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Durante la presidenza Trump


Con l'elezione di Trump alla presidenza degli Stati Uniti, Mar-a-Lago divenne effettivamente una delle residenze istituzionali del capo dello Stato, diventando nota coi soprannomi di "Winter White House",[1] e "Southern White House",[2] il che diede compimento agli intenti di Marjorie Post. In questo frangente la villa fu dotata di una sorta di Situation Room (in gergo Sensitive Compartmented Information Facility - SCIF) direttamente collegata con la Casa Bianca e il Pentagono a Washington.[3]

Visite istituzionali

Trump riceve il primo ministro giapponese Shinzō Abe e la moglie Akie Abe a Mar-a-Lago
Trump accoglie il leader cinese Xi Jinping e la moglie Peng Liyuan a Mar-a-Lago
Visita del presidente brasiliano Jair Bolsonaro a Mar-a-Lago
Trump e alcuni membri dello staff seguono il raid missilistico sulla base siriana di Shayrat dalla sala SCIF di Mar-a-Lago
Trump firma il Consolidated Appropriations Act a Mar-a-Lago

Trump trascorse il suo primo periodo da presidente a Mar-a-Lago dal 3 al 6 febbraio 2017, organizzandovi un evento per la Croce Rossa[4]. Poco dopo, dal 10 al 12 febbraio 2017, Trump ricevette alla tenuta il premier giapponese Shinzō Abe, nella prima visita ufficiale di un leader estero a Mar-a-Lago.[5][6]

In occasione del suo successivo soggiorno alla tenuta dal 3 al 5 marzo 2017 sorsero polemiche per la facilità con cui gli ospiti paganti del club potevano avvicinarsi liberamente al presidente e al suo staff: alcuni senatori democratici chiesero pertanto la pubblicazione dell'elenco degli ospiti di Mar-a-Lago contestuali alla presenza di Trump alla tenuta.[7] Venne quindi proposto il cosiddetto "Mar-a-Lago Act", che impose la divulgazione della lista degli ospiti presenti alla Casa Bianca o altrove laddove il presidente si trovasse nell'esercizio delle sue funzioni.[8] Nel luglio 2017 il giudice distrettuale Katherine Polk Failla ordinò di procedere alla pubblicazione entro il mese di settembre.[9]

Mar-a-Lago accolse una nuova visita istituzionale nel periodo 6–9 aprile, con l'arrivo del leader cinese Xi Jinping.[10][11][12] Fu presso la tenuta, inoltre, che nel 2017 Trump ordinò un raid missilistico sulla base siriana di Shayrat.[12]

On April 4, 2017, prior to President Xi's visit, ShareAmerica, a website run by the U.S. Department of State's Bureau of International Information Programs, published a blog post describing Mar-a-Lago's history.[13] On April 5, 2017, the U.S. embassy in the United Kingdom's website shared snippets of the original blog post on its own blog, and the U.S. embassy in Albania's Facebook page shared the original post.[14][15] On April 24, 2017, Democratic senator Ron Wyden, House minority leader Nancy Pelosi, and ethics observers like former ambassador Norman Eisen, questioned the use of official government resources promoting a private property owned by Trump.[16][17][18][19] By April 25, 2017, ShareAmerica and both U.S. embassies in the United Kingdom and Albania removed their respective posts. ShareAmerica, replaced their post with the following statement, "The intention of the article was to inform the public about where the president has been hosting world leaders. We regret any misperception and have removed the post."[13]

With the seasonal closing of Mar-a-Lago by May 14 ahead of the Atlantic hurricane season, Trump uses Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey, as his preferred retreat location during the summer months (calling it his "Summer White House").[20]

In November 2017, President Trump returned to Mar-a-Lago for his first presidential Thanksgiving celebration,[21] and one month later he returned for his tenth presidential visit during his Christmas vacation.[22]

During 2018, President Trump visited Mar-a-Lago eight times prior to the seasonal closing in May. During this time he had a summit meeting with Shinzō Abe on April 17–18.[23]

In November 2018, President Trump returned to Mar-a-Lago for his second presidential Thanksgiving celebration. One month later, President Trump canceled his planned Christmas vacation in Mar-a-Lago following the federal government shutdown. In November 2019, he returned to Mar-a-Lago for his third presidential Thanksgiving celebration, and a month later returned for his second presidential Christmas celebration.

On March 7, 2020, President Trump hosted Brazilian president Jair Bolsonaro for a working dinner, where the two leaders discussed the U.S.-led effort to oust Venezuelan president Nicolás Maduro, a future trade deal and peace for the Middle East.[24] Also at the dinner was Bolsonaro's press secretary, Fábio Wajngarten, whose wife informed others on social media on March 11, 2020, that he had tested positive for COVID-19 after he had returned from the United States via Miami to Brazil.[25] Others attending the dinner included Vice President Mike Pence, Ivanka Trump, and Jared Kushner.[26]

Security zone


When President Trump was in residence as president, the Palm Beach region became a zone of temporary flight restrictions[27] affecting flights and air operations severely within a 30 nautical mile (55.56 km) radius.[28] Coast Guard and Secret Service secured the two waterway approaches, ocean and lake, and Secret Service cordoned off streets to Mar-a-Lago during the president's visits. The Coast Guard also attached an elite Maritime Safety and Security Team with unique capabilities that specialized in maritime security.[29] By the third weekend in February 2017, nearby Palm Beach County Park Airport (Lantana Airport) had been shut down for three consecutive weekends, accumulating significant financial losses for multiple businesses.[30]

  1. ^ Marc Caputo, Trump dubs Mar-a-Lago the new 'Winter White House', su politico.com.
  2. ^ Dave Boyer, Trump dubs his Mar-a-Lago resort 'The Southern White House', February 18, 2017.
  3. ^ Elissa Nunez, What this photo of Trump's war room tells us, CNN, April 7, 2017.
  4. ^ Trump in Palm Beach: Another golf course visit today, February 5, 2017.
  5. ^ Ayesha Rascoe, Trump and Japan's Abe take a swing at golf diplomacy, in Reuters, February 11, 2017.
  6. ^ Kevin Liptak, At Mar-a-Lago, Trump tackles crisis diplomacy at close range, February 13, 2017.
  7. ^ Kristina Webb, New: Senators call for release of visitor logs from Trump's Mar-a-Lago, March 6, 2017.
  8. ^ Jessica Estepa, Democrats introduce the 'Mar-a-Lago Act', CNBC, March 25, 2017.
  9. ^ (EN) Judge Orders Sep. 8 Deadline for Mar-a-Lago Visitor Records Release | National Security Archive, su nsarchive.gwu.edu.
  10. ^ Said and unsaid: the hits and misses of Xi-Trump talks in Mar-a-Lago, in South China Morning Post, April 8, 2017.
  11. ^ Alan Wong, When Xi Jinping Visits Trump at Mar-a-Lago, 'Nothing Involving Golf Clubs', in The New York Times, April 5, 2016.
  12. ^ a b George Bennett, Trump in Palm Beach: Syria strike OK'd at Mar-a-Lago, Plam Beach Post, April 7, 2017.
  13. ^ a b Mar-a-Lago: The winter White House, su share.america.gov, April 4, 2017.
  14. ^ (EN) Mar-a-Lago: The winter White House, in U.S. Embassy & Consulates in the United Kingdom, April 5, 2017.
  15. ^ (EN) U.S. Embassy—Tirana, su facebook.com.
  16. ^ (EN) Ron Wyden on Twitter, in Twitter.
  17. ^ (EN) Nancy Pelosi on Twitter, in Twitter.
  18. ^ (EN) Julian Borger, US embassy site triggers outrage by calling Mar-a-Lago 'winter White House', in The Guardian, April 24, 2017.
  19. ^ (EN) Why is a U.S. embassy promoting a story about Mar-a-Lago?, in USA Today.
  20. ^ Goodbye, Mar-a-Lago. Hello, Bedminster, Politico, April 19, 2017.
  21. ^ A Mar-a-Lago Thanksgiving: It's All Gravy, November 23, 2017.
  22. ^ Palm Beach adjusts to having the president as one of its part-time residents, December 27, 2017.
  23. ^ President Donald J. Trump's Summit Meeting with Prime Minister Shinzo Abe, in whitehouse.gov, April 18, 2018.
  24. ^ Trump and Bolsonaro Discuss Venezuela Over Mar-a-Lago Dinner, Bloomberg, March 7, 2020.
  25. ^ Wajngarten volta de viagem aos EUA com Bolsonaro e testa positivo para coronavírus: Informação é da mulher do secretário de Comunicação da Presidência da República, in Folha de S.Paulo, March 12, 2010.
  26. ^ Matthew Champion, A Brazilian Official Who Met Trump At Mar-A-Lago Has Tested Positive For The Coronavirus: Fabio Wajngarten was pictured alongside Donald Trump and Mike Pence last Saturday. Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro is being monitored for the coronavirus., in BuzzFeed News, March 12, 2020.
  27. ^ Dan Narnowitz, AOPA Seeks FAA Meeting on Mar-a-Lago TFRs, su aopa.org, AOPA, February 14, 2017.
  28. ^ TFR List 7/4956 (Palm Beach, FL), su tfr.faa.gov, FAA, February 15, 2017.
  29. ^ S Liberman, Mar-a-Lago resort—Donald Trump's winter white house—serves the elite in Palm Beach, My San Antonio, February 24, 2017.
  30. ^ Terry Spencer, Small airport businesses to Trump: Your Florida visits hurt, February 17, 2017.