Member Leader position State leader Finance portfolio Portfolio minister Central bank governor
Bandiera dell'Argentina Argentina President Mauricio Macri Minister of the Treasury Nicolás Dujovne Guido Sandleris
Bandiera dell'Australia Australia Prime Minister Scott Morrison Treasurer Josh Frydenberg Philip Lowe
Bandiera del Brasile Brasile President Michel Temer Minister of Finance Eduardo Guardia Ilan Goldfajn
Bandiera del Canada Canada Prime Minister Justin Trudeau Minister of Finance Bill Morneau Stephen Poloz
Bandiera della Cina Cina President[note 1] Xi Jinping[note 1] Minister of Finance Liu Kun Yi Gang
Bandiera della Francia Francia President Emmanuel Macron Minister of the Economy Bruno Le Maire François Villeroy de Galhau
Bandiera della Germania Germania Chancellor Angela Merkel Minister of Finance Olaf Scholz Jens Weidmann
Bandiera dell'India India Prime Minister Narendra Modi Minister of Finance Arun Jaitley Shaktikanta Das
Bandiera dell'Indonesia Indonesia President Joko Widodo Minister of Finance Sri Mulyani Indrawati Perry Warjiyo
Bandiera dell'Italia Italia Prime Minister Giuseppe Conte Minister of Economy and Finance Giovanni Tria Ignazio Visco
Bandiera del Giappone Giappone Prime Minister Shinzō Abe Minister of Finance Tarō Asō Haruhiko Kuroda
Bandiera del Messico Messico President Andrés Manuel López Obrador Secretary of Finance Carlos Manuel Urzua Macias Alejandro Díaz de León
Bandiera della Russia Russia President Vladimir Putin Minister of Finance Anton Siluanov Elvira Nabiullina
Bandiera dell'Arabia Saudita Arabia Saudita King Salman Minister of Finance Mohammed Al-Jadaan Ahmed Abdulkarim Al-Khulaifi
Bandiera del Sudafrica Sudafrica President Cyril Ramaphosa Minister of Finance Tito Mboweni Lesetja Kganyago
Bandiera della Corea del Sud Corea del Sud President Moon Jae-in Minister of Economy and Finance Hong Nam-ki Lee Ju-yeol
Bandiera della Turchia Turchia President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan Minister of Finance Berat Albayrak Murat Çetinkaya
Bandiera del Regno Unito Regno Unito Prime Minister Theresa May Chancellor of the Exchequer Philip Hammond Mark Carney
Bandiera degli Stati Uniti Stati Uniti President Donald Trump Secretary of the Treasury Steven Mnuchin Jerome Powell
Bandiera dell'Unione europea[1] President of the European Council Donald Tusk Commissioner for Economic and Financial Affairs, Taxation and Customs Pierre Moscovici Mario Draghi
President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker

Errore nelle note: Sono presenti dei marcatori <ref> per un gruppo chiamato "note" ma non è stato trovato alcun marcatore <references group="note"/> corrispondente

  1. ^ "Van Rompuy and Barroso to both represent EU at G20". 19 March 2010. Retrieved 21 October 2012. "The permanent president of the EU Council, former Belgian premier Herman Van Rompuy, also represents the bloc abroad in foreign policy and security other areas, such as climate change, President Barroso will speak on behalf of the 27-member club."