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Riga 45:
|data=April 14, 1916
|citazione=The first Carranza General to exchange formal courtesies with General John J. Pershing, leader of the punitive expedition after Pancho Villa, came riding into camp this afternoon on a pacing gray horse and, seated on an empty hardtack tin, paid his respects, and inquired after the health of the American forces}}</ref>
* Repressione dell'[[Insurrezione anti-britannica in Iraq]] (1920) contro il [[Mandato britannico della Mesopotamia]].<ref name=Ferguson>{{Cita news
|authorlink=Niall Ferguson
|accesso=25 agosto 2008
|titolo=Cowboys and Indians
|opera=[[The New York Times]]
|data=May 24, 2005
|citazione=The United States also faces two other problems that the United Kingdom did not 85 years ago. The British were able to be ruthless: they used air raids and punitive expeditions to inflict harsh collective punishments on villages that supported the insurgents.}}</ref>