Ciao Alevtina27, un benvenuto su Wikipedia, l'enciclopedia a contenuto libero!

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Buon lavoro e buon divertimento da parte di tutti i wikipediani!

Naturalmente un benvenuto anche da parte mia! Se avessi bisogno di qualcosa non esitare a contattarmi. Filnik dimmi 08:00, 26 mar 2008 (CET)Rispondi

Valeri Brainin


Le categorie non vanno messe a caso, ma devono rispecchiare il profilo della persona così come evidenziato nella voce. Grazie, ciao Gac 08:38, 26 mar 2008 (CET)Rispondi

Come sopra :-) Ciao, Gac 08:55, 26 mar 2008 (CET)Rispondi

Sorry, I understand Italian, but prefer to communicate in English. I do not understand, why did you cancel "I parenti di Brainin"? I used information from English, German, and Russian Wiki. The Brainin family is well known in the world culture, and I find this as interesting information. There were no protest against this in other language parts of Wiki. You have to explain this, not simply to cancel.

Mi spiace, ma non parlo inglese :-) (perlomeno non in maniera sufficiente per un dialogo proficuo) - Gac 09:16, 26 mar 2008 (CET)Rispondi

Ciao Alevtina27.

Uno o più dei tuoi contributi alla voce Valeri Brainin, per il loro contenuto o stile, sono sembrati copiati da un sito, da un libro o altra fonte.

Violare il diritto d'autore in molti paesi è un illecito penale e i detentori dei diritti potrebbero rivalersi su di te (che hai la piena responsabilità su tutto ciò che scrivi). Per saperne di più, leggi per favore Wikipedia:Copyright testi e, se hai dei dubbi, chiedi al nostro Sportello informazioni.

È importante che ci aiuti a fugare questi dubbi:

  1. Se hai scritto quel testo di tuo pugno ed è inedito, confermalo scrivendo qui e firmando.
  2. Se invece hai copiato da un sito o da un libro di cui sei l'autore, o sei autorizzato a cedere i suoi contenuti a Wikipedia sotto i termini delle licenze CC-BY-SA e GFDL (che prevede la libertà di modifica dei contenuti da parte di qualsiasi altro utente), avvisa inviandoci per favore una copia della tua autorizzazione a (qui trovi spiegazioni dettagliate) e scrivilo nella pagina di discussione; se hai difficoltà contatta un amministratore.
  3. Se invece hai copiato e non sei l'autore del testo originale, avvisa ora un amministratore e poi riscrivi la voce con parole tue, evitando la copia pedissequa del testo: clicca su Valeri Brainin per modificare la voce.

In ogni caso, grazie per il tuo contributo e per la collaborazione che vorrai darci in futuro!--MM (msg) 09:14, 26 mar 2008 (CET)Rispondi

Sono un web master della pagina, sono anche un autore delle tutti gli testi (con il sussidio degli amici italiani, spagnoli, russi e americani per traduzioni), perciò non vedo problema con il copyright.

Dear Alevtina, biographical information on Italian Wikipedia is managed via the template {{Bio}}, which is used - among other things - to generate all sorts of biographical lists.

  1. I added the Bio template and removed the categories, because the template itself generates the necessary ones. Please consider that "national/professional" categories (such as German poets, in this case) are based on citizenship, not language - IF Brainin is a poet AND a German citizen, THEN he is correctly categorized as German poet, no matter what language he writes in. Samuel Beckett was Irish but wrote in French, for example, and you won't find him under French writers here.
  2. We do not use interlanguage links inside an article, that's why I removed them. This is the Italian language Wikipedia, and links within the text of Italian articles are expected to point to other Italian articles... if they don't exist (yet), the link will appear red and will clearly show that the article is missing - the usual invitation across the Wikipedia universe to start a new article! Using interlanguage links inside an article is misleading, because the link appears blue (a different kind of blue, but not everyone notices it) but the article in Italian is actually missing... or maybe it exists, but the wrong link brings you somewhere else. If you wish readers of Italian Wikipedia to have more information, the best way is to translate it, if you can - otherwise, just bear with the red link, someone will translate it sooner or later. It happens everyday.
  3. I removed all categories when adding the Bio template, but Personalità legate a Mosca is not automatically generated by the template - it creates "national/professional" categories only. I just restored it.

ary29 (msg) 16:20, 31 mar 2008 (CEST)Rispondi

Valerij Borisovič Brajnin or Valeri Brainin ?


I renamed back from Valerij Borisovič Brajnin to Valeri Brainin. Reasons: Valeri Brainin belongs to the well-known Austrian family Brainin (not Brajnin). More over, his father is Boris Brainin, well-known Austrian poet (not Brajnin as well). Nobody in the World knows Valerij Borisovič Brajnin or Valerij Brajnin, vice versa the name "Valeri Brainin" is known, which is simple to check through the Google. I have written "Valerij Borisovič Brajnin" in the template as a transliteration of Валерий Борисович Брайнин. I think it could be a sufficient compromise. Alevtina27

le convenzione sui nomi dei russi sono state ampiamente discusse e, a prescindere dalle opinioni individuali, e' stato deciso di adottare la traslitterazione scientifica completa di patronimico. Per ulteriori informazioni si prega di contattare la dacia. Grazie per la collaborazione. rago (msg) 11:31, 12 apr 2008 (CEST)Rispondi

Dear Rago, thank you very much for your clarification. As a philologist I understand your position. But Prof. Valeri Brainin has German documents, where he is named after the surname of his Austrian father as Brainin (not Brajnin), and his first name is written as Valeri (not Valerij). As far as I know being his pupil and biografer, after naturalization in Germany he changed the scientific transliteration of his name and received all the papers as Valeri Brainin after his family tradition. I think that scientifically correct could be written "Valeri Brainin (nato Valerij Borisovič Brajnin)". OK, in Russia he is known as Валерий Брайнин (Borisovič means namely "the son of Boris"), and also as Вилли (Willi) Брайнин, but his official name in all the papers is today Valeri Brainin. You can check Google and see this. By the way, Italian Wiki is not always so strong with the name of this or that person and often uses the name which is the most known one. For example, in the Italian Wiki there is an article about Mark Twain, but not about Samuel Langhorne Clemens, which was the name of Mark Twain at a birth. I can pay your attention on many examples like this. I do not want to struggle, but I ask to reconsider the title of the article according to the truth. Alevtina27

Dear Alevtina27. Actually my purpose, better Wikipedia's one, is not to decide who is right and who is not, but offer good information. I know russian quite enough to understand what is it a patronimic and so on, but for me the best version how to call this article depens on it: is Valerij German or Russian? If he's German, your version is better, if Russian my is better. About his grandfather and his family, many russian families are not russians. Just an example: "Gospodin" Dal' has got a Danish family, Dahl, but for sure we decide to use the Russian version. Anyway it would be better if we will discuss about it in this page Discussione:Valerij_Borisovič_Brajnin and ask people's opinion at the dacia. Bye, rago (msg)

I'll answer here: Discussione:Valerij Borisovič Brajnin but not today. Anyway bad translation of other voices is not a good argument against scientific translitteration ;-) Bye rago (msg)

I've already told you twice: about scientific transliteration I don't decide nothing by my own, I just apply what it was decide by our community. About russian composers Categoria:Compositori_russi. We're trying to make a good, scientific job. You can ask about and write your opinion here: dacia. I will not reply more in my discussion page, because it's not the right place. I ask you last time: please write your question in the proper place. Have a nice day. rago (msg)

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Wikimedia Italia

Gentile Alevtina27,

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Lorenzo Losa (msg) 11:17, 26 feb 2020 (CET)Rispondi