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Naturalmente un benvenuto anche da parte mia! Se avessi bisogno di qualcosa non esitare a contattarmi.

--BohemianRhapsody (msg) 16:30, 26 dic 2015 (CET)Rispondi

Chiesa ortodossa serba di San Nicola


The name of the page should be the shorter as much as it is possible. For distinguish church with the same saint we put the city, but if there are more than one church in a city with the same name, we put instead that they are catholic or orthodox or whatever. Do we need to do this for Seghedino or it would be ok to put as name "Chiesa di San Nicola (Seghedino)". If not (so the actual name is correct), are there really other cities in which we can found two different St.Nicholas churches belonging to two different orthodox national Churches? If not (that's meaning that the names would be anyway different) we do not need to change this one. MM (msg) 13:33, 29 ott 2016 (CEST)Rispondi

I wrote this, because in Hungary there are a lot of other St. Nicholas Serbian orthodox churches (so not only in Seghedino, but also in Baja, Lórév, Győr, Eger etc. is existing a church with the same patron). If somebody makes (once) another page with this name, it would be confusing. If we write the city name at the end of the wikipedia name, than everything would be clear.... The reader of the page sees, that this is a Serbian orthodox church in Seghedino, and the patron is St. Nicholas.

In Seghedino there is also existing a roman-catholic St. Nicholas church, so the Serbian orthodox is also I think an important part in the name.

"are there really other cities in which we can found two different St.Nicholas churches belonging to two different orthodox national Churches?"

To this question I cannot answer, but of course there is a possibility, that in one town there are 2 or more different (Serbian, Russian, Bulgarian, Romanian, Greek, Georgian, Coptic etc....there are 15 independent orthodox churches existing on the world) orthodox churches....and of course they can have the same patrons...

You can decide what to happen, I will accept your decision. Yours sincerely: --Plazma (msg) 15:00, 29 ott 2016 (CEST)Rispondi