Non scaldiamo troppo gli animi! Wikipedia non è il posto per flame, edit war e attacchi personali. Lo scopo del progetto è di realizzare insieme un'enciclopedia. Irrigidirsi sulla propria posizione e dimenticare la buona fede altrui (e spesso la buona educazione) è una forma di vandalismo che non contribuisce alla crescita dell'enciclopedia.

Discuti civilmente per far crescere quest'enciclopedia, grazie.

Mi spieghi quello shitty? --LittleWhites (msg) 12:25, 9 mar 2018 (CET)Rispondi

Did u read WP:NAP? please read it and stay quiet. Thanks. --LittleWhites (msg) 12:27, 9 mar 2018 (CET)Rispondi
Sorry, I don't speak Italian, so I'll use a (hopefully common) other language. This user is spamming his completely useless picture (out of focus, wrong exposure, unclear motive...) in countless wikipedias, he just did so in deWP as well. I apologize for my rude use of language, I was just a bit frustrated with this spammer of his pictures. Sänger (msg) 12:33, 9 mar 2018 (CET)Rispondi
Frustration and bad words have no place here. If the other user persists, you can advise him to administrators, ok? thank you and good luck with your work. --LittleWhites (msg) 12:37, 9 mar 2018 (CET)Rispondi
Yes, I know, and I would probably have reacted the same way as you, had someone from itWP behaved the way I did in deWP ;) If yopu could keep an eye on hin´m as well, he's got lot of bad pictures over at commons (and some useable as well) and obviously likes to put them in articles in many wikipedias. Sänger (msg) 12:49, 9 mar 2018 (CET)Rispondi
I’ll track him down. One more thing: You may answer to my talk, not here. It’like you’re sending a message to yourself. --LittleWhites (msg) 17:11, 9 mar 2018 (CET)Rispondi

Giuseppe Pitrè


Hi Sänger, yes, the IP is doing something strange. He/she also made a vandalism on my discussion page98592543 after your comment. The article on the museum was moved by [@ Ombra], I warn him too of the wrong move, because the correct name is "Giuseppe Pitrè" as wrote on the italian dictionary Treccani and in the museum home page too. Thank you for your warn about and don't worry about your english, it's better than mine! ;-) --  Il Passeggero - amo sentirvi 00:28, 20 lug 2018 (CEST)Rispondi

Hi Sänger, please ignore the requests about moving pages form -è to -é coming from Italian IPs. The author is an old acquaintance of our project, banned years ago: Arbalete aka Friedrichstrasse. Thanks for your cooperation, --Ombra 08:59, 20 lug 2018 (CEST)Rispondi
At least I now have here some arguments, should he come along deWP again. Thanks for that. :D Sänger (msg) 09:07, 20 lug 2018 (CEST)Rispondi