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Naturalmente un benvenuto anche da parte mia! Se avessi bisogno di qualcosa non esitare a contattarmi.--Mtarch11 (msg) 09:25, 1 gen 2023 (CET)Rispondi



--Gac (msg) 08:54, 20 gen 2023 (CET)Rispondi

[@ Gac] Scusa, puoi specificare qual è il problema? Non vedo quale sia il problema o in che modo la mia firma contravvenga a quanto sopra.
Sorry, can you specify what the problem is? I don't see what the problem is or how my signature contravenes the above. --Mako001 (C)  (M)  🇺🇦 11:57, 20 gen 2023 (CET)Rispondi
Vedi -> Nessuna immagine di nessun tipo dovrebbe essere usata nelle firme.
La bandierina, tra l'altro, è riferita ad un paese belligerante ed è POV. (sia a favore che contro, ovviamente) --Gac (msg) 12:01, 20 gen 2023 (CET)Rispondi
[@ Gac] Non sono ammesse emoji nelle firme su Non ho mai avuto problemi su nessun altro wiki. La regola su è la stessa, ma non fa riferimento alle emoji, che sono caratteri Unicode. La regola si riferisce alle immagini di tipo [[File:]]. Ciò è chiaramente implicito leggendo attentamente la regola, dove si dice che l'immagine può essere sostituita da un'altra immagine o cancellata. È improbabile che ciò accada alle emoji. Inoltre, non causano problemi al server.
Are no emojis allowed in signatures on I've never had a problem on any other wiki. The rule on is the same, but it doesn't refer to emoji, which are Unicode characters. The rule refers to images of type [[File:]]. This is clearly implied by carefully reading the rule, where it says that the image can be replaced by another image or deleted. This is unlikely to happen to emojis. They also do not cause server problems. --Mako001 (C)  (M)  🇺🇦 12:33, 20 gen 2023 (CET)Rispondi
Hi Mako001 and thanks for raising this issue. Actually the current policy is unclear. We'll open a discussion so we can clarify the matter and make the policy more precise based on the consensus that will come out. Tbh currently emoticons aren't allowed in usernames and if you try to register using this emoticon you see this error:"Usernames cannot contain the character ""🇺" (U+1F1FA)" because it is an unknown character". I have no problem instead in leaving an emoticon in the signature and I see some of them globally, but I noticed that some users may have problems, for example Mtarch11 didn't see the emoticon and didn't understand why Gac warned you. However, you're right, we need to discuss it in order to update the policy and to decide whether this is allowed or not. Thanks again and best regards :) --Superpes15(talk) 13:31, 20 gen 2023 (CET)Rispondi
[@ Superpes15] It seems to have been written with File: type images in mind, but is definitely vague enough that it could be considered to prohibit emoji. Any sort of policy would need to address the issue of Unicode characters (and specifically emoji) like: 3️⃣🅰️🅿️🟢🟫⬜️🔲. Which tend to blur the lines between what could be considered an "image", even if considering emoji as "images". Nevertheless, to avoid being a pain in the hinderparts, and because I can't be bothered with attempting to argue too much in Italian (which has a high risk of ending in some sort of drama), I'll change my signature on --Mako001 (C)  (M)  14:40, 20 gen 2023 (CET)Rispondi
Grazie :-) Old emoticon --Gac (msg) 07:26, 21 gen 2023 (CET)Rispondi