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Naturalmente un benvenuto anche da parte mia! Se avessi bisogno di qualcosa non esitare a contattarmi. Yiyi (Scrivimi...) 14:24, 16 gen 2012 (CET)Rispondi

Intervento modifica

Ho spostato qui il tuo intervento. Quello è il "posto adatto". Grazie della comprensione, non annullare le mie modifiche. --Aleksander Šesták 14:50, 16 gen 2012 (CET)Rispondi

Grazie per la informazione. Forse la prossima volta si vuole fare un commento con la tua modificazione, come e giusto. Facio modifiche che vedo in forma. Grazie per la vostra attenzione. OAlexander (msg) 15:00, 16 gen 2012 (CET)Rispondi

Benvenuto modifica

Salve OAlexander, sono Triple 8. Mi sono occupato molto di calcio brasiliano qui su Wikipedia in italiano; conosco un po' il portoghese (da autodidatta), quindi ti offro il mio aiuto per contribuire qui su it.wikipedia. Sentiti libero di farmi tutte le domande che vuoi, anche in portoghese: sarò felice di aiutarti. :-) --Triple 8 (sic) 15:07, 16 gen 2012 (CET)Rispondi

Reply modifica

Sorry, but each wiki has its own rules about sources and on there is a very strict rule:

  • Blogs, forums, social networks are not considered as reliable sources of information, therefore they can not be used as a reference

This has nothing to do with the "basic principles" of Wikipedia (on the contrary, it's a way to assure a minimum level of quality and reliability as long as the sources are concerned), not to talk about the alledged "going against". Here we are on and, if you contribute on it, you have to comply with the local rules, exactly the same way as if I was to contribute to, I had to comply with its local rules. You can't claim that "elsewhere is different", because these differences are part of the local rules which every wiki is allowed to take (provided they don't conflict with the pillars and the basic purposes of the project), and which have been approved by the community based on discussions and consensus. Please, comply with the rules in force here and don't rollback the interventions: in this case, who is going against the guidelines in force here, it's you, not me (I'm just operating to have them respected, as user first, and as sysop second). Then, if you find mistakes or wrong information, you are free to fix them but please, don't express (useless) criticism on users in about that. Nor raise yourself as a judge for it: in a free encyclopedia, mistakes are always possible, and you should first of all respect the pillar on good faith and show respects to the other contributors even when they do something incorrect. For sure, also, as all wikis, has quite a number of mistakes that need to be fixed. But that's not a good reason for users from other wikis to drop in there and write something that sounds very like to "hey, this wiki sucks!", don't you think so? Thanks. --L736El'adminalcolico 18:44, 10 dic 2012 (CET)Rispondi

Il tuo nome utente sarà cambiato modifica

04:15, 18 mar 2015 (CET)

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20:03, 21 apr 2015 (CEST)