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Naturalmente un benvenuto anche da parte mia! Se avessi bisogno di qualcosa non esitare a contattarmi. --Kaspo 16:04, 25 set 2008 (CEST)Rispondi



Please add {{controllo di autorità}} in the "Collegamenti esterni" section, not after the navigation templates. The section should be created if not present; it is always the last section of the page. --Bultro (m) 10:35, 10 feb 2013 (CET)Rispondi

At the moment I only add {{controllo di autorità}} above {{Portale}} template (I do not even add it if I do not find {{Portale}}) as it was requested by utente:Nemo and approved after testing. At the moment the insertion code is: new_src_text = re.sub(ur'\{\{[Pp]ortale\|', authority_text+u'{{Portale|', new_src_text). We can make this logic more complicated, if it is needed. I could add it just after "== Collegamenti esterni ==", if found and than just above {{Portale}} otherwise. Would that be better? I do not think I can write robust code for finding the bottom of Collegamenti esterni section. --Jarekt (msg) 21:59, 10 feb 2013 (CET)Rispondi
We have to correct the position of the template in thousands of pages anyway. I think you better complete the procedure you started, and then we refine position with another bot. But place the template even if you don't find Portale; just place it at the bottom of the page, it is temporarily invisible --Bultro (m) 14:28, 12 feb 2013 (CET)Rispondi
I will do a second pass using wikidata interwikis and I can add the template to the 10% of bio articles without Portale template. --Jarekt (msg) 14:33, 12 feb 2013 (CET)Rispondi