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1990 - con mese

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Slow Speed Orchestra 4 (White Lodge Rumble) si chiamava originariamente The Lowest Circle in Hell ed era lunga 15 minuti latimebadal





[3] [3]


Immagini da usare


File:Large Douglas Fir; Hoh Rain Forest.jpg

Da fare

  • one armed man (fugitive)
  • Laura Otto Preminger dettagli in infobox
  • parodia postmoderna
  • formazioni album
  • mitologia - loggia nera - bob - mike - gufi
  • regia e sceneggiature- quanti episodi hanno fatto frost e lynch, particolarità di ogni regista elementi buffi convegni
  • edizioni home video
  • Uniformare paragrafo personaggi e interpreti alle linee guida.
  • ampliare incipit
  • Genesi Dale Cooper
  • Meditazione, teosofia, ecc.
  • Ampliare trama

ma anche da Lolita del 1962 di Stanley Kubrick, accostato a american dream nightmare visions Robert Wise's Born To Kill british film

I due volti della vendetta ("One-Eyed Jack’s" di M. Brando, 1961).

Và e uccidi ("The Manchurian Candidate" di J. Frankenheimer, 1962).

1991 Sycamore Leaves in Twin Peaks (mini serie): il brano uscirà come Sycamore Trees: Paul Waaktaar-Savoy essendo un fan di David Lynch gli inviò diversi brani nella speranza che decidesse di utilizzarli per qualche produzione. Tra i brani inviati c'è Sycamore Leaves. Il regista decide di modificare quest'ultimo e di utilizzarlo nell'ultimo episodio della serie ma dimentica di inserire il nome di Paul Waaktaar-Savoy nei titoli di coda.

Marilyn Manson Wrapped in Plastic

Dale cooper è il personaggio preferito di mark frost fonte screenrush


«...after I saw Twin Peaks - Fire Walk With Me at Cannes, David Lynch has disappeared so far up his own ass that i have no desire to see another David Lynch movie until i hear something different.» Quentin Tarantino [4]

Pubblicazioni accademiche

  • Deutsch, Helen. "'Is it Easier to Believe?' Narrative Innocence from Clarissa to Twin Peaks." Arizona Quarterly: A Journal of American Literature, Culture, and Theory (Tucson, Arizona), 1993.
  • Giffone, Tony. "Twin Peaks as Post-Modernist Parody: David Lynch's Subversion of the British Detective Narrative." The Mid-Atlantic Almanac: The Journal of the Mid-Atlantic Popular/American Culture Association (Greencastle, Pennsylvania), 1992.
  • Horne, Philip. "Henry Hill and Laura Palmer." London Review of Books, 20 December 1990.
  • Kimball, Samuel. "'Into the Light, Leland, Into the Light': Emerson, Oedipus, and the Blindness of Male Desire in David Lynch's Twin Peaks." Genders (Austin, Texas), 1993.
  • Shoos, Diane, Diana George, and Joseph Comprone. "Twin Peaks and the Look of Television: Visual Literacy in the Writing Classroom." Journal of Advanced Composition (Moscow, Idaho) Fall, 1993.
  • Stevenson, Diane. "Family Romance, Family Violence: David Lynch's Twin Peaks." Boulevard (Victoria, British Columbia, Canada), Spring 1993.
  • Zaniello, Tom. "Hitched or Lynched: Who Directed Twin Peaks?" Studies in Popular Culture (Louisville, Kentucky), October, 1994.
  • Alexander, John. The Films of David Lynch. London: Letts, 1993.
  • Barzun, Jacques and Wendell H. Taylor, eds. A Catalogue of Crime. New York: Harper and Row, 1971.
  • Bronfen, Elisabeth. Over Her Dead Body. Death, Femininity and the Aesthetic. Manchester: Manchester University Press, 1992.
  • Carroll, Lewis. "Through the Looking-Glass." In his Alice in Wonderland. 105 - 198. Hertfordshire: Wordsworth, 1992.
  • Carse, James P. Finite and Infinite Games: A Vision of Life as Play and Possibility. New York: Penguin, 1987.
  • Cawelti, John. Adventure, Mystery, and Romance: Formula Stories as Art and Popular Culture. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1976.
  • Day, William Patrick, In the Circles of Fear and Desire. A Study of Gothic Fantasy. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.
  • Desmet, Christy. "The Canonization of Laura Palmer." Full of Secrets: Critical Approaches to Twin Peaks, ed. David Lavery. 93 - 108. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1995.
  • Dolan, Marc. "Peaks and Valleys of Serial Creativity: What happened to/on Twin Peaks." Full of Secrets: Critical Approaches to Twin Peaks, ed. David Lavery. 30 - 50. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1995.
  • Hague, Angela. "Infinite Games: The Derationalization of Detection in Twin Peaks." Full of Secrets: Critical Approaches to Twin Peaks, ed. David Lavery. 130 - 143. Detroit: Wayne State University Press, 1995.
  • Hampton, Howard. "David Lynch's Secret History of the United States." Film Comment, 29.3 (1993): 38 - 41, 47 - 49.
  • Irwin, John T. The Mystery to a Solution: Poe, Borges and the Analytic Detective Story, Baltimore; London: The Johns Hopkins University Press, 1994.
  • Kimball, Samuel. "'Into the Light, Leland, into the Light': Emerson, Oedipus, and the Blindness of Male Desire in David Lynch's Twin Peaks." Genders, Spring 1993: 17 - 34.
  • (EN) Michel Chion, Twin Peaks.
Film Quarterly
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  • Lavery, David, Editor. "Peaked Out." Special Issue, Literature/Film Quarterly (Salisbury, Maryland), 1993.
  • Nickerson, Catherine. "Serial Detection and Serial Killers in Twin Peaks." Literature/Film Quarterly (Salisbury, Maryland), 1993.
  • Carrion, Maria M. "Twin Peaks and the Circular Ruins of Fiction: Figuring (Out) the Acts of Reading." Literature/Film Quarterly (Salisbury, Maryland), 1993.
  • Davenport, Randi. "The Knowing Spectator of Twin Peaks: Culture, Feminism, and Family Violence." Literature/Film Quarterly (Salisbury, Maryland), 1993.
Wrapped in plastic
  • Miller, Craig, and John Thorne. "Patterns and Conflicts: An Analysis of the Windom Earle/Dale Cooper Chess Game" Wrapped in Plastic 1.4 (1993): 2 - 6, 8.
  • Yamashiro, Brian. "Twin Peaks, Folkore, and the Nature of Reality." Wrapped in Plastic 1.10 (1994) 2-6.
  • Umland, Rebecca and Sam. "The King and I. The Arthurian Legend in Twin Peaks." Wrapped in Plastic 1.31 (1997) 2 - 9.
  • Wilcox, Rhonda V.. "Beyond the Borders: Living on (the) Edge in Twin Peaks." Wrapped in Plastic 1. 17 (1995) 20 - 25.
  • Rickman, Gregg. "'Moving through Time': The Twin Peaks Cycle." Wrapped in Plastic 1.20 (1995) 17 - 20.
  • Stevens, Brent. "David Lynch as Vengeful Auteur: Revision of Meaning in Twin Peaks." Wrapped in Plastic 1.21 (1996) 14-16.
  • "The Mark Frost Interview" Wrapped in Plastic 1.9 (1994): 2 - 4.
  • "Michael J. Anderson. Twin Peaks' 'Little Man from Another Place'" Wrapped in Plastic 1.15 (1995): 2 - 6.
  • "One and the Same: An Analysis of David Lynch's Short Works" Wrapped in Plastic 1.19 (1995): 2 - 9.
  • "Twin Peaks as a New Television Genre" Wrapped in Plastic 1.23 (1996): 4 - 9.
  • Hoffman, Charles. "Twin Peaks and the American Literary Tradition" Wrapped in Plastic 1.7 (1993): 16 - 20.
  • Pollard, Scott. "Cooper, Details, and the Patriotic Mission of Twin Peaks." Literature/Film Quarterly (Salisbury, Maryland), 1993.
  1. ^
  2. ^
  3. ^ a b Lavery, 1994, p. 5.
  4. ^ Quentin Tarantino, Gerald Peary, Quentin Tarantino: interviews, University Press of Mississippi, 1998, p. 48, ISBN 9781578060511.