
Il mestiere di giornalista, in Russia, divenne progressivamente più pericoloso a partire dall'inizio degli anni1990, ma l'opinione pubblica internazionale iniziò a interessarsi del fenomeno in seguito all'omicidio della giornalista Anna Politkovskaya, uccisa a Mosca il 7 ottobre 2006, e alla lunga scia di omicidi di giornalisti rimasti senza un colpevole. Mentre associazioni internazionali riferiscono di diverse dozzine di omicidi, alcune fonti Russia parlano di oltre duecento uccisioni.[1] Due rapporti pubblicati da organizzazioni internazionali, disponibili in lingua russa e in lingua inglese, hanno esaminato e documentato la situazione. Un'ampia inchiesta commissionata dall'International Federation of Journalists su questo tema è stata pubblicata nel giugno 2009. Allo stesso tempo l'IFJ ha pubblicato un database liberamente consultabile su internet [2][3] che documenta più di trecento morti o scomparsi a partire dal 1993. Entrambi i report, quello di Partial Justice[4] (versione russa: Частичное правосудие[5]) e quello del database IFJ, si basano su informazioni raccolte da associazioni e fondazioni russe si occupano di monitorare lo stato dei media in Russia,come la Glasnost Defense Foundation e il Center for Journalism in Extreme Situations.

Una lista di giornalisti uccisi in Russia


Quella di seguito è una lista di giornalisti (reporter, editorialisti, cameramen, fotografi) uccisi in Russia a partire dal 1992.

A list of journalists killed in Russia


What follows is a list of journalists (reporters, editors, cameramen, photographers) who have been killed in Russia since 1992. It includes deaths from all violent, premature and unexplained causes; fuller information may be found in the English and Russian versions of the IFJ database.[6][7]. An indication whether the death is certainly [J], possibly [?J] or most probably not [nJ] linked to the journalist's investigative work and publications follows each name.

Deaths and trials, statistics


The violent deaths of journalists started in the Yeltsin era (1991–1999) and continued under Putin, president of Russia from 31 December 1999 to 7 May 2008.[8] When Medvedev became president, he spoke of the need to end "legal nihilism".[senza fonte] In the past five years, there have been a rising number of trials[9] but by November 2009 there had yet to be a major breakthrough, under Medvedev, either in the prosecution of pre-2008 deaths or the investigation of killings since his May 2008 inauguration. The Politkovskaya murder trial and the first arrests in the Baburova-Markelov slaying (November 2009) showed some inconclusive signs of movement.

  Lo stesso argomento in dettaglio: List of Presidents of the Russian Federation e Presidents.
President Y Y Y Y Y Y Y P P P P P P P P P-M M
year 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 TOTAL

terrorist act

10 12 22 18 10 10 11 17 12 23 11 12 5 13 3 5 6 200
murder only 3 8 16 12 10 10 8 15 11 20 11 10 4 13 3 5 6 165
trials - - - 1 1 4 4 3 1 3 3 6 2 7 5 4 2 50

The Yeltsin years





  • Sergey Bogdanovsky, correspondent of TV "Ostankino", killed in Moscow.[10]


  • 15 April - Dmitry Krikoryants, correspondent for Express Chronicle weekly (Moscow), murdered in his apartment in the Chechen capital, on the night of 14–15 April.[12] Chechnya was then de facto independent. Homicide [J].

October events in Moscow

Sunday, 3 October, from 7.30 pm onwards. Outside and inside the Ostankino TV tower.[12]

1. Rory Peck, ARD Germany, cameraman. Crossfire [J].

2. Ivan Scopan, TF-1 France, cameraman. Crossfire [J].

3. Igor Belozerov, 4th Channel "Ostankino", editor. Crossfire [J].

4. Sergey Krasilnikov, "Ostankino" TV, video engineer. Shot at point-blank range within building. Homicide [J].

5. Vladimir Drobyshev, People and nature monthly, editor. Heart Attack [J].

Monday, 4 October, after midday. near Supreme Soviet building.[12]

6. Alexander Sidelnikov, freelance journalist and film-maker from Saint Petersburg. Crossfire [J].

7. Alexander Smirnov, Youth Courier newspaper (Yoshkar-Ola), correspondent. Crossfire [J].

  • 29 November - Elena Tkacheva, 26-year-old proof-reader for Kuban Courier newspaper, died in Krasnodar as a result of a bomb planted in the newspaper office.[12] Terrorist Act [J].
  • 9 December - Marina Iskanderova, journalist at local TV station, murdered in her apartment in Nadym.[12] Homicide [nJ].


  1. 1 February - Sergei Dubov, director of Novoye vremya publishing house, Moscow. Shot in contract killing.[14] Homicide [nJ].
  2. 26 April - Andrei Aidzerdzis, Duma deputy and publisher. Shot in contract killing, in Khimki near Moscow.[15] Homicide [nJ].
  3. 15 June - Yury Soltys, Interfax journalist and editor. Beaten to death in Moscow Region.[16] Homicide [?J].
  4. 15 October - Tatyana Zhuravlyova and husband, media workers, Komsomolskaya pravda (Samara bureau). Killed in Voronezh Region while driving their car in the country.[17] Homicide. [nJ].
  5. 17 July - Yelena Roshchina, chief editor of children's newspaper, Ivanovo. Murdered in her flat.[18] Homicide. The gang who killed her were tried and convicted in 2000 [nJ].
  6. 17 October - Dmitry Kholodov, military correspondent of the Moskovskii Komsomolets newspaper, was killed in Moscow when a booby-trapped briefcase he had collected from a railway station locker exploded in his newspaper's offices.[19] Homicide. Kholodov's alleged killers were tried and twice acquitted, in 2002 and in 2004 [J].

There were also four deaths in Chechnya after the conflict there began in November.[20]

  1. 26 November - Hussein Guzuyev, director of Chechen TV & Radio Company. Grozny. Caught in crossfire between Dudayev supporters and pro-Moscow opposition [J].
  2. 14 December - Gelani Charigov, journalist with Marsho private TV company. Grozny. Crossfire [J].
  3. 22 December - Cynthia Elbaum, Freelance US photocorrespondent on assignment for Time magazine. Grozny. Crossfire [J].
  4. 31 December - Bilal Akhmadov, cameraman for Marsho TV company. Grozny. Crossfire [J].

1995-1996 (incl. 1st Chechen conflict)



  1. 1 January - Vladimir Zhitarenko, correspondent of the Red Star (Krasnaya zvezda) newspaper, Chechnya. Crossfire [J].
  2. 1 January - Pyotr Novikov, journalist with Smena magazine, Moscow. Homicide (linked to Anisimov killing in late 1994) [nJ].
  3. 7 January - Sultan Nuriyev, Chechnya. Not Confirmed [?J].
  4. 10 January - Jochen Piest, correspondent of the Stern magazine. Chervlyonnaya, Chechnya. Crossfire [J].
  5. 14 January - Valentin Yanus, cameraman of Pskov city TV channel, Chechnya. Crossfire [J].
  6. 17 February - Vyacheslav Rudnev, freelance journalist, Kaluga, published in local Vest and Znamya newspapers. Homicide [?J].
  7. 27 February - Maxim Shabalin, politics editor of Nevskoe Vremya newspaper (St Petersburg).[22] and Felix Titov, the paper's photographer, disappeared on an assignment to Chechnya. Despite numerous expeditions, from 1995 to 1999, no trace was found of the two men's remains. Missing [J].
  8. 1 March - Vladislav Listyev, head of the new ORT TV Channel, shot dead in stairwell of his Moscow apartment block in a classic contract killing. Homicide [nJ].
  9. 3 March - Igor Kaverin, engineer with Svobodnaya Nakhodka radio station, Primorsky Region. Shot in car, Homicide [nJ].
  10. 8 March - Oleg Ochkasov, freelance journalist in Voronezh, writing for Vecherny Voronezh and Skandalnaya pochta newspapers. Homicide [nJ].
  11. 16 March - Alexei Khropov, director of Vox radio station, recently off the air. Leningradskoe Highway, Moscow Region. Homicide [nJ].
  12. 31 March - 23-year-old Ruslan Tsebiyev, Dudayev press service, Grozny, Chechnya. Homicide [?J].
  13. 6 May - Malkan Suleimanova, journalist with Ichkeria newspaper (Grozny). Died under bombardment in Shatoi, Chechnya. Crossfire [J].
  14. 22 May - Farkhad Kerimov, cameraman with Associated Press TV. Executed in Vedeno, Chechnya. Homicide (war crime)[J].
  15. 5 May - Sergei Ivanov, went in search of Shabalin and Titov (above 27 February), south of Chechnya. Missing [J].
  16. 6 June - Alexander Konovalenko, journalists with Krestyanskaya gazeta, Volgograd, beating in police station led to his death.[23] Homicide. Killer convicted in 1998 [?J].
  17. 17 June - Natalya Alyakina-Mroszek, Focus magazine (Germany) and other outlets. Shot near Budyonnovsk.[24] Crossfire. Russian soldier found guilty of negligence in use of weapons, amnestied as Chechen war participant [J].
  18. 25 July - Andrew Shumack Jr, freelance US photojournalist, St Petersburg Times. Grozny, Chechnya. Missing [?J].
  19. 4 August - Sergei Nazarov, former presenter of popular TV show "Vremechko". Killed in Moscow. Homicide [nJ].
  20. 10 August - Vadim Obekhov, columnist with Vesti newspaper, Petropavlovsk, Kamchatka Region. Homicide [nJ].
  21. 2 November - Andrei Ulanov, chief editor of Togliatti segodnya newspaper. Togliatt, Samara Region. Contract killing, homicide [nJ].
  22. 8 November - Sergei Ananyev, head of press service, East Siberian organised crime department. Murdered in Irkutsk. Outcome of 2000 trial not clear [nJ].
  23. 12 December - Victor Litvinov, "Golos Rossii" radio station commentator, Moscow, died after street attack.[25] Homicide [nJ].
  24. 10 December - 25-year-old Yaroslav Zvaltsev, financial director of the Russky dom newspaper in Magnitogorsk, shot in contract killing.[26] Homicide [nJ].
  25. 12 December - Shamkhan Kagirov, correspondent of the Vozrozhdenie newspaper, Chechnya. Crossfire [J].
  26. 26 December - Vadim Alferyev, worked as journalist for local press and TV in Krasnoyarsk, where he died after a savage beating.[27] Homicide [?J].


  1. 25 January - Oleg Slabynko, founder of "Moment Istiny" corporation, producer of a program of the same name, a director of ORT (today Channel One TV), murdered in his Moscow apartment. Contract killing [nJ].
  2. 8 February - Yury Litvinov, engineer, and Alexander Zaitsev, director, of Forward cable television.[29] Found shot in car, Dalnegorsk, Primorsky Region. Contract killing? [nJ].
  3. 26 February - Felix Solovyov, famous photographer, Aeroflot journal editorial board, murdered in Moscow.[30] Homicide [nJ].
  4. 11 March - Victor Pimenov, cameraman with Vaynakh TV company (Chechnya).[31] Grozny, Chechnya. Crossfire [J].
  5. 30 March - Nadezhda Chaikova, investigative journalist for Obshchaya Gazeta, executed in Chechnya, body found near village of Gekhi.[32] Homicide (war crime) [J].
  6. 18 April - Anatoly Yagodin, correspondent for Na Boyevom Postu forces newspaper, killed by Chechen militants.[33] Assinovskaya, Chechnya. Crossfire [J].
  7. 9 May - Nina Yefimova, correspondent for Vozrozhdeniye newspaper, Chechnya.[31] Grozny, Chechnya. Homicide [J].
  8. 11 May - Victor Mikhailov, crime correspondent for Zabaikalsky rabochy newspaper.[29] Chita. Homicide [nJ].
  9. 26 July - Nikita Chigarkov, staff member of Utrenniy ekspress, beaten and robbed.[29] Moscow. Homicide [nJ].
  10. 1 August - Ivan Gogun, Groznensky rabochy correspondent.[31] Grozny, Chechnya. Crossfire [J].
  11. 11 August - Ramzan Khadjiev, ORT correspondent, shot outside checkpoint in Chechnya.[31] Grozny, Chechnya. Crossfire [J].
  12. 16 September - En Chan Kim, correspondent for various Sakhalin newspapers and Blagodatnaya Semya magazine.[29] Zhulebino, Moscow. Homicide [nJ].
  13. 27 October - Anatoly Tyutinkov, assistant chief editor of Vecherniy Peterburg.[29] Incident not confirmed, St Petersburg. [nJ]
  14. 29 October - Lev Bogomolov, Kaluga Vechernyaya chief editor,[29] Kaluga. Incident not confirmed [nJ].
  15. 31 October - Sergei Semisotov, Editor of Traktir po Pyatnitsam newspaper.[29] Volgograd. Homicide [nJ].
  16. 10 November - Marina Gorelova, reporter for Otechestvo TV company[29] and Yury Shmakov, Otechestvo TV consultant.[29] Kotlyakovskoe cemetery, Moscow. Terrorist act. Two convicted in 2003 for 16 deaths, incl. two journalists, caused by the explosion. [J]
  17. 6 December - Kirill Polenov, freelance journalist. Vladikavkaz, North Ossetia. Homicide [nJ].
  18. 7 December - Anatoly Belousov, deputy chief editor of Red Star (Krasnaya Zvezda).,[29] Moscow Region. Homicide [nJ].




  1. 16 January - Alexei Yeldashov, journalist for local print and rado. Khabarovsk, Primorsky Region. Homicide [nJ].
  2. 16 January - Nikolai Lapin, chief editor "Obo vsyom" newspaper. Togliatti, Samara Region. Homicide [nJ].
  3. 3 February - Yury Baldin, chief editor at Focus TV. Chelyabinsk. Homicide [nJ].
  4. 12 February - Vyacheslav Zvonarev, editor with Takt TV company. Kursk. Homicide [nJ].
  5. 25 February - Vadim Biryukov, chief editor of "Delovye lyudi" magazine, Novolesnaya St, Moscow. Homicide [nJ].
  6. 23 March - Vladimir Aliev, , Prokhladnoe, Kabardino-Balkaria. Homicide [nJ].
  7. 30 March - Nikolai Mozolin, , Kirovsk, Leningrad Region. Homicide [nJ].
  8. 10 May - Alexander Korkin, , Pereslavl-Zalessky, Yaroslavl Region. Homicide [nJ].
  9. 6 August - Valery Krivosheyev, , Lipetsk. Homicide [nJ].
  10. 19 October - Lydia Lazarenko, , Nizhny Novgorod. Homicide [nJ].


  1. 30 January - Vladimir Zbaratsky, , Mosfilmoskaya St, Moscow. Homicide [nJ].
  2. 2 April - Ivan Fedyunin, correspondent of the Bryanskie Izvestia newspaper. Homicide, Bryansk [nJ].
  3. 6 April - Lira Lobach, media worker. district, Tomsk Region. Homicide [nJ].
  4. 20 May - Igor Myasnikov, , Kineshma, Yaroslavl Region. Homicide [nJ].
  5. 7 June - Larisa Yudina, chief editor of the Sovetskaya Kalmykia Segodnya newspaper. Elista, Kalmykia. Contract killing. Perpetrators convicted (1999), but not those behind her murder [J].
  6. 28 July - Vladimir Ustinov, , Ivanovo. Homicide [nJ].
  7. 17 August - Sergei Semenduyev, , Makhachkala, Dagestan. Missing [nJ].
  8. 24 August - Anatoly Levin-Utkin, , St Petersburg. Homicide [?J].
  9. 27 August - Mirbaba Seidov, homicide, Kaliningrad Region. Homicide [nJ].
  10. 29 August - Victor Shamro, , homicide, St Petersburg. Homicide [nJ].
  11. 2 September - Farid Sidaui, correspondent of the Prosto nedvizhimost magazine. Ramenka St, Moscow. Homicide [nJ].
  12. 30 December - Sergei Chechugo,, Vladivostok. Not confirmed [?J].


  1. 19 February - Gennady Bodrov, Homicide [nJ].
  2. 25 February - Valentina Mirolyubova and Nikolai Mirolyubov, Homicide [nJ].
  3. 4 March - Andrei Polyakov, Homicide [nJ].
  4. 30 May - Alexei Kulanov, Homicide [nJ].
  5. 30 June - Vadim Rudenko, Homicide.
  6. 30 August - Lubov Loboda, Kuibyshev (Novosibirsk Region). Contract killing. Perpetrator, intermediary and man who ordered her dead all charged and convicted [nJ].
  7. 27 September - Christopher Reese, Moscow. Homicide [nJ].
  8. 27 October - Supyan Ependiyev, correspondent of the Groznenskiy Rabochy newspaper, Chechnya. Crossfire [J].
  9. 29 October - Cameramen Shamil Gigayev and Ramzan Mezhidov, national TVC channel and local Chechen TV. Shami-Yurt, Chechnya. Crossfire. 2005 Judgment by European Court of Human Rights [J].

Under Putin (incl. 2nd Chechen conflict)





  1. 1 February - Vladimir Yatsina, a photocorrespondent with ITAR-TASS. On his first and only trip to Chechnya he was kidnapped and later killed (by a group of Wahhabis some suggest).[38] Homicide [J].
  2. 10 February - Ludmila Zamana, Samara. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  3. 9 March - Artyom Borovik, Sovershenno sekretno periodical and publishing house, director and journalist. Sheremetyevo-1 Airport, Moscow. Incident not confirmed [?J].
  4. 22 March - Luisa Arzhieva, correspondent for Istina mira newspaper (Moscow). Avtury, Chechnya. Crossfire [?J].
  5. 17 April - Oleg Polukeyev, Homicide.
  6. 1 May - Boris Gashev, literary critic, . Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  7. 13 May - Alexander Yefremov, Chechnya. A photojournalist with west Siberian newspaper Nashe Vremya, Yefremov died when militants blew up a military jeep in which he was travelling. On previous assignments, Yefremov won acclaim for his news photographs from the war-torn region. Crossfire [J].
  8. 16 July - Igor Domnikov, from Novaya Gazeta, Moscow. Struck over the head with a hammer in the stairwell of his Moscow apartment building, Domnikov lay in a coma for two months. His murderer was identified in 2003 and convicted in 2007 [3]. The men who ordered and organised the attack have been named by his paper but not charged. Homicide [J].
  9. 26 July - Sergei Novikov, Radio Vesna, Smolensk. Shot in a contract killing in stairwell of his apartment building. Claimed that he often criticized the administration of Smolensk Region. Homicide [?J].
  10. 21 September - Iskander Khatloni, Radio Free Europe, Moscow. A native of Tajikistan, Khatloni was killed at night in an axe attack on the street outside his Moscow apartment block. His assailant and the motive of the murder remain unknown. A RFE/RL spokeswoman said Khatloni worked on stories about the human-rights abuses in Chechnya.[39] Homicide [nJ].
  11. 3 October - Sergei Ivanov, Lada-TV, Togliatti. Shot five times in the head and chest in front of his apartment building. As director of largest independent television company in Togliatti, he was an important player on the local political scene.[40] Homicide. Gang responsible on trial [nJ].
  12. 18 October - Georgy Garibyan, journalist with Park TV (Rostov), murdered in Rostov-on-Don [nJ].
  13. 20 October - Oleg Goryansky, freelance journalist, press & TV. Murdered in Cherepovets, Vologda Region. Conviction [nJ].
  14. 21 October - Raif Ablyashev, photographer with Iskra newspaper. Kungur, Perm Region. Homicide [nJ].
  15. 3 November - Sergei Loginov, Lada TV (Togliatti). Incident not confirmed [nJ].
  16. 20 November - Pavel Asaulchenko, cameraman for Austrian TV, Moscow. Contract killing. Conviction of perpetrator [nJ].
  17. 23 November - Adam Tepsurkayev, Reuters, Chechnya. A Chechen cameraman, he was shot at his neighbor's house in the village of Alkhan-Kala (aka Yermolovka). Tepsurkayev filmed most of Reuters' footage from Chechnya in 2000, including the Chechen rebel Shamil Basayev having his foot amputated. Homicide (war crime) [J].
  18. 28 November - Nikolai Karmanov, retired journalist. Lyubim, Yaroslavl Region. Homicide [nJ].
  19. 23 December - Valery Kondakov, freelance photographer. Killed in Armavir, Krasnodar Region [nJ].


  1. 1 February - Eduard Burmagin, Homicide.
  2. 24 February - Leonid Grigoryev, Homicide [nJ].
  3. 8 March - Andrei Pivovarov, Homicide.
  4. 31 March - Oleg Dolgantsev, Homicide [nJ].
  5. 17 May - Vladimir Kirsanov,[42] chief editor. Kurgan, Urals Federal District. Homicide [J].
  6. 2 June - Victor Popkov, Novaya gazeta contributore, died in Moscow Region hospital. Wounded in Chechnya two months earlier. Crossfire [J].
  7. 11 September - Andrei Sheiko, Homicide [nJ].
  8. 19 September - Eduard Markevich, 29, editor and publisher of local newspaper Novy Reft in Sverdlovsk Region. Shot in the back[42] in a contract killing, homicide [J].
  9. 5 November - Elina Voronova, Homicide [nJ].
  10. 16 November - Oleg Vedenin, Homicide.
  11. 21 November - Alexander Babaikin, Homicide [nJ].
  12. 1 December - Boris Mityurev, Homicide.


  1. 18 January - Svetlana Makarenko, Homicide.
  2. 4 March - Konstantin Pogodin, Novoye Delo newspaper, Nizhni Novgorod. Homicide.
  3. 8 March - Natalya Skryl, Nashe Vremya newspaper, Taganrog. Homicide [?J].
  4. 31 March - Valery Batuyev, Moscow News newspaper, Moscow. Homicide [nJ].
  5. 1 April - Sergei Kalinovsky, Moskovskij Komsomolets local edition, Smolensk. Homicide [nJ].
  6. 4 April - Vitaly Sakhn-Vald, photojournalist, Kursk. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  7. 25 April - Leonid Shevchenko, Pervoye Chtenie newspaper, Volgograd. Homicide [nJ].
  8. 29 April - Valery Ivanov, founder and chief editor of Tolyattinskoye Obozrenie newspaper, Samara Region.[42] Contract killing [J].
  9. 20 May - Alexander Plotnikov, Gostiny Dvor newspaper, Tyumen. Homicide.
  10. 6 June - Pavel Morozov, Homicide.
  11. 25 June - Oleg Sedinko, founder of Novaya Volna TV & Radio Company, Vladivostok. Contract killing, explosive in stairwell [nJ].
  12. 20 July - Nikolai Razmolodin, general director of Europroject TV & Radio Company, Ulyanovsk. Homicide.
  13. 21 July - Maria Lisichkina Homicide [nJ].
  14. 27 July - Sergei Zhabin, press service of the Moscow Region governor. Homicide [nJ].
  15. 18 August - Nikolai Vasiliev, Cheboksary city, Chuvashia. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  16. 25 August - Paavo Voutilainen, former chief editor of Karelia magazine, Karelia. Homicide [nJ].
  17. 4 September - Leonid Kuznetsov, "Periodicals of Mari-El" publishing house, Yoshkar-Ola.[44] Incident not confirmed [?J].
  18. 20 September - Igor Salikov, head of information security at Moskovskij Komsomolets newspaper in Penza. Contract killing [nJ].
  19. 26 September - Roderick (Roddy) Scott, Frontline TV Company, Great Britain. Crossfire [J].
  20. 2 October - Yelena Popova, Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  21. 19 October - Leonid Plotnikov Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  22. 26 October - Tamara Voinova (Stavropol) and Maxim Mikhailov (Kaliningrad), Dubrovka theatre siege ("Nord Ost" show), Moscow. Terrorist Act [nJ].
  23. 21 December - Dmitry Shalayev, Kazan, Tatarstan. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].




  1. 7 January - Vladimir Sukhomlin, Internet journalist and editor, Serbia.ru, Moscow. Homicide. Off-duty police convicted of his murder, not those behind this contract killing [J].
  2. 11 January - Yury Tishkov, sports commentator, Moscow. Contract killing [nJ].
  3. 21 February - Sergei Verbitsky, publisher BNV newspaper. Chita. Homicide [nJ].
  4. 18 April - Dmitry Shvets, TV-21 Northwestern Broadcasting, Murmansk. Deputy director of the independent TV-21 station (Northwestern Broadcasting), he was shot dead outside the TV offices. Shvets' colleagues said the station had received multiple threats for its reporting on influential local politicians. Contract killing [nJ].
  5. 3 July - Yury Shchekochikhin, Novaya gazeta, Moscow. Deputy editor of Novaya gazeta and a Duma deputy since 1993, he died just a few days before his scheduled trip to USA to discuss the results of his journalist investigation with FBI officials. He investigated "Three Whales Corruption Scandal" that allegedly involved high-ranking FSB officials. Shchekochikhin died from an acute allergic reaction. There has been much speculation about cause of his death. Investigation into his death has been opened and closed four times. Homicide [J].
  6. 4 July - Ali Astamirov, France Presse. Went missing in Nazran [?J].
  7. 18 July - Alikhan Guliyev, freelance TV journalist, from Ingushetia. Moscow. Homicide [nJ].
  8. 10 August - Martin Kraus, Dagestan. On way to Chechnya. Homicide [nJ].
  9. 9 October - Alexei Sidorov, Tolyatinskoye Obozreniye, Togliatti. Second editor-in-chief of this local newspaper to be murdered. Predecessor Valery Ivanov shot in April 2002.[42] Homicide. Supposed killer acquitted [?J].
  10. 24 October - Alexei Bakhtin, journalist and businessman, formerly Mariiskaya pravda. Mari El. Homicide [nJ].
  11. 30 October - Yury Bugrov, editor of Provincial Telegraph. Balakovo, Saratov Region. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  12. 25 December - Pyotr Babenko, editor of Liskinskaya gazeta. Liski, Voronezh Region. Homicide [nJ].


  1. 1 February - Yefim Sukhanov, ATK-Media, Archangelsk. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  2. 23 March - Farit Urazbayev,cameraman, Vladivostok TV/Radio Company, Vladivostok. Incident not Confirmed [nJ].
  3. 2 May - Shangysh Mongush, correspondent with Khemchiktin Syldyzy newspaper, Tuva. Homicide [?J].
  4. 9 May - Adlan Khasanov, Reuters reporter, died in Grozny bomb attack that killed Chechen President Ahmed Kadyrov. Terrorist Act [J].
  5. 9 June - Paul Klebnikov, chief editor of newly-established Russian version of Forbes magazine, Moscow. Contract killing, alleged perpetrators put on trial and acquitted. Homicide [J].
  6. 1 July - Maxim Maximov, journalist with Gorod newspaper, St Petersburg. Body not found. Homicide [J].
  7. 10 July - Zoya Ivanova, TV presenter, Buryatia State Television & Radio Company, Ulan Ude, Buryatia. Homicide [nJ].
  8. 17 July - Pail Peloyan, editor of Armyansky Pereulok magazine, Moscow. Homicide [nJ].
  9. 3 August - Vladimir Naumov, nationalist reporter, Cossack author (Russky Vestnik, Zavtra), Moscow Region. Homicide [nJ].
  10. 24 August - Svetlana Shishkina,journalist, Kazan, Tatarstan. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  11. 24 August - Oleg Belozyorov, Moscow-Volgograd flight. Terrorist Act [nJ].
  12. 18 September - Vladimir Pritchin, editor-in-chief of North Baikal TV & Radio Company, Buryatia. Homicide [?J].
  13. 27 September - Jan Travinsky (St Petersburg), in Irkutsk as political activist for election campaign.[47] Homicide. Conviction [nJ].


  1. 23 May - Pavel Makeyev, reporter for TNT-Pulse Company, Rostov-on-Don. Run down while photographing illegal street racing. Incident not Confirmed [?J].
  2. 28 July - Magomed Varisov, political analyst and journalist, shot dead near his home in Makhachkala, Dagestan. He "had received threats, was being followed and had unsuccessfully sought help from the local police" according to Committee to Protect Journalists. Sharia Jamaat claimed responsibility for the murder.[49] Homicide [J].
  3. 31 August - Alexander Pitersky, Baltika Radio reporter, Saint Petersburg. Homicide [?J].
  4. 3 September - Vladimir Pashutin, Smolensky Literator newspaper, Smolensk. Not Confirmed [nJ].
  5. 13 October - Tamirlan Kazikhanov, head of press service for Anti-Terrorist Center of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs's Main Department for the Southern Federal District, Nalchik. Crossfire [J].
  6. 4 November - Kira Lezhneva, reporter with Kamensky rabochii newspaper, Sverdlovsk Region.[50] Homicide. Conviction [nJ].




  1. 8 January - Vagif Kochetkov, newly-appointed Trud correspondent in the region, killed and robbed in Tula. Acquittal [nJ].
  2. 26 February - Ilya Zimin, worked for NTV Russia television channel, killed in Moscow flat. Suspect in Moldova trial. Acquittal [nJ].
  3. 4 May - Oksana Teslo, media worker, Moscow Region. Arson attack on dacha. Homicide [nJ].
  4. 14 May - Oleg Barabyshkin, director of radio station, Chelyabinsk. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  5. 23 May - Vyacheslav Akatov, special reporter, Business Moscow TV show, murdered in Mytyshchi Moscow Region. Killer caught and convicted. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  6. 25 June - Anton Kretenchuk, cameraman, local "Channel 38" TV, killed in Rostov-on-Don. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  7. 25 July - Yevgeny Gerasimenko, journalist with Saratovsky Rasklad newspaper. Murdered in Saratov. Conviction [nJ].
  8. 31 July - Anatoly Kozulin, retired freelance journalist. Ukhta, Komi. Homicide [nJ].
  9. 8 August - Alexander Petrov, editor-in-chief, Right to Choose magazine Omsk, murdered with family while on holiday in Altai Republic. Under-age murderer charged and prosecuted. Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  10. 17 August - Elina Ersenoyeva, reporter for Chechenskoye obshchestvo newspaper. Abducted in Grozny, Chechnya. Missing [?J].
  11. 13 September - Vyacheslav Plotnikov,reporter, local "Channel 41" TV, Voronezh. Incident not Confirmed [nJ].
  12. 7 October - Anna Politkovskaya, commentator with Novaya gazeta, Moscow, shot in her apartment building's elevator;.[52][53][54][55] Four accused in contract killing, acquitted in February 2009 [J].
  13. 16 October - Anatoly Voronin, Itar-TASS news agency, Moscow. Homicide [nJ].
  14. 28 December - Vadim Kuznetsov, editor-in-chief of World & Home. Saint Petersburg magazine, killed in Saint Petersburg. Homicide [nJ].


  1. 14 January - Yury Shebalkin, retired journalist, formerly with Kaliningradskaya pravda. Homicide in Kaliningrad. Conviction [nJ].
  2. 20 January - Konstantin Borovko,presenter of "Gubernia" TV company (in russo "Губерния"?), killed in Khabarovsk.[57] Homicide. Conviction [nJ].
  3. 2 March - Ivan Safronov, military columnist of Kommersant newspaper. Died in Moscow, cause of death disputed.[58][59] Incident not Confirmed. Investigation under Incitement to Suicide (Article 110) [?J].
  4. 15 March - Leonid Etkind, director at Karyera newspaper. Abduction and homicide in Vodnik, Saratov Region. Conviction [nJ].
  5. 5 April - Vyacheslav Ifanov, Novoye televidenie Aleiska, cameraman. Previously attacked by local military. Aleisk, Altai. Incident not Confirmed [?J].
  • Marina Pisareva, deputy head of Russian office of German media group Bertelsmann was found dead at her country cottage outside Moscow in April[60][61]


(Putin's final months as president)

  1. 8 February - Yelena Shestakova, former journalist, St Petersburg. Killer sent to psychiatric prison. Homicide [nJ].
  2. 21 March - Gadji Abashilov, chief of Dagestan State TV & Radio Company VGTRK, shot in his car in Makhachkala. Homicide [?J].
  3. 21 March - Ilyas Shurpayev, Dagestani journalist covering Caucasus on Channel One, was strangled with a belt by robbers in Moscow.[62][63] Alleged killers tracked to Tajikistan and convicted there of his murder. Homicide [?J].

The Medvedev presidency





  1. 31 August - Magomed Yevloyev, Ingush oppositionist, founder of Ingushetiya.ru, Moscow-based lawyer, shot on return to country while in custody of Ingush police officers.[65][66][67] Killer convicted of negligent homicide, sentence subsequently mitigated. Homicide. Conviction [J].
  2. 2 September - Abdulla Alishayev, (aka Telman Alishayev), TV presenter on Muslim channel, shot dead in car, Makhachkala.[68] Homicide [J].


  1. 4 January - Shafig Amrakhov, Murmansk, shot in stairwell entrance in late December 2008. Homicide [nJ].
  2. 4 January - Vladislav Zakharchuk, manager with Arsenyevskie vesti newspaper, Vladivostok. Arson suggested cause of death. Incident not Confirmed [?J].
  3. 19 January - Anastasia Baburova, Novaya gazeta, Moscow.On 19 January Stanislav Markelov, lawyer for Novaya gazeta, anti-fascist activist and opponent of human rights abuses in Chechnya, was shot and killed in the centre of Moscow.[70] With him died Anastasia Baburova a trainee reporter with Novaya Gazeta, and a fellow anti-fascist activist.[71][72] In early November 2009 a man and a woman were arrested for the killing.[73] Homicide [J].
  4. 30 March - Sergei Protazanov, layout artist with Grazhdanskoye soglasie newspaper, Khimki nr. Moscow. Link to work questioned. Incident not Confirmed [nJ].
  5. 29 June - Vyacheslav Yaroshenko, chief editor of Corruption and Criminality newspaper, Volgograd. Cause of death remains unclear. Incident not Confirmed [?J].
  6. 15 July - Natalia Estemirova,[74] a human rights activist with Memorial, who worked with journalists from Novaya gazeta, especially Anna Politkovskaya, and occasionally published in the newspaper herself, having been a TV reporter pre-1999. After years of investigating murders and kidnapping in Chechnya Estemirova was herself abducted that morning in Grozny and found, shot dead, by the roadside several hours later in neighbouring Ingushetia.[75] Homicide [J].
  7. 11 August - Malik Akhmedilov,[76] deputy chief editor of the Avar language newspaper Khakikat (Truth), was found shot dead near the Dagestan capital Makhachkala. Homicide [?J].
  8. 25 October - Maksharip Aushev was shot dead in Nalchik, capital of Kabardino-Balkaria.[77] When Magomed Yevloyev gave up running Ingushetia.ru, and his replacement (Rosa Malsagova) had to flee abroad to escape threats and harassment, Aushev ran the successor website Ingushetia.org. Link to past or present work unclear. Homicide [?J].
  9. 16 November - Olga Kotovskaya, Kaskad radio & TV company, Kaliningrad. Fall from height? Incident not Confirmed. Investigation under "Incitement to suicide" (Article 110) [?J].


  1. 20 January - Konstantin Popov died from a beating received a fortnight earlier by Russian police, in a detoxification centre for drunk and disorderly.[79] 26-year-old police sergeant charged with his killing. Homicide [nJ].
  2. 23 February - Journalist Ivan Stepanov was murdered at his dacha.[80] Homicide [nJ].
  3. 20 March - Maxim Zuyev was found murdered in a Kaliningrad flat he was renting. Seven years earlier he was interrogated by the city's police for publishing an anonymous letter alleging corruption among high-ranking police officers in the enclave.[81][82][83][84] "Crime solved", says Investigative Committee [?J].
  4. 5 May - Shamil Aliyev, founder of radio stations, director of local TV, showbiz impresario, Makhachkala, Dagestan.[85] Homicide [?J]
  5. 13 May - Said Magomedov, director of local television station, Sergokalinsky district, Dagestan. Shot dead when travelling with repairmen to restore sabotaged TV transmitter. Terrorist act [J].
  6. 25 June - Dmitry Okkert, Moscow. A presenter with the Expert TV channel, Okkert was found stabbed to death in his own apartment. The director of the Expert media holding, Valery Fadeyev, does not believe that the brutal killing of his colleague was linked to his journalistic activities. Homicide [?J].
  7. 25 July - Bella Ksalova, Cherkessk. A correspondent for the Caucasian Knot website and news agency, Ksalova died after being hit by a car on the street where she lived. Not confirmed [?J]
  8. 1 August - Malika Betiyeva, Grozny-Shatoi highway. The deputy chief editor of Molodyozhnaya smena, and Chechnya correspondent of the "Dosh" (Word) magazine, died with four of her immediate family in a car crash. Not confirmed [?J]
  9. 11 August - Magomed Sultanmagomedov, Makhachkala. The director of the "Makhachkala TV" station was assassinated in the Dagestan capital when his vehicle came under gunfire [?J]


  1. 15 December - Gadzhimurat Kamalov, Makhachkala. Investigative reporter - shoot eight times outside his paper's offices.[86]


  1. ^ Czar Putin, CNN.
  2. ^ JOURNALISTS IN RUSSIA, Deaths and Disappearances: An online database IFJ. Still under completion, October 2009.
  3. ^ ЖУРНАЛИСТЫ В РОССИИ. Смерти и исчезновения. База данных Международная федерация журналистов.
  4. ^ PARTIAL JUSTICE: An inquiry into the deaths of journalists in Russia, 1993-2009, IFJ: Brussels, June 2009.
  5. ^ ЧАСТИЧНОЕ ПРАВОСУДИЕ. Исследование смертей журналистов в России, 1993-2009. Международная федерация журналистов.
  6. ^ JOURNALISTS IN RUSSIA, Deaths and disappearances: An online database, IFJ: Brussels
  7. ^ ЖУРНАЛИСТЫ В РОССИИ. Смерти и исчезновения. База данных. МФЖ, Брюссель
  8. ^ Gabriele Krone-Schmalz, "Press freedom", in Was passiert in Russland? F.A. Herbig: Munich, 2008 (4th edn.), pp. 81-98 (in German).
  9. ^ Errore nelle note: Errore nell'uso del marcatore <ref>: non è stato indicato alcun testo per il marcatore PARTIAL JUSTICE, June 2009
  10. ^ http://www.gdf.ru/murdered_journalists/list/1992
  11. ^ http://journalists-in-russia.org/journalists/index/date:1993
  12. ^ a b c d e http://www.gdf.ru/murdered_journalists/list/1993
  13. ^ http://journalists-in-russia.org/journalists/index/date:1994
  14. ^ Journalists in Russia, An online database, Dubov
  15. ^ Journalists in Russia, Aidzerdzis
  16. ^ Journalists in Russia, Soltys
  17. ^ Journalists in Russia, Zhuravlyova
  18. ^ Journalists in Russia, Roshchina
  19. ^ See case study in PARTIAL JUSTICE, IFJ: Brussels, June 2009, pp. 29-31
  20. ^ JOURNALISTS IN RUSSIA, An online database, "1994 crossfire deaths"
  21. ^ http://www.journalists-in-russia.org/journalists/index/date:1995
  22. ^ Journalists in Russia, An online database, Shabalin
  23. ^ Journalists in Russia, Konovalenko
  24. ^ Journalists in Russia, Alyakina
  25. ^ Journalists in Russia, Litvinov
  26. ^ Journalists in Russia, Zvaltsev
  27. ^ Journalists in Russia, Alferyev
  28. ^ http://www.journalists-in-russia.org/journalists/index/date:1996
  29. ^ a b c d e f g h i j . [1]
  30. ^ Убийства в Москве // Коммерсантъ, 28 февраля 1996
  31. ^ a b c d "Журналисты, погибшие в Чечне" Kommersant. 21 December 1999. Retrieved 4 July 2009.
  32. ^ Убита обозреватель «Общей газеты» // Коммерсантъ, 13 апреля 1996
  33. ^ В Чечне убит журналист // Коммерсантъ, 20 апреля 1996
  34. ^ http://journalists-in-russia.org/journalists/index/page:1/date:1997
  35. ^ JOURNALISTS IN RUSSIA, "1998 homicides"
  36. ^ Journalists in Russia database, 1999 deaths
  37. ^ http://journalists-in-russia.org/journalists/index/date:2000
  38. ^ in russo Погибшие журналисты - 2000? Glasnost Defence Foundation
  39. ^ Journalist Murdered In Moscow, su cpj.org, Committee to Protect Journalists, 2000. URL consultato il =10 March 2008.
  40. ^ Journalists Killed in Russia 2000-2003, su cpj.org, Prague Watchdog, 2003. URL consultato il =25 January 2009.
  41. ^ http://journalists-in-russia.org/journalists/index/date:2001
  42. ^ a b c d Partial Justice
  43. ^ http://journalists-in-russia.org/journalists/index/date:2002
  44. ^ in russo Погибшие журналисты - 2002? Glasnost Defence Foundation
  45. ^ http://journalists-in-russia.org/journalists/index/date:2003
  46. ^ http://journalists-in-russia.org/journalists/index/date:2004
  47. ^ in russo Погибшие журналисты - 2004? Glasnost Defence Foundation
  48. ^ http://journalists-in-russia.org/journalists/index/date:2005
  50. ^ in russo Погибшие журналисты - 2005? Glasnost Defence Foundation
  51. ^ http://journalists-in-russia.org/journalists/index/page:2/date:2006
  52. ^ Chechen war reporter found dead BBC
  53. ^ Agent unknown (Russian) Novaya Gazeta
  54. ^ Anna Politkovskaya The Guardian
  55. ^ in russo Погибшие журналисты - 2006? Glasnost Defence Foundation
  56. ^ http://journalists-in-russia.org/journalists/index/date:2007
  57. ^ Errore nelle note: Errore nell'uso del marcatore <ref>: non è stato indicato alcun testo per il marcatore gazeta.ru
  58. ^ in russo Погибшие журналисты - 2007? Glasnost Defence Foundation
  59. ^ 'Russian arms' journalist buried, in BBC News, 7 marzo 2007. URL consultato l'8 maggio 2010.
  60. ^ Bertelsmann manager 'murdered in Russia', in The Age, 16 July 2007.
  61. ^ [2]
  62. ^ http://www.newsru.com/russia/21mar2008/shurpaev.html (Russian)
  63. ^ Шурпаев, Ильяс (Лентапедия) (Russian)
  64. ^ http://journalists-in-russia.org/journalists/index/date:2008
  65. ^ Ingushetia website owner killed, BBC News, 31 August 2008
  66. ^ Kremlin critic found dead, The Australian, 31 August 2008
  67. ^ Deputy says Russian police kill Web site owner, Associated Press, 31 August 2008
  68. ^ Journalist in Russia's Dagestan killed. Reuters. 2008-09-03.
  69. ^ http://journalists-in-russia.org/journalists/index/date:2009
  70. ^ В центре Москве убиты адвокат Станислав Маркелов и журналист «Новой газеты» Анастасия Бабурова // Novaya Gazeta (Russian)
  71. ^ add NG reports in English//
  72. ^ James Rodgers, Murder of lawyer shocks Russians, in BBC News, 20 gennaio 2009. URL consultato l'8 maggio 2010.
  73. ^ //
  74. ^ (RU) newsru.com, July 15, 2009
  75. ^ timesonline.com
  76. ^ reuters.com
  77. ^ // JOURNALISTS IN RUSSIA, An online database, Aushev
  78. ^ http://journalists-in-russia.org/journalists/index/date:2010
  79. ^ Steve Gutterman, Russian journalist dies after police beating: A Russian journalist died after being beaten in police custody, authorities and colleagues said, deepening concern about [[police abuses]] after a string of scandals involving violence and corruption, su theglobeandmail.com, AP/Globe and Mail, 20 gennaio 2010. Wikilink compreso nell'URL del titolo (aiuto)
  80. ^ Journalists in Russia database, Stepanov
  81. ^ Органы вгрызаются в Сеть, Женя Снежкина, November 11, 2003
  82. ^ Пресс-релиз Главного управления МВД России по Северо-Западному федеральному округу, Ministry of Internal Affairs, November 14, 2003
  83. ^ «На меня клевещут те, кому не нравится порядок», an interview with the head of the regional department of Ministry of Internal Affairs Sergei Kirichenko, by Andrei Zabelkin, October 18, 2003
  84. ^ Зуев Макс
  85. ^ http://www.gdf.ru/digest/item/1/735
  86. ^ Investigative journalist shot dead in Russian province, Telegraph, retrieved 16/12/2011