en. and fr. Wikipedia. Are u french speeking? If so, you can write me in french, if u prefer... for 3 days I could,'t answere 'cause Il'll be in Paris. Good Easter!--Ale Sasso (msg) 00:07, 30 mar 2013 (CET)Rispondi
Dear Jaap, I had a look at your hidden texts and I thanks a lot for your contribution, but I disagree with the structure of the articles. Because of importance of the TEE Group in the european railway history, in my opinion TEE trains are worth to be treated as a stand-alone group of articles in which the main focus should be given to the TEE period, with references to their ancestors (if any) and successors limited to the strictly necessary. In other words, i.m.o., it makes no sense giving to the Mediolanum the same relevance of the Freccia della Versilia. --elLeGiMark@ 17:50, 1 apr 2013 (CEST)Rispondi
I don't agree: several trains were important before and after TEE period, and someone were NOT famous as TEE (e.g. italian Settebello)... but I ask myself: are we wrinting "articles" or simply wiki pages? So... I think Jaap is not wrong... Actually, if we want highlight the importance of TEE pool, we can use (and, as a matter of fact, we are using) the related template and logo. Good Easter Monday!--Ale Sasso (msg) 20:37, 1 apr 2013 (CEST)Rispondi
Dear Jaap, as you can see in the articles TEE Goethe, TEE Molière, TEE Paris-Ruhr and TEE Parsifal, which I wrote from the scratch, I do not want to split by service, but simply prefer to use the TEE prefix for the trains belonging to that group. As you said, it's just a matter of opinion, and it's hard to say which one is the best. Unfortunately I presently have very few time to dedicate to Wikipedia, and TEE are at the lowest level in my priorities. Anyway I will try to check your text as far as possible, hoping that someone else from the "Progetto Trasporti" might give you more assistance. By now I freezed the proposed deletion of the Template:Infobox TEE (see Discussioni progetto:Trasporti), which I suggest to move in the sandbox of your italian user page. I appreciate your kind contribution and am very sorry not to be so helpful as I would. Ciao! --elLeGiMark@ 23:51, 5 apr 2013 (CEST)Rispondi

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