
Popolazione215.7 millioni (197.9 millioni di bianchi non ispanici e 17.8 millioni di Anglo-canadesi)
LinguaInglese (Americano, Canadese)
ReligioneSoprattutto cristianesimo

Gli anglo-americani sono gli abitanti dell'Anglo-America e sono indicati come americani inglesi o canadesi inglesi. Il termine in genere si riferisce agli americani di lingua inglese, per distinguerli dai parlanti spagnolo negli Stati Uniti sud-occidentali e in Messico; dai parlanti tedesco (Amish) nel Nord Dakota, OhioPennsylvania; Francofoni in Canada, New England e Louisiana; e tradizionalmente ebrei americani parlanti lingua russa e yiddish a New York. Questo uso ebbe origine dopo la discussione sulla storia della gente parlante inglese degli Stati Uniti e della popolazione di lingua spagnola residente negli Stati Uniti occidentali durante la guerra messicano-americana.

While the term is primarily used to refer to people of English ancestry, it (along with terms like Anglo, Anglic, Anglophone, and Anglophonic) can also be used to denote all people of British or Northern European ancestry[1] or all English-speaking people and their descendants in the New World, regardless of their prior racial or ethnic background, much like Hispanic refers to people of any race.[2] Therefore, a person, for example, of Chinese descent who adopts the American or Canadian culture would have English-speaking "Anglo-American", "Anglic", "Anglophone", "Anglo", or "Anglophonic" children (in contrast to Spanish-speaking Chinese descent people living in Hispanic America, who would be "Hispanic"). Thus, Anglo-American, Anglic-American, Anglophone-American, Anglo, or Anglophonic-American can refer to all those whose families who, regardless of race or ethnicity, have become mainstream English-speaking people in the United States, English Canada, English-speaking areas of the Caribbean, Belize, and Guyana, including those of African descent.[senza fonte]


White Non-Hispanic population percentage by state in 2012.

The term implies a relationship between the United States and the United Kingdom (specifically England), or the two countries' shared language, English, and/or cultural heritage. In this context the term may refer to an English American, a person from the United States whose ancestry originates wholly or partly in England, a person from the United States who speaks English as their first language (see American English, a collective term referring to those countries that have similar legal systems based on common law, relations between the United Kingdom and United States, or Anglo-American Cataloguing Rules, a national cataloging code.[3]

The term is also used, less frequently, to denote a connection between English people (or the English language) and the Western Hemisphere as a whole. In this context the term can mean a person from the Americas whose ancestry originates wholly or partly in England (see British diaspora), or a person from the Americas who is a White American and speaks English as their first language, a person from the Americas who speaks English as their first language (see English-speaking world and Languages of the Americas), or person from Anglo-America.



The adjective Anglo-American is used in the following ways:

  • to denote the cultural sphere shared by the United Kingdom, the United States and English Canada. For example, "Anglo-American culture is different from French culture." Political leaders including Winston Churchill, Franklin D. Roosevelt and Ronald Reagan have used the term to discuss the "Special Relationship" between Britain and America.
  • to describe relations between Britain and America. For example, "Anglo-American relations became more relaxed after the War of 1812."


  1. ^ Oxford English Dictionary: "Anglo" North American A white English-speaking person of British or northern European origin, in particular (in the US) as distinct from a Hispanic American or (in Canada) as distinct from a French-speaker.
  2. ^ Mish, Frederic C., Editor in Chief Webster's Tenth New Collegiate Dictionary Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A.:1994--Merriam-Webster See original definition (definition #1) of Anglo in English: It is defined as a synonym for Anglo-American--Page 86
  3. ^ dictionary.reference.com, http://dictionary.reference.com/browse/Anglo.

[[Categoria:Gruppi etnici in Canada]] [[Categoria:Etnografia]]