Utente:Murenz/Inside the Actors Studio

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Template:Infobox television Inside the Actors Studio è un show del canale televisivo americano Bravo TV channel cable television , condotto da James Lipton. Prodotto e diretto da Jeff Wurtz; il produttore esecutivo è James Lipton.Il programma, che inizia nel 1994, è distribuito a livello internazionale dalla CABLEready e distribuito in 125 nazioni in tutto il mondo ed in 89 milioni di case.[1] Attualmente è trasmesso dalla Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts alla Pace University's presso New York City. [2][3][4]

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Il Programma

James Lipton

Il programma nasce come seminario televisivo per gli studenti della Actors Studio Drama School, originariamente una collaborazione fra l'Actors Studio and la New School University nel 1994, con Paul Newman, un ex presidente dell'Actors Studio come primo ospite, e presto divenne il programma piu seguito della Bravo.[2] La prima registrazione fu presso l'auditorium della Tishman in Greenwich Village, New York City,poi a qualche isolato di distanza dall' Actors Studio's nel teatro del distretto di Manhattan, spostandosi poi presso la sede odierna ovvero il Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts presso il campo della Pace University a New York City.

Lo show durante le interviste usa deliberatamente un ritmo lento rispetto alle tipiche interviste alle celebrità, così le telecamente registrano alla fine un paio di ore di conversazione, editato successivamente e ridotte ad una, un trucco usato già da Groucho Marx nel suo quiz show del 1950 You Bet Your Life .Il risultato, come scrisse un articolo del News York Times, "Nella dell'ospite di Mr. Lipton, gli attori cessano di essere delle stesse e diventano artisti ed insegnanti" Anche se a volte alcune intervisti finivano per essere troppo lunghe; La visita di Steven Spielberg nel 1999, per esempio, durò per quattro ore, e fu successivamente mandata in onda in due episodi ognuno di un ora circa.Le interviste sono guidate dalle domande di Lipton divenute un suo marchi di fabbrica. Domande legate ai dettagli della vita degli ospiti grazie alle riceche di Lipton. Spesso soprendenti. In una occasione Billy Crystal disse a Lipton, "Tu sai di essere spaventoso?"[2][3]

In May 2005, the contract between the Actors Studio and New School University was not renewed. Beginning with the twelfth season, in the fall of 2005, the program has been taped at the Michael Schimmel Center for the Arts at Pace University's New York City campus. The show now has a new set with a gritty backstage feel, designed by Will Rothfuss for Blair Broadcast Designs, and The Actors Studio Drama School at Pace University has re-opened in new facilities.

Since its premiere, Inside the Actors Studio has had over 200 guests, with Dustin Hoffman being the 200th guest in June 2006.[5] Of those guests, the very first having been Paul Newman, were succeeded by 74 Academy Award winners: 8 directors; four screenwriters; 61 actors and actresses; and two musicians. For its 200th show, James Lipton became the guest subject of the show. He was questioned by Dave Chappelle whom James picked personally. The show ended with Pace University provost announcing that the college is sponsoring a scholarship in Chappelle's name to his high school alma mater. Based on the show, James Lipton published a book titled "Inside Inside" in 2007.[1]

Reviewing the show, the Sunday Times TV critic said: "The format is simple and idiotically inspired. The Actors Studio is the New York drama school made famous by Stanislavsky and his method (although the series is now filmed elsewhere). These shows are thinly set-up masterclasses for students. The clever­ness is in the vanity it allows the guests, who are the very greatest and most self-regarding performers and creators of theatre and film. People who are too grand to talk to anyone will talk to Inside the Actors Studio. They believe they’re giving something back, offering precious pearls of insight to a new generation. And who doesn’t look good passing it on to adoring students? In truth, it’s just a chat show on satellite, but the veil of education and posterity is held decorously high, so everybody turns up and talks with a smile." [6]

While most of the show is a one-on-one interview conducted by Lipton, this is followed by the host submitting a questionnaire to the guest. The questionnaire concept was originated by French television personality Bernard Pivot on his show Apostrophes, after the Questionario di Proust. The ten questions Lipton asks are:

  1. What is your favorite word?
  2. What is your least favorite word?
  3. What turns you on?
  4. What turns you off?
  5. What sound or noise do you love?
  6. What sound or noise do you hate?
  7. What is your favorite curse word?
  8. What profession other than your own would you like to attempt?
  9. What profession would you not like to do?
  10. If heaven exists, what would you like to hear God say when you arrive at the pearly gates?

The program usually concludes with a question-and-answer session with the students.

In France, the show has been broadcast since 1999 on Paris Première, with French subtitles.[7]

La lista degli ospti in ordine alfabetico.

Note sul cast
  1. ^ Bradley Cooper è il primo ospite ad essere stato uno studente proprio dell' Actors Studio.
  2. ^ Kiefer Sutherland fu il primo ospite parente di un altro attore che era stato anche lui invitato molto prima all'Actor Studio (il padre Donald Sutherland).

Ospiti insieme


Insuccessi e successi


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